The whole point of this debate began with the European feminazi push to feminize all men and force them to sit to pee like their penis envied lesbian sisters. Furthermore it is also about punishing men for being born with a penis. This rule effectively would force men to endure much longer lines in bathrooms just like the women have to for lack of a member. This has critical theory written all over it.
I theorize that if you decompile the binary (or a lot of the shared object libraries) of a feminist (or eco-freak or any number of other mostly left-wing crazies) you will find source code writen by globalist with a longer term agenda. Most often it is competely undetected by the bot-like individual themselves even at fairly high levels in their organizations.
In this case what is probably happening is about survailance or 'total information awareness' and bathrooms are still kinda taboo for invasive monitoring. I'll bet it drives the control freaks crazy. About a day after the unisex bathroom is ready some pervy wanker will jump on the oportunity to get his rocks off. The solution to that problem will be survailence cams and half the population or more will be begging for them.
That source code is called Marxism.
I don't believe so.
Marx had a progression which was ordered ... ---> capitalism ---> communism. Brzezinski took it a step farther ... ---> capitalism ---> communism --> technocracy. Technocracy is envisioned to have corporations basically own everything and employ technocrats who manage society.
I think that what we have here is a situation where collectivism in various forms (including Marxism) is promoted heavily. Taught in schools, sold to various narrow interest groups such as feminist and eco-freaks as a way to achieve their goals, sold to power hungry as a way to focus their control, sold to money hungry as a way to get assets for pennies on the dollar, etc. All of this is mostly just a stepping stone however.
I see things as a 'scissors, rock, paper' type deal:
- Capitalism trumps Technocracy because the latter is simple slavery which will certainly degrade into something awful within a short time (and it being birthed corrupt from the get-go in fact.)
- Communism trumps Capitalism when the distribution of wealth gets to high, and it also has the power to collectivize resources (land, minerals, etc) allowing them to be handed over to oligarchs without much fuss.
- Technocracy trump Communism since it is more efficient and sounds good compared to the awful track record of Communism every time it has been attempted. Technocracy is only very practical with technolgies which are only recently mature.
Anyway, I think that at the upper levels of the Globalists they see this very clearly. They already own most of the corporations who are going to ease into place. And the plebs are getting antsy as evidenced by such events as the occupy movement, Trump/Sanders, the troubles in EU-land, etc. As time goes by more and more people see the regionalization, the TPP-like trade deals (run by the U.N. which is the center mass for the 'new world order' Technocracy project, and their eyes begin to open up. The 'sweet spot' for implementation is probably very near at hand.