Honestly, after extensively searching through the web - I found only one legit source that is fully dedicated to Baba Vanga -
https://www.baba-vanga.comThe blog is quoting well known Bulgarian and World scientists, artists, poets, musicians, politicians, athletes, etc. who had a personal meeting with Baba Vanga back in the 70-ties, 80-ties, and 90-ties. So I'm a lot more inclined to believe information that comes from the source, than something that's just posted online.
All the other tabloids and big newspaper blogs are making up content so they get visitors to their sites.
Anyways - on the Baba Vanga blog, they wrote the following predictions that actually came true:
The beginning of the world war 2 and the consequences
The date on which Tsar Boris 3 died (Bulgarian king from 1918-1943)
The break-up of Czechoslovakia
The riots in Lebanon (1968)
The war in Nicaragua (1979)
The Cyprus conflict in 1974
The election of Indira Gandhi and her short-after death
The break-up of the Soviet Union
The break-up of Yugoslavia
The union of East and West Germany
The election victory of Boris Eltzin
The nuclear disaster in Chernobyl (Ukraine)
The date when Stalin died
The USA attacks on September 11th, 2001
The 44th USA president will be black
The disaster of the Russian “Kursk” submarine
The conflicts in Syria
The return of Simeon Sakskoburgotsky II in Bulgaria
Here is great quote written by Zheni Kostadinova - she had written some of the most indepth and informative books about the deeds of Baba Vanga.
"It is really very sad that there are so many publications that are citing Baba Vanga’s predictions incorrectly. Everybody is making up his own bizarre predictions, or they would mix her real words with their fictitious stories, and all this is only distorting in a very negative way the real image of our prophetess, as well her phenomenal gifts and wisdom. But this is not uncommon for the great people – their myths are usually outliving the person itself and what he had left on this world.
For over 20 years of research on the live and deeds of Baba Vanga I have never met a single person to tell about any of the above predictions. Where they have taken those from? What are their sources? Always when I speak about a prediction given by Baba Vanga I cite the person that she said it to, and when it was said. Baba Vanga was extremely careful to whom she would share any of her predictions as she knew very well that a lot of people will abuse with it. There were such people spreading misleading information on behalf of the prophetess even when she was alive. Today unfortunately, when Baba Vanga is no longer present in the physical world, she cannot defend herself from absurd statements, that aim to spread fear among people. This is why Baba Vanga refuses to make a lot of global predictions. When she had done that, she had insisted on people to keep it a secret. There are some things that were meant to be kept hidden".
I hope that I shed some light on your questions whether these predictions that you had found on the web are true or not!