Due to popular demand, we have changed our website currency to deal in USD only. As a result, we have also switched the exchange which we use to provide Bitcoin services.
What does this mean for you?
Primarily, it means lower fees. If you have USD in your Paypal account, you will benefit greatly from this.
What are the fee changes?
Here are all of the places where the fees have changed:
Paypal Currency Conversion
As I am typing this, Paypal offers a USD to NZD rate of 1 USD to 1.41522 NZD. According to google, the real market rate is 1.47590584. Since you don't need to do this conversion any more, you will save 4.2% in currency conversion fees!
Paypal Processing Fees
While I was operating in NZD, Paypal charged me 3.9% + 0.45 NZD. Now that I have switched to USD, Paypal is charging me 3.4% + 0.3 USD. I'm passing all of these savings on to you, meaning you save another 0.5%.
Market Spread
Independent Reserve had very large spreads (difference in Buy Price and Sell Price). Right now their prices are 671 NZD (sell) and 684.99 (buy). This is a spread of 2%! Meaning if you purchased at this exchange, then sold for USD at MTV, you would lose 2% instantly. BitFinex (the new exchange) has rates of 457.38 (USD) Buy 457.28 (USD) Sell, a spread of just 0.02%. If you are depositing into MTV, you could be paying up to 1.9% less! Otherwise this should easily save you another 0.8%
Exchange Fees
Our new exchange only charges us 0.2% per transaction, instead of 0.5% which Independent Reserve charged us. This allows us to lower some of our fees. We have lowered our sell fee to just 0.05%, saving you another 0.35%.
Maximum Total Savings: 6.6% in Fees
Total Discount (relative to previous fees): up to 41%
What else has changed?
We have converted all of our affiliate balances into USD. We have used the current market rate to convert the currencies, and then we have given you an extra 15% to compensate for this conversion.
These are all estimations, but they should be pretty close to reality. I would love to hear the results of our new exchange process.
Buy and Sell Bitcoins via Paypal
Good day to you.
I just sent you my bitcoin balance to be converted into FIAT currency to PayPal
I sent it to this address:
Here is the BlockChain Info:
I sincerely hope that I get the money in my PayPal account ...
because the BitCoin community is seriously getting tired of scam artists
messing up a good thing.
There has now been over 16 Confirmations of this Transaction:
What's going on?
Should there not be a payout to my PayPal account by now?
Hey man! Sorry, we don't check here for support reasons.
Unfortauntely, Paypal did suspend our account and we made every effort to contact customers and refund them. Can I ask if you have received a refund?
If you haven't we will do everything we can to rectify this situtation!