BTC Lost 6,929 coins out of 14,782 - 7.853 will be returned to users. 53.10% (Refunded)
ETH Lost 23,21 out of 32,262 - 9.052 will be returned to users. 28.06% (Refunded)
ARRR Lost 3924082 out of 9619754 - 5695672 will be returned to users 59.20% (Refunded)
VRSC Lost 414154 out of 852726 - 438572 will be returned to users 51.24% (Refunded)
KMD Lost 1066 out of 48015 - 46949 will be returned to users. 97.77% (Refunded)
Da die Börse geschlossen wird, solte jeder alles runterholen. Auch falls noch jemand seine Trades zur Dokumentation benötigt ist bis 10. Mai 2020 Zeit.