Hello BitcoinTalk!
I came here, because I guess this is the best place to find solution for my problem!
I have 2 Avalon Nano 3.6GH/s USB Miner, my OS is Win7, and want to use BFGminer (I read that this is the easiest way and read somewhere that they don't want work with cgminer)
I don't want to use the original GUI, because that GUI is chinese, I don't understand it, and it creates an "Avalon Services" app, what is run with windows boot and somehow uses a lot of CPU and memory.. so no I just don't want to use that.
So the situation is the next... I made them work, but they only want to work individually. Here's my settings for them:
bfgminer.exe -S ICA:\\.\COM3 -S ICA:\\.\COM4 -o pool stuff -O login stuff --set-device ICA:baud=115200 --set-device ICA:reopen=timeout --set-device ICA:work_division=1 --set-device ICA:fpga_count=1 --set-device ICA:probe_timeout=100 --set-device ICA:timing=0.22 --api-listen 2>log
If I point the BFGminer directly to these COMs then the BFGminer think about like 2 minutes and give me this screen:
http://kepfeltoltes.hu/150214/736150235Avalon_2_www.kepfeltoltes.hu_.png (yea I know "all pools are dead" it says but it works). The log says this: Started bfgminer 5.0.0
[2015-02-14 05:20:05] Found ICA 0 at \\.\COM3
[2015-02-14 05:21:48] Found ICA 1 at \\.\COM4 -> but as you can see it doesn't hash
If I use "-S all" in the settings then the BFGminer thinks about 2 minutes at the start and the device works what I used the last time! (so if I tried to use COM3 then COM3 will work, and the same goes for COM4)... if I switch the devices place then it also work like a dream, so the devices are good, I tried to place device 2 (COM4) to somewhere else via a USB cable, it changed to COM6 it's ok, but then the problem comes up what I wrote above.
Log for "-S all" option: Started bfgminer 5.0.0
[2015-02-14 06:31:13] Found ICA 0 at \\.\COM4
[2015-02-14 06:33:01] ModMiner detect: no response to version request from \\.\COM3
For example I tried only run COM4 worked like a dream, then "-S all" and here above you can see only working what I used last time succesfully, in this example COM4
I tried to use one more instace of BFGminer, but I have several problems with that... then there's an api problem and tries to reconnect every 30 seconds (I'm missing something here) and then in the 1st instance of BFGminer's hashrate just drop lower and lower like to 10% of the original hash speed, and anyway what if I want to use like 10 Avalon Nano in the future? I can't run 10 BFGminer