It was a mistake, I forgot to do it, but did I make another mistake? If I do something like this, do I deserve this [Permanent] reward?
Yes, those were the rules. Apparently you didn't read them:
33. Posting plagiarized content is not allowed.[e]
33. This includes both copying parts or the entirety of other users' posts or threads and copying content from external sources (e.g. other websites) and passing it as your own.
There are still many other people who make mistakes worse.
That doesn't change the fact that YOU broke the rules now does it?
Ask you to make a wise decision, I am a user and I want to continue to actively participate.
Before you state such things... you do realise, that on the (very) small chance that one of the mods decides to reduce your punishment to a "temp + sig ban", that you will not be able to have a signature for probably a
minimum of 1 year.
Are you still going to "actively participate" without the financial reward of sig campaign participation?