They stopped doing a "per transaction" fee... and moved to a "pre pay" system. So, you either prepay for 20 transactions @ 0.00005 BTC/tx == 0.001 BTC Total... or you prepay for 100 transactions @ 0.000025 BTC/tx == 0.0025 BTC total.
Best solution is that provided by Abdussamad... create a new wallet by using "File -> New/Restore -> Standard Wallet -> I already have a seed"... enter in your seed (it'll be detected as 2fa_segwit")... and click next and you'll be prompted if you want to "keep" or "disable":
Make sure you select "disable"... this will restore your wallet with 2 of the 3 private keys required to be able to sign messages WITHOUT needing to use TrustedCoin... After the wallet is created, you can confirm that it worked, by clicking the "blue shield" icon in the bottom right corner:
and you should see the following message:
You should then be able to send ALL your funds (minus the small transaction fee, of course