$100 AWS Educate Starter Account, no credit card needed.
Price: $15 each
Purchase Link:
https://leonsnow.atshop.io/ AWS Educate Starter Account comes with $100 credit, no credit card needed. Just log in and use it.
AWS Educate Starter Account is not a normal AWS account, it is maintained by 3rd party. So the login process is different, and the service is the same as the normal AWS account.
This item "AWS Educate Starter Account" is not AWS coupon/credit code. It is an account.
[email protected]Skype: [live:leonsnow_3](
Telegram: [@hmobile2000](
AWS Educate Starter Account site is a third party site managed by Vocareum, Inc. (“Third Party Servicer”). In addition to the AWS Educate terms of service, your use of the AWS Educate Starter Account is governed by the Third Party Servicer’s terms, including its Privacy Policy. AWS assumes no responsibility or liability and makes no representations or warranties regarding services provided by a Third Party Servicer.
Official AWS document, AWS Services Supported with AWS Educate Starter Account
https://s3.amazonaws.com/awseducate-starter-account-services/AWS_Educate_Starter_Accounts_and_AWS_Services.pdfAmazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) support of AWS Educate Starter Account
* Supported Instance Types: t2.small, t2.micro, t2.nano, m4.large, c4.large, c5.large,m5.large, t2.medium, m4.xlarge, c4.xlarge, c5.xlarge, t2.2xlarge, m5.2xlarge, t2.large, t2.xlarge, m5.xlarge
* No Spot Instances supported
* No Reserved Instances purchases supported
* No NAT Gateway, VPN Gateways, VPN Connections or Customer Gateways supported
* No Marketplace EC2 supported
* No Scheduled EC2 instances supported
* No Spot Fleet supported
Region limitation:
* All services are only supported in us-east-1(Virginia) region. Note that even if a service says “all features supported”, IAM restrictions apply on all services.
Steps for how to start using AWS EDUCATE STARTER ACCOUNT:
1 Log into AWS educate site with the information you got from store, password and email
https://www.awseducate.com/signin/SiteLogin2 Choose "AWS Account", it is in the upper right corner of the web page after login
3 Click "AWS Educate Starter Account" orange button
4 Use your AWS Educate Starter Account to access the AWS Console and resources, make sure to follow Terms and Conditions of Vocareum, Inc., and AWS Educate terms of service.
Terms of Service:
1 No password change support, please do not try to change the password. Just keep your AWS services access right private, then your AWS services are only accessible to you. And one account is only for one person. So there is no need to change the password.
2 No more support after the successful account login.
3 Make sure to follow Terms and Conditions of Vocareum, Inc., and AWS Educate terms of service. There is no support after the account being disabled.
#1 How can I get the codes after payment on the store? Is it an automatic delivery? Or do I need to contact you after that? Is it an instant delivery?
The new ATShop store delivers the order via the web page and via email. Generally, the codes will be sent to you via the order web page automatically after the successful payment.
For PayPal payment, the delivery is instant and automatic for a successful payment if the payment passes the ATShop fraud prevention system. Or else the order needs my review. Please be patient in this case.
For cryptocurrencies, crypto transaction confirmation is needed to be completed first for a successful crypto payment. Then the order will be delivered automatically.
The Purchase Confirmation email will be sent from "
[email protected]".
Add Email address "
[email protected]" to your contacts, this will help sometimes. This email address is for the Purchase Confirmation email delivery.
For a Gmail box, do not forget to check the Gmail Promotions Tab and spam folder.
#2 What's the difference between a regular AWS account and an AWS Educate Starter Account?
AWS Educate Starter Accounts are managed by a third party (Vocareum). Starter Accounts are subject to a separate agreement between you and Vocareum under separate terms and conditions.
You don't need a credit card to use a Starter Account, because free AWS Educate promotional credits are already available on the account. When you exhaust the balance on the account, the account is closed, and any running services or other resources on the account are lost.
Note: Starter Accounts can use only some AWS services.
https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/educate-starter-account/?nc1=h_ls#3 What do I get from the purchase?
You will get a password and email. Then use this 2 information to start using AWS Educate Starter Account. There is a $100 credit in it. This item "AWS Educate Starter Account" is not AWS coupon/credit code. It is an account.
#4 Do I get an Email account from this purchase too?
No. There is no password for the email account provided. The given password is only for AWS Educate Starter Account only. So please do not try to change the password of the AWS Educate Starter Account.
Purchase Link: