>nano /etc/bamt/bamt.conf
>Edit the lines that are causing issues (i.e. Core is too high)
>shutdown -r now
Upon restart, you will be mining with the new settings. Which in turn, will keep you from getting locked up.
(I'm new with BAMT, and always locking it up as well. Still tweaking settings to get everything right.)
Hope that helps
I'm not overclocking, using stock speeds. When I attach screen and keyboard, the box is still up and X is running. It's only the NIC that doesn't work anymore...
It doesn't work once you start mining, or doesn't work at all?
The latter is an OS problem, not a BAMT problem. BAMT is just Debian 6 Live with some scripts, look up drivers for your NIC.
The former is probably a lockup of some sort. Run
It stops after a while. Machine boots fine, BAMT works fine, until NIC fails...
Please post the results of