All six Baltimore police officers charged for the death of Freddie Gray have been indicted by a grand jury.
Officer Caesar Goodson Jr.: second degree depraved heart murder, involuntary manslaughter, second degree negligent assault, manslaughter by vehicle and gross negligence, manslaughter by vehicle criminal negligence, misconduct in office for failure to perform a duty regarding safety of a prisoner, reckless endangerment
Officer William Porter: Involuntary manslaughter, second degree negligent assault, misconduct in office for failure to perform a duty regarding safety of a prisoner, reckless endangerment
Lt. Brian Rice: Involuntary manslaughter, second degree negligent assault, misconduct in office for failure to perform a duty regarding safety of a prisoner and an illegal arrest, reckless endangerment
Officer Edward Nero: Second degree intentional assault, misconduct in office for an illegal arrest, misconduct in office for failure to perform a duty regarding safety of a prisoner, reckless endangerment
Officer Garret Miller: Second degree intentional assault, misconduct in office for an illegal arrest, misconduct in office for failure to perform a duty regarding safety of a prisoner, reckless endangerment
Sgt. Alicia White: Involuntary manslaughter, second degree negligent assault, misconduct in office for failure to perform a duty regarding safety of a prisoner, reckless endangerment
More... matter whether these cops get prison terms or not, there's gonna be a significant wrongful death lawsuit by the family toward the BPD which will be footed by the local taxpayers - almost none of it will be paid by the parasites that did the looting. Interesting to see there's a Lieutenant on the list.