Backup Phrase (12 word) will allow user to recover password himself. Usually hackers change mail after hacked account or hacked with mail. In that case its very difficult to recover account. I am wondering if backup Phrase or similar something implement for forum, it will easy and safe for recover account.
Something like this only works if it's given at the beginning (creation stage).
If some one activate backup Phrase and wrote down on hard paper than user could recover account himself even hacker change email address.
And if the hacker is that "someone", then what (there's a flaw in it, it can go both ways)?
- Implementing such thing for existing users, is a bad thing...
I would like request to admin please help them (ASAP) who have enough proof of ownership. And think something new to recover account by user himself.
He's working on something:
I used to do them sort-of regularly, but at some point I just couldn't stand it anymore, in addition to not really having time. Cyrus is still doing some, though not enough to keep up.
I acknowledge that the current situation is very bad, and we have some plans for fixing it. I hope to have manual account reviews going smoothly again before the end of the year at the latest.