A bit of an update:
Downloaded AutoIT and compiled AOCLBF myself but needed an include called _processlistfunctions.au3.
After some googling, found the source and put it inside the Includes folder (under the AutoIT directory).
Here's the link for those who need it.
http://sites.google.com/site/ascend4ntscode/processfunctionsAfter doing that, compiled the 1.71 version without the X64 tick box and got a new error
Line 7912 (File "C:\aoclbf\aoclbf.exe"):
Error: Array variable subscript badly formatted.
Tried this with the X64 (which is apparantley broken since v1.4) and got this error message
Line 7832 (File "C:\aoclbf\aoclbf.exe"):
Error: Subscript used with non-Array variable.
So, still no luck but maybe someone else out there has a solution.