I am sorry. I am inclined to believe you. I am pretty sure I was wrong and that you are trying to run a stright business. I would edit my post from earlier but I can't, the site lock aution post.
I do however believe that the site is misleading. When it show that you got 80% off of an item, but over double the retail was spent on bids and some people spent money and got nothing. I think the site some be concidered a gambling site not a auction site. I may actully take your advice and try listing something in the future, but the idea that new users could be mislead is worrying to me, I think the true cost of items should be posted somewhere.
In short, I am sorry you are no crook, I was wrong.
I appreciate that, and you do have a good point that we haven't done the best job at correctly marketing the site. I think this is because most of my marketing is to traditional penny auction users that are very familiar with the pros and cons of penny auctions; the way these sites work is not as well known in the bitcoin community.
One reason that I created the site like it is was because I think penny auctions are fun but I don't want users leaving the site feeling like they got ripped off. I'm glad you only spent 1 dollar, some people (on other sites) loose 100s or 1000s of dollars and get nothing back. I absolutely do not want my site to function like this.
If you have a spare dollar here or there, I thinks it's a fun game. It you don't have any money to spare, just post something to earn credits and play.
And as I said, I'd much rather have sellers than bidders. Most of the bidders that I have come from the penny auction communities and they love bidding rather than posting.
Finally I would say the penny auctions is more of a skill based game than gambling because there are better bidders than others and strategies you can use to increase your chances of winning.