
Topic: [Auto Buy ] AWS Educate Starter Account with 75$ credit (Read 131 times)

Activity: 8
Merit: 0
    What AWS services can I use in my Starter Account?
    ou can use the following services in your Starter Account: apigateway, athena, cloud9, cloudformation, cloudfront, cloudtrail, cloudwatch, codecommit, codedeploy, codepipeline, cognito-identity, cognito-idp, cognito-sync, comprehend, deeplens, dynamodb, ec2, ecs, elasticache, elasticfilesystem, elasticloadbalancing, elasticmapreduce, events, execute-api, glue, iam, inspector, iot, kinesis, kinesisanalytics, firehose, kms, lambda, lex, logs, machinelearning, mobilehub, opsworks, polly, rds, rekognition, route53 (other than domain name purchasing), s3, sns, sqs, swf, sagemaker, translate, transcribe

  •     Value :  75$
        Time  :  one year
        Expiration Date: 28 june 2020
        **NO Need To Vcc
        Price : 20$ 

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