He could be doing just that. Busting ass to ship 300 units by the 10th correctly.
I can only hope.
Ship all units for great justice.
It won't happen... We will see batch 2 mid April.
I don't think to be pessimist, why do everyone here think they will become rich fast? (Irony!)
Just like I don't know, you don't either. So why not just wait and see what happens rather and throwing salt over and over again?
Acting like everyone else doesn't mean you "have" to complain. I have a large order as well, so we are in the same boat. Not point this at you, but much of the discontent is partly to do with where bitcoin prices are at the the profits people expect. Its just greed coming out in another way. You are just going to have to sit and wait and when it arrives, you can gauge you performance based on the risk you took. Just accept it and move on until new information comes in.
I actually do, I have no problems with that at all.
If you want a point I argue people that think will receive their batch 2 order on the 15 of march
Who thinks that? If you are reading what has been said, that is the earliest shipping date for Batch #2 plus you have ship time. You just need to point that out.