What's this?
"This user's password was reset recently.
This user's email address was changed recently.
This user changed his/her password recently."
He couldve also been hacked. Any thought to why he used his secret question? It's highly probable he was hacked. Why would he change his email, reset his password, then change it?
To explain, honestly I bought the account. What happen was I just got the account and changed the email and password. Then when I was AFK from around 1-2 hrs, I tried to post something somewhere. (I had my settings to never log out.) The forum said I was not logged in, I tried logging in with the same password and it didn't work. So I tried to use the forgot password facility, not knowing that using secret question will lock the account I tried using. After that, the system tells me the account got locked.
This would explain why there was a password change then email change and then a password change.