
Topic: BAMT jumping between pools when 1st pool fails (Read 2592 times)

Activity: 798
Merit: 500
January 30, 2012, 09:38:19 PM
http://u:[email protected]:8332/
http://u:[email protected]:8332/,10,60
http://u:[email protected]:8332/,10,60
http://u:[email protected]:8332/,10,60

So with this your backup pools time out 3 times faster than your primary. 60 is a bit aggressive for 300 Mhash. It sounds like its timing out and failing forward instead of checking back to primary. Try just ,10 so you don't override the bamt.conf timeout.
Activity: 1134
Merit: 1005
Get rid of the last / before comma and change to 120 or 90 instead of 60. Luck and pool connection can jump you over 60 seconds. What's the timeout set at in bamt.conf?
timeout is set to 180 (default) in bamt.conf
Activity: 798
Merit: 500
Get rid of the last / before comma and change to 120 or 90 instead of 60. Luck and pool connection can jump you over 60 seconds. What's the timeout set at in bamt.conf?
Activity: 1134
Merit: 1005
hashrate is normal, around 300MH/s for me.
The syntax on the example file is
http://yourmom:[email protected]:8332/
http://yourmom:[email protected]:8332/
http://yourmom:[email protected]:8332/
Activity: 798
Merit: 500
What's your hashrate? Your also telling it to switch if it doesn't find a share in 60 seconds.  I think your syntax is wrong also try
http://u:[email protected]:8332,10,60
Activity: 1134
Merit: 1005
Per the BAMT wiki page

So basically, if you want to mostly mine at the first pool in your file, but fail over to another pool if #1 is down, then try to go back to #1 every so often... put this in your pools file:

http://u:[email protected] http://u:[email protected],10,60

I have it set up as:
http://u:[email protected]:8332/
http://u:[email protected]:8332/,10,60
http://u:[email protected]:8332/,10,60
http://u:[email protected]:8332/,10,60

It was suppose to go to pool2, work 10 shares, check pool1. If pool1 still down, keep working on pool2. It should only drop down to pool3 if pool1 and pool2 are down.

However, my observation shows that when pool1 fails, it will go to pool2, work for 10 shares, switch to pool3, work for 10 shares, switch to pool4, work for 10 shares, switch to pool2, and the cycle goes on and on. Why is it dropping to pool3 even when pool2 is available?

Any ideas?
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