Thank you, all that is written below is no longer relevant.
My configuration:
0 - 1080
1 - 1080
2 - 1050ti
T-rex works correctly:
20181129 07:40:06
20181129 07:40:06 NVIDIA Driver v416.34
20181129 07:40:06 CUDA devices available: 3
20181129 07:40:06
20181129 07:40:06 URL : stratum+tcp://
20181129 07:40:06 USER: CMvcnZQ1SpNX17Z6EwbZkvw5vVT3AfYc4e.AsusPC50
20181129 07:40:06 PASS: x
20181129 07:40:06
20181129 07:40:06 Starting on:
20181129 07:40:06 WARN: GPU #2: Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1050 Ti, intensity set to 20
20181129 07:40:07 Authorizing...
20181129 07:40:07 ApiServer: HTTP server started on
20181129 07:40:07 ApiServer: Telnet server started on
20181129 07:40:07 Authorized successfully.
EWBF's Eqihash CUDA miner works correctly:
| EWBF's Eqihash CUDA miner. v0.6 |
07:36:34 INFO: Configured pools: 1
07:36:34 INFO: Selected pool:
07:36:34 INFO: Algorithm: 144_5 "ZelProof"
07:36:34 INFO: Devices: User defined.
07:36:34 INFO: Temperature limit: 90
07:36:34 INFO: Api: Listen on
07:36:35 INFO: Target: 0050000000000000...
07:36:35 INFO: Detected new work: 1484d
07:36:35 CUDA: Device: 0 GeForce GTX 1080 Not selected.
07:36:35 CUDA: Device: 1 GeForce GTX 1080 Not selected.
07:36:35 CUDA: Device: 2 GeForce GTX 1050 Ti, 4096 MB i:64
GMiner Equihash Miner works not correctly:
| GMiner Equihash Miner v1.08 |
Algorithm: Equihash 144,5 "ZelProof"
Stratum server:
host: stratum://
user: t1WeSg6aFzDB2d72MmKkE74gvXVnve38SnN.AsusPC50
password: minpayout=1
Power calculator: off
Color output: on
Watchdog: on
Log to file: off
Selected devices: GPU2
Temperature limits: 90C
07:37:11 Connected to
07:37:11 Subscribed to Stratum Server
07:37:11 Set Nonce: 0ffefd63
07:37:11 Set Target: 0050000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
07:37:11 New Job: 1484b
07:37:11 Authorized on Stratum Server
07:37:11 Started Mining on GPU2: ASUS GeForce GTX 1080 8GB
How can I fix the problem of choosing a GPU?
20181129 07:40:06 WARN: GPU #2: Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1050 Ti, intensity set to 20
Intensity too high for 1050, well for 1080. That's the problem.
reduce the intensity of the rig. You always have to adapt to the less powerful card. This happens even between the same range for example 1080ti when you have each one of a brand, always the OC marks the weakest card.