My English is not so good, but EVEN I can't read this kind of text:
Just one "?", maybe you can use some punctuation?
Or you just have some kind of diarrhea, that words just come in bunch?
And as answer to your question:
Avalon Asic Chips make 256 mh/s without overclocking. Currently best overclocking was done by Burnin(450 MH/s). Cost - in GroupBuys: 0,086 Bitcoins Availability: Easy. Currently shipped: Only Zefirs batch 1, as i know. Totally ordered about 1million chips and only 10k delivered.
Look for SebastianJu:s groupbuy thread, there is link to topic with all devs with boards.
ButterFlyLabs Asic Chips - FORGET THEM. BFL is cursed place.
BitFury Asic chips. Currently best chips. 1 chip does about 3,5 Ghash/s as i remember. Power usage is about 10 times lower than Avalon Asic Chips.
You can find info by using forum search.