Bill gator speaks from a position of unchecked privilege and everything he has said has been through a lens that disregards the struggles of the vast majority of people on this planet. He is clearly part of the global 1% as most people on this board are and its really unfortunate how none of the 1% can see the flaws in a system that fails 99% of the planet simply because it serves them well.
I'm failing to see how a couple thousand dollars and a bad credit score is unattainable, by just working the hours to pay your bills at a shitty job until you can make something more of yourself.
I've seen the bottom and if you're talking about America, then you're just wrong or lazy.
You are vastly out of touch. Many people can't even afford the basic necessities to survive from month to month and here you are talking about how easy it is to save thousands of dollars. Many people would need thousands of dollars just to stay afloat and are a one paycheck's worth crisis away from disaster.
Wealth in general is reaching levels that haven't been seen before. There is less people in poverty in the world than ever before and we are pulling people out of poverty at rates even the most optimistic economist couldn't dream of.
It's not as though there is 100 units of wealth to distribute and thus these people having more means it is robbing the poor of their fair share. Rather wealth is created, not fixed and finite.
Most of the new wealth is going to the top. Capitalism requires money to make money. The few people at the top are obtaining a higher and higher percentage of total wealth each year. help me understand how it is greedy of me to believe that someone that has accumulated wealth through an abundance of consensual market transactions is entitled to consent to which transactions they put their earnings towards.
They aren''t truly consensual if coercion is involved. If we had a system of UBI where people who were unwilling to work still got paid, we could have labor marketplace that was actually consensual. "Work for me at this price or starve" is not a consensual transaction and this is why capitalists hate UBI or any poverty alleviation that doesn't involve their theft of labor.
The root of the problem is envy, poor money-management and laziness, if we're referring to most people being unable to afford things in America.
Money management has nothing to do with people who aren't earning a livable wage to begin with.
Someone can be good at something (like making money) and that's okay. We let Wayne Gretzky play Hockey for all those years. It is not the fault of the successful that others are not.
Well we are saying that being good at stealing from others, tricking others or coercing others, is not okay. Hockey is entertainment. No one looks forward to seeing how much Bezos steals off his workers' paychecks.
Besides, these billionaires you keep referring to are doing more to provide people with jobs and security than you.
This is just a "might is right" argument
Some people inherit wealth and are lucky, but if they have poor money-management skills then guess where they're going to end up?
This is wrong and is a myth rooted in people not understanding the vast difference between a million and a billion
Imagine someone gave you a million dollars and told you to spend $1,000 every day and come back when you ran out of money. You would return, with no money left, in three years. If someone then gave you a billion dollars and you spent $1,000 each day, you would be spending for about 2,740 years before you went broke.
One bad 1000 dollar day can actually ruin a normal working-class person's entire life.
Also on earning money from money;Donald Trump, for example, has been terrible at managing money but also grew his fortune largely because he had one to begin with. Making money with money is pretty foolproof under capitalism, especially during his era.