I'm the developer of the classic Bitcoin Can app (
https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/bitcoin-can/9nblggh22hz9). I'm currently working on a new trading proxy product, think of it as a trading bot harness.
At this early stage, I'm looking for cryptocurrency day traders that are interested in a streamlined automated trading experience. I need your feedback on the kind of features that you think would be useful. In return, you will get early access to the product before public release along with the opportunity to shape it (and bragging rights of course if it ends up being good). Hopefully, you will be able to make better trades using this product.
I am looking for traders that:
1. Know what they are doing. As in, you are actually making profits from your trades overall.
2. Currently trade on GDAX.
3. Use an iPhone or a Windows 10 PC.
4. Can keep the details of the product secret until its public announcement.
You do not need any scripting experience, nor do you need to share any information about yourself or buy anything of any sort.
This is not an advertisement, so I'm not sharing specifics publicly for now. I'm also not looking for public feedback or suggestions at this time.
If you are interested in taking part of this and contributing your ideas, please send me a private message and we will discuss the specifics.