xD What is up with this hate. Disagree with people = kill the dog [inb4 cow references]. We were given the choice to 100% refund b3 or not, some of us chose not and lost out of it. Why is that his fault?
No I do not, have not, and will never have a B1. I didn't even have original B2/B3 orders.
No I am not Yifu, no I am not chinese, no I am not doing drugs - my opinion simply differs.
tldr: We were given a free, open market. We made decisions knowing the risks, some of us (including ME) lost from those decisions. Maybe its the norm to blame/sue in US culture (I know must of you aren't US anyway), but there doesn't always have to be a scapegoat. Sometimes our investments don't always work out.
You really must live a peaceful live. Though i hope your behaviour means not you are used by others that exploit this. Its a bit strange to me that you dont see the errors that were done. I know many others blame everything on others but you seems to be on the opposite of the scale. No one is guilty its fate... or so.
I actually rage a hell of a lot, and I'm vicious if you legally cross me without good reason. But, in this case I just don't see any other scenario other than 'shit happened', we all lose. Unless someone can conclusively prove that chips were used to hash/purposely delayed, it just doesn't make anything he did criminal.
Why would he
purposely want to delay chips to devalue them, have way more refunds and unhappy customers? It simply wouldn't make sense.
Per your explanation I'd like shit to happen on your plate - irrelevant of circumstance or issue because clearly shit needs to happen on your plate, not on someone else's, for you to 'rage a hell a lot'. I'm curious whether said shit is to be served 'on purpose' or 'be incidental'? 'Without good reason' ... do you really take people as fools with regards to such empty and subjective words?
This is not about whether he did something criminal intentionally or not. Shit happens - everyone understands that. This is more about making a promise, failing to deliver on said promise, and keeping the community in the dark with respect to said promise and, as far as everyone is concerned, deceiving the community by a lack of communication. Furthermore, this is about him making decisions that treat his customers unprofessionally.
As far as I'm concerned I won't be doing any business with Avalon utilizing bitcoin. Absolutely not. You'd need to torture me indefinitely to make such a decision again.
P.S. If there's an ignore list and I bother figuring out the time how to use it then you've been put on said list. You're a hypocrite.
And the clauses dealing with if a delay occurs? None? Ah yes. You should be happy with the offered 100% refunds.
Are you really that obtuse?