I experienced the same issue here.
Yesterday I had to move my rig to another room and thus I was forced to switch from wired to wireless connection...
I'm using usb wifi dongle with rt3070 chipset (148f:3070 Ralink Technology, Corp. RT2870/RT3070 Wireless Adapter). My router is using WPA2-PSK authentication. After setting up authentication preferences via NetworkManager GUI (nm-applet) I was able to autoconnect to the router after reboot. But the connection droped everytime after ~1-2 hours... This is not good for headless linux mining...
So, I've decided to give wicd a try and now the rig is mining valuable BTC for 9 hours uninterrupted.
Here are the steps I have taken:
Use your terminal (and sudo) or connect over ssh to the rig as root...
// install wicd
root@rig:~# apt-get install wicd wicd-curses
// run wicd-curses
root@rig:~# wicd-curses
In wicd-curses I had to fill in my wlan interface in the preferences (type "P") in my case it was wlan0 (run "iwconfig" in your terminal if you are not sure which interface name to use). Press F10 to save the settings and after that you should see the wireless networks available around listed. In the list move cursor to your router's ESSID and then move left with the cursor to go to the connection config screen. Check the option "Automatically connect to this network" (using space) and optionally fill in your passphrase if you are using encryption on your network. F10 to save the settings again and "Q" to quit wicd-curses. Now all preferences needed to autoconnect after the reboot are set.
// disable network-manager daemon loading on bootup
root@rig:~# update-rc.d -f network-manager remove
// reboot your miner and pray
root@rig:~# shutdown -r now
In my case this approach worked well (on headless machine using ssh connection to the terminal). The rig successfully autoconnected to the wireless network after reboot and doesn't drop the connection without a reason.
I'm running BAMT 0.5c with all "fixes".
Sorry for my bad english - I'm not a native speaker...
Hope this helps someone.
PS: NetworkManager is sometimes PAIN! But especially in Fedora 16/17 it's working pretty well...
IT Works like a charm!!!
Thank You Very Much