
Topic: Banning Russia from Rio Olympics as another battle in the hybrid war on Russia (Read 3296 times)

Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
So the Russians were banned because they were allowed to use some of the banned substances. And at the same time, the British and American athletes were allowed to use these substances, due to their "medical conditions". Even before the hack, some people were complaining that the British cyclists were using banned substances. Now it is clearer.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
And in the above article Lada makes a good point:

In response to the leak, WADA and various Western rags, including Reuters, lashed out, calling the anonymous hackers ‘a Russian cyber-espionage group.’ What’s disturbing, the same accusatory towards Russia material was published in Indian publication: link.

WADA and a whole slew of Western publications immediately announced that all the ‘medications’ taken by above athletes were ‘in advance filed with WADA in accordance with procedures and rules.’ Simone Biles tweeted that she suffers from ADHD and has to take drugs for her condition.

Who on earth are these pathological liars kidding? I wonder. Perhaps being pathological liars (much like Hillary Clinton) is in fact THEIR CONDITION?

So, the hard, internationally banned and classified as doping drugs taken at will by US athletes are legal, while the innocuous performance placebo, a heart restorative Meldonium invented in the USSR and taken by Russian tennis player Maria Sharapova lands her a 2-year suspension! Meanwhile, the completely and entirely clean of any drugs whatsoever Russian poll vaulter Elena Isinbayeva is banned together with entire Russian team with no chance of appeal. Even more interestingly, Simone Biles, healthy like a horse, can take drugs for her ADHD (imaginary or not), while Russian Paralympians whose very physical survival depends on certain drugs, get banned for their medical condition in violation of all laws and common decency!
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
Prepare your pop-corn, folks:

#WADA Hacked, Williams Sisters, Simone Biles doping exposed

They have so far disclosed the doping info on 4 US athletes: Rio Olympics gymnastics champion Simone Biles, Serena and Venus Williams (tennis) and Elena Delle Donne (basketball).

This is the text published on Fancy Bear site so far (info on more athletes and more countries expected):

Greetings citizens of the world. Allow us to introduce ourselves… We are Fancy Bears’ international hack team. We stand for fair play and clean sport.

We announce the start of #OpOlympics. We are going to tell you how Olympic medals are won. We hacked World Anti-Doping Agency databases and we were shocked with what we saw.

We will start with the U.S. team which has disgraced its name by tainted victories. We will also disclose exclusive information about other national Olympic teams later. Wait for sensational proof of famous athletes taking doping substances any time soon.

We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us.

Anonymous – #OpOlympics
American Athletes Caught Doping 2016-09-13

As promised we begin our disclosures. Today we’d like to tell you about the U.S. Olympic team and their dirty methods to win.

Just before the 2016 Summer Olympics the U.S. team was reported to be one of medal favorites while being on top of the Rio medal forecast. Besides, the USA is commonly known to be always ahead of the game.

As predicted, the USA dominated the 2016 Olympics medal count with 46 gold, 37 silver, 38 bronze for 121 total. The U.S. team played well but not fair.

After detailed studying of the hacked WADA databases we figured out that dozens of American athletes had tested positive. The Rio Olympic medalists regularly used illicit strong drugs justified by certificates of approval for therapeutic use. In other words they just got their licenses for doping. This is other evidence that WADA and IOC’s Medical and Scientific Department are corrupt and deceitful.
Simone Biles

Artistic gymnast Simone Biles is one of those American doping athletes. She is a four-time Olympic gold medalist and ten-time world gold medalist. In August 2016, she tested positive after illicit methylphenidate, a psychostimulant, was detected in her sample. Moreover, Biles had been taking amphetamine for a while, according to the leaked data.
Serena & Venus Williams

Serena Williams, world’s top tennis player, is taking oxycodone and hydromorphone (opioids), prednisone, prednisolone, and methylprednisolone as well. Her sister Venus Williams is used to take prednisone, prednisolone, triamcinolone and formoterol.
Elena Delle Donne

American basketball star Elena Delle Donne’s drug test revealed that she had also used amphetamine. In addition, since 2014 she has been taking hydrocortisone that is also classified as doping.
 This is just the tip of the iceberg. Today’s sport is truly contaminated while the world is unaware of a large number of American doping athletes.

We call on experts, officials and journalists to carefully review the files we have got.

To be continued…

Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014

ADDED: I just learned from that Belarus Paralympians advised in advance the Belorussian President Lukashenko of their intention to bring Russian flag to the Opening Ceremony of the Rio Games, despite direct ban of Paralympic Committee. Lukashenko reportedly supported the idea: ‘If they decide to punish us, we are ready. We won’t sell out our brothers (Russians),’ said Lukashenko. The Russian flag was brought into the opening ceremony in secret by Andrey Fomochkin on his body. He unveiled the flag when Belarus team entered the Rio stadium. Belorussian papers touted Fomochkin’s act as a real man’s deed.

Newest info: Paralympic Committee confiscated Russian flag and began investigation into the incident. It already punished the Athletic Director of Belarus team Andrey Fomochkin, denying his Rio accreditation.

However, both Andrey Fomochkin and Belorussian Paralympians won something already, which no money or status can buy: they won the hearts of Russians. Russian Foreign Ministry’s spokeswoman Maria Zakharova called Fomochkin a hero. Belarus government spokesman said that the country was 100% behind its athletes. There is no proof of any wrongdoing by Russian para-athletes, he added.

Meanwhile Russia is preparing a number of lawsuits and personal damages legal actions in European courts against Paralympic Committee, WADA, USADA, Lord Craven and McLaren. Russia also repeatedly said that Paralympics and WADA took the wrong turn and that they need to be reformed.

But again, I must stress that the pressure on Russia will continue until after the 16th – the date of the Duma elections (see below re. my upcoming Russian Elections Earth Shift Report!).

More pics of the Russian flag carried during opening ceremony by Belarus team:

Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
Belorussia takes up Russian flag at Paralympics. Thank you, brothers.

Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
I didnt have a clue regarding these information you have given regarding the ban of Russian athletes in RIO, i thought the WADA caught an elaborate plan to cheat and banned many athletes and only a few were allowed to participate and that too with extensive testing.  If that is the case then your theory stands true that it is yet another battle against Russia.

Alas, the Olympics - a sports event that should have been bringing people closer, has been turned into yet another battlefield of the hybrid war. Russia was slated to be banned completely from the games, and it was only to thank to the personal courage of Thomas Bach that at least part of the team got to participate, albeit under constant mobbing and psychological pressure

A fragment from the above:

I have to say that Russian athletes pulled a miracle in Rio, despite being under constant psychological pressure and attack, amid humiliation and anti-Russian hysteria. Russian teams in various sports arriving in Rio were denied entry into the Olympic Village, where Russia paid in advance for the entire building to house its team. They were forced to move from one hotel to another, without access to training facilities, awaiting the decision whether they would be let inside. The same swimmer Yulia Efimova was forced to prepare for competition in a hotel paddling pool, amidst sweaty bodies of fat tourists and screaming children! And still, Russia managed this result


Out of 270 Russian athletes that were allowed to compete in Rio, 103 Russian athletes came home with medals!

Russia is preparing a set of lawsuits against WADA and against the perpetrators of the ban.  Russian Investigative Committee sent requests to, among other countries, Canada to produce the evidence, presented as the foundation for prosecution of Russia as a state - Russian Prosecutor General would like to have an open case, where, if there was indeed were any guilty officials in Russia, that they would get their due punishment. So far the international organisations refused to provide such evidence.


Christa | August 25, 2016 at 2:42 pm

Great article Lada, loved every bit of it, text, photos and videos!😉


Great photos of the Russians and Ukrainians together, gives one hope for the future!

I was lucky to be able to watch Mr. Putin’s speech live this afternoon! And wow, what beautiful flowers everyone received, not to mention the State Award that the medallists received!
If someone wants to read the transcript, here is the one from the Kremlin in English:



    Lada Ray | August 25, 2016 at 3:56 pm

    Thanks for the link, Christa.
    This is a short video of Putin receiving Russian gold medalists in the Kremlin:

    All medalists get new white BMWs.
    Paralympians will have their own competition, and they’ll receive same awards for wins they would have gotten if they won in paralympics.

    This is rarely said aloud, but y’all will be interested to know that funding for prizes, cars and such, comes from ‘generous’ Russian oligarchs, whom Putin asked to ‘kindly contribute.’😉
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
Since I mentioned Ukraine in my last post, there is an interesting, uplifting, Ukrainian vector from the Rio Olympics:

Fragments from Earth Shift and 4D Hybrid War: #RioOlympics Lessons and Next Moves by Russia

First in connection to one of the Steroid Sisters (was mentioned earlier in this thread):

Serena Williams standing next to her closest competitor Russian Maria Sharapova. Both are world’s top tennis players on approximately the same level of fitness; both have been in sport for a long time. As they say, find the crucial difference in their appearance. Who is more likely to dope of the two? Meanwhile, Sharapova is under a 2-year ban for using the internationally recognized neutral placebo Meldonium, while Williams, who successfully evaded being tested for years, was in Rio enjoying herself. Incidentally, the reason she lost in the very first game to an obscure Ukrainian player is because this time she couldn’t risk it and stopped using steroids early on, which got her to Rio on a massive down swing. When Williams lost to the Ukrainian girl, the sold out Ukrainian government and various Kiev officials were apologizing to the US for their athlete besting the famous Williams! Below, read more on how badly Kiev treats its athletes and what will come out of it pretty soon.

Now, some of the more uplifting fragments:

I pointed out previously that the only way to resolve this is for Russia to organize her own Eurasian Games, or Friendship Games, or to resurrect the alternative Good Will Games, while abandoning the Olympics. My prediction: Russians won’t pull the plug or make many drastic moves before 2018, it being a pivotal year in human development.

And even then, Russians will be very careful not to upset the balance too much. My opinion: Olympics are dead and should be transformed into something better and more forward-looking. Russians intend to work with IOC, because Thomas Bach and many IOC members voted against Russian ban, not allowing IAAF and Americans to dictate to them what to do. Incidentally, two Ukrainian members of IOC, who both are former Soviet Olympic champions from Kiev, voted against banning the Russian team.

And the following is what gives me hope for the long-suffering people of the former Ukraine:

Russian and Ukrainian athletes in Rio embrace and celebrate victories together

During Rio Games, the internet got flooded with pictures of Russian and Ukrainian athletes hugging and carrying signs of friendship. Just can’t resist posting some of them, because in my view they celebrate the true spirit of Olympics, the way it should be. And they also reflect the true attitude of normal Ukrainians towards Russians:

Compare this to US swimmers’ snubbing of the Russian Efimova on the podium.

And here’s official Kiev’s reaction to all this hugging and mutual celebrating. Kiev officials branded these Ukrainian athletes ‘traitors to Ukraine.’ They threatened to pull their financing and state support. There were ugly threats of bodily harm and other hysteria. Who treats this way one’s country’s athletes? We all know that the Kiev junta is in fact Idiocracy plus. We also know that the only reason the Kiev regime is still around is because US and EU prop it up. I can tell you what the outcome of such attitude will be: many Ukrainian athletes have already moved to Russia. Now even more Ukrainian Olympians will ask for asylum and/or citizenship in Russia.

And finally, a short fragment from the comments to the report:

Gary Redke | August 25, 2016 at 12:51 pm


To see the Ukrainian and Russian athletes embracing each other made this terrible Olympics worthwhile. I’d love to be a fly on the wall at the meeting of the Kiev junta seeing these athletes hugging each other.

Liked by 2 people

    Lada Ray | August 25, 2016 at 1:22 pm

    When they saw all that hugging in Kiev, there was widespread panic and hysterics – have it from many reliable sources. The panic was in the West as well – ‘what, all our efforts to clash Russia and Ukraine faaaaailed???!!’

    Yeah, being a fly on the wall at their meetings, to have a laugh, would be fun.

    Junta is beginning to implode big time. Lots of indications – will talk about it in THE CRIMEA FACTOR.
Activity: 2464
Merit: 1145
Regarding athletes such as Yana Egorian and Mikhail Aloyan competing for Russia, I want to remind everyone that Russia is considered as the successor state to the USSR. That is why some of the athletes who were born in the former USSR chose to represent Russia. How can this be compared to the Somalis and Arabs competing for the Great Fruitain?

Nearly all former Sowjet states are hating their communist past (Russia included - oh the irony). And the athletes are moving because of the $$ or rather Rubel and not because of their past communistic brotherhood.
Everything else is just wishful thinking/propaganda.
Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
Regarding athletes such as Yana Egorian and Mikhail Aloyan competing for Russia, I want to remind everyone that Russia is considered as the successor state to the USSR. That is why some of the athletes who were born in the former USSR chose to represent Russia. How can this be compared to the Somalis and Arabs competing for the Great Fruitain?
Activity: 2464
Merit: 1145
Despite the Americans and their cronies banning almost one-third of the Russian athletes, the Federation still finished 4th in the overall medal table. And they didn't used a single foreign-born athlete, unlike the Great Fruitain (less than 10% of the athletes were ethnic Brits).

You're not right. Russia had many athletes who didn't born in Russia. Mostly of them from ex Soviet countries like Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Lithuania and others. Russia gave them citizenship and big money.

Could you provide a list, please?

Saying that an athlete from Belarus or Ukraine or Lithuania is foreign to Russia is like saying that an athlete from Texas is foreign to USA. Most of them would have either had a dual citizenship anyway of have ended up one the wrong side of the border when the 1991 coup d'etat happened and USSR fell apart.

Some athletes who didn't born in Russia, but represented in this country in Olympics :
There only small part of them. Mostly of these faucet earlier represented their native countries, but later they decided to move to Russia because of financial reasons and for better conditions of infrastructure. As you can see, many of athletes born after USSR collapse, so, they had only one citizenship. So, now representing Russia when they can participate under native country flag is mostly chasing for bigger money.

Well everyone is doing this. And right now Russia needs every prestige it can get her hands on.
Buying good athletes is a easy way to do it.
hero member
Activity: 2814
Merit: 911
Have Fun )@@( Stay Safe
I didnt have a clue regarding these information you have given regarding the ban of Russian athletes in RIO, i thought the WADA caught an elaborate plan to cheat and banned many athletes and only a few were allowed to participate and that too with extensive testing.  If that is the case then your theory stands true that it is yet another battle against Russia.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
Despite the Americans and their cronies banning almost one-third of the Russian athletes, the Federation still finished 4th in the overall medal table. And they didn't used a single foreign-born athlete, unlike the Great Fruitain (less than 10% of the athletes were ethnic Brits).

You're not right. Russia had many athletes who didn't born in Russia. Mostly of them from ex Soviet countries like Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Lithuania and others. Russia gave them citizenship and big money.

Could you provide a list, please?

Saying that an athlete from Belarus or Ukraine or Lithuania is foreign to Russia is like saying that an athlete from Texas is foreign to USA. Most of them would have either had a dual citizenship anyway of have ended up one the wrong side of the border when the 1991 coup d'etat happened and USSR fell apart.

Some athletes who didn't born in Russia, but represented in this country in Olympics :
There only small part of them. Mostly of these faucet earlier represented their native countries, but later they decided to move to Russia because of financial reasons and for better conditions of infrastructure. As you can see, many of athletes born after USSR collapse, so, they had only one citizenship. So, now representing Russia when they can participate under native country flag is mostly chasing for bigger money.

Judging by the names, 2 Georgians, 3 Armenians and possibly 2 of Jewish origin. Opening some random names:

Yana Egorian was born on 20 December 1993 in Yerevan, Armenia. When she was 6 years old, she moved to Khimki, Moscow Oblast, where she engaged in fencing under the guidance of Sergei Semin. Later, Yelena Jemayeva also started to train her. She chose sabre fencing as her specialty.

But, wait - there's more, she was born in Tbilisi, Georgia (!), and I'd love to see where her parents were born and of what nationality they are. As you see the ties are close.

Armenians and Russians, by the way, have close ties - there are a lot of Armenians among the prominent public figures in Russia. So what?

Another one:

Full name    Mikhail Surenovich Aloyan
Born    August 23, 1988 (age 28)
Bambakashat, Soviet Armenia

But, wait - there is more. He is from a Kurdish-Ezit family. His family moved to Novokuznetsk in Russia in 1997 (he was 9 years old then), where he started in boxing. So it's not like he moved to Russia for the sports contract reason.

Another one:

Teymuraz Besikovich Gabashvili

Born    23 May 1985 (age 31)
Tbilisi, Georgian SSR, Soviet Union

His family moved to Moscow when he was 9 years old.

So all this so far reinforces my earlier statement that they are not foreigners in Russia. 25 years since 1991 is too short a time span to make them foreigners. Wink

Oh, and and saying that Belorussian is not a Russian is an absurdity:

Aleksander Leonidovich Lesun
Nationality     Belarus (until 2009)
 Russia (since 2009)
Born    1 July 1988 (age 28)
Barysaw, Belarus SSR, Soviet Union

So far he is the first of the random sample from above, who moved to Russia for career reasons, but still, he was born in that one country, called USSR, and, as you remember, before USSR there was no such thing as Belorussia, which is another of Lenin's creations - there was the Minsk Governorate in Russia.

In this regard a quote from another thread, from another forum looks relevant (it's about Ukraine):

- In 1992 three crooks (Yeltsyn, Kravchuk, Shushkevitch) with Washington’s blessing have separated Ukraine and Belarus’ from Russia and declared them separate countries. So, they have been called separate countries for 24 years (can 24 years be compared to centuries?). The people living in Eastern Ukraine (including myself) felt like their Motherland has been stolen from them and found themselves living in a foreign and not friendly country of Ukraine. However Western Ukrainians were happy. (And since then what makes Western Ukrainians happy is bad for Eastern Ukrainians and vise verse).

Activity: 3178
Merit: 1363
Slava Ukraini!
Despite the Americans and their cronies banning almost one-third of the Russian athletes, the Federation still finished 4th in the overall medal table. And they didn't used a single foreign-born athlete, unlike the Great Fruitain (less than 10% of the athletes were ethnic Brits).

You're not right. Russia had many athletes who didn't born in Russia. Mostly of them from ex Soviet countries like Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Lithuania and others. Russia gave them citizenship and big money.

Could you provide a list, please?

Saying that an athlete from Belarus or Ukraine or Lithuania is foreign to Russia is like saying that an athlete from Texas is foreign to USA. Most of them would have either had a dual citizenship anyway of have ended up one the wrong side of the border when the 1991 coup d'etat happened and USSR fell apart.

Some athletes who didn't born in Russia, but represented in this country in Olympics :
There only small part of them. Mostly of these faucet earlier represented their native countries, but later they decided to move to Russia because of financial reasons and for better conditions of infrastructure. As you can see, many of athletes born after USSR collapse, so, they had only one citizenship. So, now representing Russia when they can participate under native country flag is mostly chasing for bigger money.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
Despite the Americans and their cronies banning almost one-third of the Russian athletes, the Federation still finished 4th in the overall medal table. And they didn't used a single foreign-born athlete, unlike the Great Fruitain (less than 10% of the athletes were ethnic Brits).

You're not right. Russia had many athletes who didn't born in Russia. Mostly of them from ex Soviet countries like Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Lithuania and others. Russia gave them citizenship and big money.

Could you provide a list, please?

Saying that an athlete from Belarus or Ukraine or Lithuania is foreign to Russia is like saying that an athlete from Texas is foreign to USA. Most of them would have either had a dual citizenship anyway of have ended up one the wrong side of the border when the 1991 coup d'etat happened and USSR fell apart.

Earth Shift and 4D Hybrid War: #RioOlympics Lessons and Next Moves by Russia


I have to say that Russians missed this, like they missed Ukraine. Just like in the case of Ukraine, Russians simply couldn’t fathom that anyone could stoop this low.

In the fight to preserve the failing Anglo-American Empire and what’s left of the fading ‘US full spectrum dominance’ there is simply no limit as to how low they will stoop. This has to be understood fully. Instead of abandoning the failed model and moving forward with the entire world, the lowly beings that are behind all this will fight for as long as they are allowed to get away with it; in a typical way of all bandits and criminals they’ll try to slow down the process of the collapse or take everyone down with them.

Latest intel

Russian PM Medvedev announced that Russia has withdrawn her financial support of WADA, for now till the end of 2016.

Russian government is also filing civil lawsuits for damages against IAAF (Intl Athletic Federation), WADA and IPC (Intl. Paralympic  Committee). Individual claims for damages by each athlete are coming too.

My take on this: sure, go ahead and file lawsuits. There will be compensation, probably pretty good one. But it’ll take years and the process of paying out said compensation will be slowed down to a crawl. This is a good thing to do, since lawsuits are dreaded by any organization in the West. But this really is a stop-gap measure. It isn’t a real solution because those who did this were after something much bigger than breaking the lives of poor Russian athletes: they were after the big score in the global political game. They are attempting to prolong the very survival of the dying US Empire. What’s a trifle like a few tens, or even hundred million dollars here and there when you are in the Grand Chess Game.

During the Rio Games Russian poll vaulter Elena Isinbayeva was elected to IOC by the majority vote of the Rio Olympic athletes. This is a stunning result since the two-time Olympic champion and multiple-time world champion Isinbayeva, who never was implicated in any drug scandals and who just came off her maternity leave to return to the Olympics, is now under blanket ban by IAAF and WADA, along with all Russian track-and-field team.

Why was she elected then? Isinbayeva was indignant at the ban and she promised to sue. This was, let’s just say, a bribe of sorts to appease her, a consolation prize for one of the most famous athletes of the last few decades. This was also a small bone thrown to Russia. It is a sort of IOC’s olive branch and a way to signal that IOC is not fully condoning IAAF/IPC/WADA actions.

Since most of IOC and individual sports federations were against the blanket ban, Russians would attempt to continue working with them. The exceptions are track-and-field IAAF and the intl. heavy lifting and rowing federations, plus, partially, swimming federation. While Russians will try to work with them for a while, this again is a stop-gap measure.

I said previously that drastic moves to change the corrupt nature of the sports and Olympics will be done by Russia later, most likely after 2018. For now, Russia will be on the defensive and strictly on response mode.

Activity: 3178
Merit: 1363
Slava Ukraini!
All Russophobes, please have a good look at the medal table:

Despite the Americans and their cronies banning almost one-third of the Russian athletes, the Federation still finished 4th in the overall medal table. And they didn't used a single foreign-born athlete, unlike the Great Fruitain (less than 10% of the athletes were ethnic Brits).

You're not right. Russia had many athletes who didn't born in Russia. Mostly of them from ex Soviet countries like Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Lithuania and others. Russia gave them citizenship and big money.
Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
All Russophobes, please have a good look at the medal table:

Despite the Americans and their cronies banning almost one-third of the Russian athletes, the Federation still finished 4th in the overall medal table. And they didn't used a single foreign-born athlete, unlike the Great Fruitain (less than 10% of the athletes were ethnic Brits).

Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
A quote of Lada Ray's reply to my comment on her blog, which sums the situation really well:

I’d love to write a separate article on this as the topic deserves it, but have only time for a side note. Hope more people read it!

Here goes:

I really hate to say I said so, but I did predict they would uphold the ban. Maddie of 1EarthUnited was just emailing me with this question a few days ago and I’d confirmed not to hold her breath for a favorable outcome. They got them (excuse me) by the balls and they won’t let them go. Sorry.

Russians screwed up the Olympics/paralympics/sports front of this hybrid 4D war big time – as I warned since my first report on Rio Olympics and doping in sports in 2015. Russians, very typically for them, thought no one could fall this low and that athletes would stand with them. HOW INCREDIBLY NAIVE!!!

The athletes are just as sold out as politicians. They don’t care and won’t care how they get their medal count – they just want as many of them as possible.

A similar naive blooper was made in regards to Ukraine in 2013-14 and the coinciding Sochi Olympics. As I mentioned before, the only thing that allowed for 2/3s of Russian team to be in Rio was IOC’s Thomas Bach personal strength and incredible political savvy.

As I said: the only way out is to organize OWN EURASIAN GAMES, OR RESURRECT The GOOD WILL GAMES. PERIOD! And stop supporting IOC, FIFA, WADA and other crap.
Now that Chinese lost to UK they might suddenly become more amenable to the idea of alternative games!

But again, my firm prediction: Russians will be able to do it only after 2018 elections. Just you wait! Russian 2018 World Cup will be attacked next – this is their real goal, which coincides with Russian elections. The ultimate aim is to humiliate Russian power and therefore make Putin look inept and weak before elections!!!
sr. member
Activity: 560
Merit: 252
How much those who banned them made in bribes? Or were they forced to ban them (releasing their past corruptions? Physical threats)? What is sad is for those who are clean... Collective punishments... And specially what the athletes had to overcome in the case of the Paralympic... Disgusting.
Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
If Russian athletes are banned for (inconclusive) drug usage, then the American team must also be banned for allowing trans-sexuals such as Serena Williams to compete in the women's games. Most of the competitions in the women's games were a farce. Masculine trans-sexual athletes such as Serena Williams and Caster Semenya used their unfair advantage to win medals.
Activity: 3136
Merit: 1233
Bitcoin Casino Est. 2013
How many bitcoins did they end up with at the end of the games anyways.
Probably better than China in that they did very poor with the amount of athletes that they sent there in the first place. Roll Eyes
Activity: 3178
Merit: 1363
Slava Ukraini!
I think IOC banned Russian parolympic team because they didn't managed to ban Russia from Rio Olympic games. I never heard that doping is often used in parolympic sports. But, if doping in Russia also often used in parolympic sports, well, it's more or less good desicion to ban them. Only sad for their clean athletes.
Activity: 2464
Merit: 1145
Russia should just hold her own olympicdoping games
Activity: 1722
Merit: 1000
I think most people know what is going on in the world but refuse to accept it.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
They shouldn't have banned Russia. The simply should have given everyone else a head start to make it fair.


BADecker, that's actually a good suggestion - any athlete from any country, provably caught on doping use should be given a time start penalty or points penalty, but still allowed to compete.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
Removing a strong rival? Russia shocked by ‘cynical & political’ CAS ruling on Paralympic team ban

Russian Paralympic athletes and their coaches have reacted with shock and anger after the Court of Arbitration for Sport rejected an appeal on a blanket Rio ban. “They killed my dream” and “a humiliation of people with disabilities” were two of the responses from athletes.

CAS on Tuesday rejected an appeal over a decision to bar all Russian athletes from the Rio Paralympic Games, set to take place September 7-18. The appeal had been filed by the Russian Paralympic Committee (RPC).

The initial decision to suspend the Russian Paralympic Committee was taken unanimously by the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) on August 7.

‘Show me proof I’m guilty’

“My attitude? What attitude can a person have if a dream of their life… is killed …as if we are not humans?” a tearful Irina Vertinskaya, who was hoping to compete in the javelin and discus events, told RT.

The athlete has overcome immense personal hurdles to try and make it to Rio. She grew up in an orphanage and was adopted on three occasions, however each time she was sent back to the children’s home.

“Show me proof that I am guilty,” said Irina, apparently addressing the members of the Court of Arbitration for Sport. “Then I will believe that I am guilty.”

Eight-time Paralympic champion Oksana Savchenko, who competes in swimming events for the visually-impaired, called the decision “shocking.”

“We were sure that our [Russian Paralympic] team will go [to Rio]… For some of them the Rio Games would be the last.”

She added that the court decision was probably due to the fact that the Russian team has performed successfully in recent years.

Paralympic team swimming coach Yury Nazarenko said the Games would be ridiculous and dull without Russian athletes.

"…Over the past four years, our athletes and swimmers were among the world’s two strongest teams, and it is 60-70 percent of medals at the Paralympics,” he said.
The decision also came as a shock for running coach Elena Malchikova.

“We believed up to the last second that common sense would win,” she told RT. But the athletes shouldn’t give up, she said, adding that the Paralympians will “continue living and training.”

Winter Paralympic Games champion Roman Petushkov believes that the CAS move is a humiliation of Paralympic athletes.

“We are shocked [and] depressed. This is inhuman treatment and humiliation of people with disabilities... I believe we should fight and defend our rights to the end,” Petushkov, who won three gold medals and one silver in skiing events at Sochi 2014, told TV channel Rossiya 24.
‘An attempt to move a strong rival out of the way’

In upholding the IPC’s imposition of a blanket ban on Russia’s Paralympic team, CAS has made a politically-motivated decision, rather than a judicial ruling, Russian Sports Minister Vitaly Mutko said.

“The ruling falls out of the legal framework: it is more political than judicial. There were no grounds to reject [the appeal]; but that’s what happened,” Mutko said.

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev called the CAS move “cynical” and a blow to all people with special needs.

"This is a doubly cynical decision since we are talking about people who overcome themselves on a daily basis. This is a blow to all people with disabilities, not only Russians," he wrote on Facebook.

“This decision makes it obvious that some of the leaders of the international Paralympic movement want to put a strong rival out of the way, as our team always takes high places in the ranking.”

“International sports federations are influenced by the ‘FIFA case’ and are scared by US trans-border justice. Some of them are paralyzed. That is why doping is quickly found in some countries and never in others,” Medvedev wrote in his Facebook post, stressing that “this is absolutely double standards.”

The Russian prime minister added that the story with Russian doping “is a thick and very disgusting cocktail made of 80 percent of politics and 20 percent of doping issues.”

Meanwhile, the Russian Interior Ministry said that the ban violates human rights.

"I want to look into the eyes of those people who took this decision. What is their attitude to the protection of rights of people with disabilities?” said Konstantin Dolgov, Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs human rights chief.

Isinbayeva also denounced the CAS decision as “unjust, unfair, as well as relentless and cruel.”

“We were expecting that most Paralympic team members would be allowed [to compete] but you see what happened. They made a terrible decision,” she told Russian media, adding that she personally shares the Paralympic athletes’ pain and sorrow.

“Every one of you is our pride, our hero … we are with you,” she added, calling on the athletes to “be strong.”

“Politics will end and sport will live on,” she also stressed, adding that “for Russia, you were, you are and you will be heroes.”
No evidence of Russian athletes doping – Russian Investigative Committee

No “concrete evidence” proving that Russian athletes have engaged in doping has been presented so far, Russia’s Investigative Committee said, commenting on the CAS decision concerning the Russian Paralympic team.

“Until now, the World Anti-Doping Agency has not provided any concrete evidence of Russian athletes doping. Moreover, the Investigative Committee’s requests for assistance [in this case] sent to Canada, the US, and Switzerland were left unanswered,” the Russian Investigative Committee’s spokesman, Vladimir Markin, told Russian media.

He also said that the Committee has no evidence of the involvement of Russian sports officials in distributing prohibited drugs to athletes. Markin stressed that Grigory Rodchenkov, the former head of Moscow’s anti-doping laboratory, who subsequently moved to the US and provided the information for Canadian law professor Richard McLaren’s report, was subordinate only to WADA and not to the Russian authorities, implying that it could have been some WADA officials that had ordered him to destroy the Russian athletes’ doping tests.

In the meantime, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has signed a decree suspending Russia’s financing of WADA. In the document, WADA was removed from the list of international organizations funded by Russia. Earlier, Russian Sport Minister Vitaly Mutko said Moscow might stop funding WADA if the rights of the Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA) weren’t restored to their previous level.

By the way, I read the 200+ pages of the IOC report, and there was no hard evidence there, only allegations to what was published the the ARD hit-piece. The point man of the ARD hit-piece (former RusADA head) is now in USA, 30000 dollars richer (the proverbial 30 silvers?). By the way, he knew of his wife's doping use, but she only got exposed after he got kicked out of RusADA. Another official - the above-mentioned Rodchenkov, who was also mentioned in ARD as an "accused", came with his own tales and is now heading and American doping test laboratory. Payment for the service well-done?

And this is what Russia should really do:

Public Chamber head calls for Russia to hold ‘real’ Paralympics


 Russia’s Public Chamber head Aleksandr Brechalov has called the Court of Arbitration for Sport’s decision to uphold a ban on Russian athletes from the upcoming Paralympics in Rio “a lowly and mean move,” proposing that Russia should now hold its own games.

“I would like to wish our Paralympics athletes spiritual strength in such a situation and I also propose that we hold real Paralympic Games for the strongest on September 7-18 here in Russia,” Brechalov said in comments with TASS.

He added that in his view the “shameless” ruling of the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) was yet more proof that the body sought to demonstrate its loyalty to “partners across the ocean,” seemingly hinting at the US. The Russian activist also said he doubted that the people behind the ruling had any conscience at all.


Russia and the other non-Western countries (read: the world) should really organise apolitical sports events.

Banning every Russian Paralympic athlete ‘most vulgar form of justice imaginable’


Ellis Cashmore: I’m surprised by it, frankly. I thought that this would be a successful challenge. The IPC, the International Paralympic Committee, had imposed this blanket ban, but it did seem a very crude weapon, because they are effectively punishing every Paralympic athlete in Russia for the sins of a few. Yes, there have been some transgressions – I don’t think anybody is going to bury their heads in the sand and pretend that everything has been fine in Russia for the past several years. But, simply to punish every single competitor seems the crudest course, the most vulgar form of justice imaginable…

I thought further on this, because either the Court of Arbitration would take into consideration a story… about the [Richard] McLaren report. What happened last week is that the IOC President Thomas Bach requested Professor McLaren’s evidence of state-sponsored doping. Now, we’ve been hearing this term ad nauseam over the past few weeks, but no one has actually seen tangible evidence of the so-called state-sponsored doping that has allegedly been going on in Russia for, we don’t know how long. McLaren refused to give that evidence, and that really agitated quite a few people including myself. One would expect in such a colossally important case in sport’s history, as we know have, that the least thing that we should expect, we should feel entitled to be able to examine the evidence. And that hasn’t been forthcoming. I thought that the Court of Arbitration today would take that into consideration and rule in favor of the Russian Paralympic Athlete – that has not been the case.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
They shouldn't have banned Russia. The simply should have given everyone else a head start to make it fair.

Activity: 2464
Merit: 1145
What about Williams and Sharapova : it's not secret that black people are more powerful, they genes are different from white people.

BS. Black people are some of the weakest among the human races. Look at heavy-weight boxing and fighting sports such as Judo, MMA, Taekwondo.etc. There are some 2 billion blacks in this world compared to 0.5 billion whites. Still, it is the whites who dominate sports such as MMA, boxing, Judo, Karate, Fencing.etc.

You are so dumb and retarded please do something for humanities gene pool and kill yourself or atleast never procreate   Undecided

An ad hominem attack is a nice fallacy, demonstrating that you are out of valid arguments had must resort to insults. Well done, criptix - you just removed yourself from this conversation.

Lol... that guy seems to be in everyone's ignore list. You should not quote him, as it defeats the very purpose of ignoring someone.

The fact that we have 2016 and uneducated maggots like you and Bryant are running rampage on a tech forum like this makes my brain melt.

There are various online and offline science libraries where you could educate yourself while spamming bullshit for some sig pennies.

Tl;Dr. : use Google you retard.

Btw. How low do you have to fall to dope at the paralympics lol
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014

Russian team of the disabled athletes got banned from the Paralympics in Rio, and they are targeting the Paralympics team from the winter 2014 games in Sochi, intending to re-verify the tests, with the intent to re-write the results.

Looks like Russia will be appealing to the Human Rights court

Breaking! Death of #Paralympics: ALL Russian Paralympians banned from #Rio2016 #IPC #WADA #hybridwar

All 200 Russian Paralympianss are banned – a decision with which they waited till last moment – for the pleasure of an executioner to inflict an extra torture on a victim, I can only assume. Only athletes with the most severe injuries or impairments imaginable are allowed to compete in Paralympics, including missing legs and arms, paralysis, cerebral palsy or Down syndrome. In other words, those people who defeated insurmountable odds to survive and thrive. It seems especially diabolical to do this to such athletes.

For the full picture on this new low in the war against Russia, and on how Olympics have become an ugly proxy in the global geopolitical struggle to preserve the dying US Empire, read my complete article compilation on Olympics, doping in sport, and Brazil!

The team was waiting for this decision while already being in Rio!
Activity: 3094
Merit: 1069 - Crypto Casino
Yup doping penalties should be strict but it doesn't mean you exclude every players for a positive result for some. There is some extent of politics in here.

And as for the advantages of race and geography some have some benefits over other. Everyone should accept that. But the sporting authorities are too sometimes blamed of creating new rules to favor their favorites, same goes with the list of so called performance boosting drugs.
Activity: 3178
Merit: 1363
Slava Ukraini!
Maybe my last post looked like racism. But it looks that you don't understand my mind. I want to say that every race is different and they have they benefits in different sports. For example, asian people is strong at table tennis or gymnastics, african people from countries like Kenya, Ethiopia wins most marathons. I have my opinion, but I respect your opinion.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
What about Williams and Sharapova : it's not secret that black people are more powerful, they genes are different from white people.

BS. Black people are some of the weakest among the human races. Look at heavy-weight boxing and fighting sports such as Judo, MMA, Taekwondo.etc. There are some 2 billion blacks in this world compared to 0.5 billion whites. Still, it is the whites who dominate sports such as MMA, boxing, Judo, Karate, Fencing.etc.

You are so dumb and retarded please do something for humanities gene pool and kill yourself or atleast never procreate   Undecided

An ad hominem attack is a nice fallacy, demonstrating that you are out of valid arguments had must resort to insults. Well done, criptix - you just removed yourself from this conversation.

Lol... that guy seems to be in everyone's ignore list. You should not quote him, as it defeats the very purpose of ignoring someone.

Now back to the topic, Serena must be banned from competing in the women's game. She is definitely not 100% female. It is more like 60% female and 40% male. That gives Serena the advantage when competing against women.

Yep, and that was what I was hinting at in that post - not at black vs. white performance. Blacks may actually be better at short, explosive sprint-like types of sports, while whites, and Asians, at the endurance sports. But that has more to do with the height of the athletes and how much work their heart has to do pumping oxygen to the muscles.

And for the doping testing to be fair, it does not do excluding athletes from the competitions. Rather, ALL athletes without exception should be tested after EACH performance, and the tests must be performed in the presence of 6-7 witnesses from different countries, which are trusted in their respective regions of the world.
Activity: 2464
Merit: 1145
What about Williams and Sharapova : it's not secret that black people are more powerful, they genes are different from white people.

BS. Black people are some of the weakest among the human races. Look at heavy-weight boxing and fighting sports such as Judo, MMA, Taekwondo.etc. There are some 2 billion blacks in this world compared to 0.5 billion whites. Still, it is the whites who dominate sports such as MMA, boxing, Judo, Karate, Fencing.etc.

You are so dumb and retarded please do something for humanities gene pool and kill yourself or atleast never procreate   Undecided

An ad hominem attack is a nice fallacy, demonstrating that you are out of valid arguments had must resort to insults. Well done, criptix - you just removed yourself from this conversation.

There is no discussion and i am not discussing with him or you or anyone else here.

I stated a fact.

You might also think about my implications Smiley

Activity: 3332
Merit: 1352
Leading Crypto Sports Betting & Casino Platform
What about Williams and Sharapova : it's not secret that black people are more powerful, they genes are different from white people.

BS. Black people are some of the weakest among the human races. Look at heavy-weight boxing and fighting sports such as Judo, MMA, Taekwondo.etc. There are some 2 billion blacks in this world compared to 0.5 billion whites. Still, it is the whites who dominate sports such as MMA, boxing, Judo, Karate, Fencing.etc.

You are so dumb and retarded please do something for humanities gene pool and kill yourself or atleast never procreate   Undecided

An ad hominem attack is a nice fallacy, demonstrating that you are out of valid arguments had must resort to insults. Well done, criptix - you just removed yourself from this conversation.

Lol... that guy seems to be in everyone's ignore list. You should not quote him, as it defeats the very purpose of ignoring someone.

Now back to the topic, Serena must be banned from competing in the women's game. She is definitely not 100% female. It is more like 60% female and 40% male. That gives Serena the advantage when competing against women.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014

I repeat, all athletes use different doping to improve the results of its features. Only a few manage to deceive the monitoring organizations, while other competitors are not able to deceive the control and they are forbidden to speak at the event. At this time, the Russian athletes are out of luck.

It's not so much of "being out of luck, as being set up. WADA declared a medicine - Meldonium - that was used by the athletes on all of the (post)-Soviet space as a food supplement since the 80s, to be a doping. It was known that it takes bout 6 months for the trace of Meldonium to disappear from the body. So the Russian athletes  had no chance of becoming clean between WADA put Meldonium on the prohibited list and the Rio Olympics.

It's the same as if I, knowing that you drive a green car, put though a law, saying that all drivers of green cars are criminals, knowing that you won't be able to sell that car in time...

Please read the content of, which I posted in the OP:

LADA RAY REPORT: End of Olympics? Plot to Remove Russia from International Sports Revealed

and this bit:

Meldoniy (Meldonium) scandal

The Meldonium scandal began developing earlier this year after late last year WADA suddenly declared Meldonium to be a super-doping agent and banned it. It quickly turned out that Meldonium stayed in one’s bloodstream for months, and so, even those athletes who ended Meldonium usage immediately after the ban, tested positive months later and were promptly banned from all international competitions. WADA faced criticism for its ‘poorly researched and tested’ decision on Meldonium, but it simply shrugged off any such criticism and kept plowing on.

Here is an article on CBS about that: Meldonium producers say the drug can take months to leave body

The most famous athlete they got on Meldonium scandal was tennis star Maria Sharapova, who, as a result, is under a 2-year playing ban, and of course, she is missing the Rio Olympics. Why it was important to get Sharapova? Along with Yelena Isinbayeva, she is the face of the Russian sport. She was the Russian flag bearer at the London Olympics, and just like Isinbayeva, she is universally loved and admired.
Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
What about Williams and Sharapova : it's not secret that black people are more powerful, they genes are different from white people.

BS. Black people are some of the weakest among the human races. Look at heavy-weight boxing and fighting sports such as Judo, MMA, Taekwondo.etc. There are some 2 billion blacks in this world compared to 0.5 billion whites. Still, it is the whites who dominate sports such as MMA, boxing, Judo, Karate, Fencing.etc.
hero member
Activity: 490
Merit: 500
I thought the ban was over turned just before the games started.
They were in the opening ceremony after all. Roll Eyes
Activity: 3178
Merit: 1363
Slava Ukraini!
These stats that only 0.91% russian doping tests was positive is bullshit. Mostly tests was made in russian laboratories and in Sochi olympics and investigation proved, that mostly tests was falsificated by workers of laboaratories and russian FSB. Original tests was changed to clean tests. So, this chart don't give us real view.

Sources validating your claim, please, or your own statement is the simple bullshit.

Otherwise it's not better than me saying "These stats that only 0.71% american doping tests was positive is bullshit. Mostly tests was made in english laboratories and in London olympics and investigation proved, that mostly tests was falsificated by workers of laboaratories and american FBI. Original tests was changed to clean tests. So, this chart don't give us real view."  Wink

Why are you referring to Sochi Olympics, by the way? The table above is from the relentless testing of all of the athletes prior to the Rio Olympics of these past few months.

PS: Feel the difference:

Williams next to Sharapova: find a crucial difference in their look
Sharapova was favorite for London Olympics gold. The international disappointment and underground discontent against the ‘steroid sister’ Serena Williams’ gold in London ran deep; doubts and protests took place – all squashed.
Investigation of WADA proved what I said in my previous post.
What about Williams and Sharapova : it's not secret that black people are more powerful, they genes are different from white people.
I'm very sad for Sharapova. She declarated in press conference that she used doping, and I think she didn't deserved such strict punishment.
sr. member
Activity: 280
Merit: 250
These stats that only 0.91% russian doping tests was positive is bullshit. Mostly tests was made in russian laboratories and in Sochi olympics and investigation proved, that mostly tests was falsificated by workers of laboaratories and russian FSB. Original tests was changed to clean tests. So, this chart don't give us real view.

Sources validating your claim, please, or your own statement is the simple bullshit.

Otherwise it's not better than me saying "These stats that only 0.71% american doping tests was positive is bullshit. Mostly tests was made in english laboratories and in London olympics and investigation proved, that mostly tests was falsificated by workers of laboaratories and american FBI. Original tests was changed to clean tests. So, this chart don't give us real view."  Wink

Why are you referring to Sochi Olympics, by the way? The table above is from the relentless testing of all of the athletes prior to the Rio Olympics of these past few months.

PS: Feel the difference:

Williams next to Sharapova: find a crucial difference in their look
Sharapova was favorite for London Olympics gold. The international disappointment and underground discontent against the ‘steroid sister’ Serena Williams’ gold in London ran deep; doubts and protests took place – all squashed.
I repeat, all athletes use different doping to improve the results of its features. Only a few manage to deceive the monitoring organizations, while other competitors are not able to deceive the control and they are forbidden to speak at the event. At this time, the Russian athletes are out of luck.
sr. member
Activity: 280
Merit: 250
My opinion is that, in fact, a ban on participation in the competition for many Russian athletes, only the echoes of a quiet war between the two great powers, America and Russia. I'm not going to say that the Russian athletes do not take dope. But in recent years, almost all professional athletes, in one form or another, use chemistry to improve results. It would be foolish to think that only the Russian sportsmen take doping. But for some reason, we found and removed only Russian athletes.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
These stats that only 0.91% russian doping tests was positive is bullshit. Mostly tests was made in russian laboratories and in Sochi olympics and investigation proved, that mostly tests was falsificated by workers of laboaratories and russian FSB. Original tests was changed to clean tests. So, this chart don't give us real view.

Sources validating your claim, please, or your own statement is the simple bullshit.

Otherwise it's not better than me saying "These stats that only 0.71% american doping tests was positive is bullshit. Mostly tests was made in english laboratories and in London olympics and investigation proved, that mostly tests was falsificated by workers of laboaratories and american FBI. Original tests was changed to clean tests. So, this chart don't give us real view."  Wink

Why are you referring to Sochi Olympics, by the way? The table above is from the relentless testing of all of the athletes prior to the Rio Olympics of these past few months.

PS: Feel the difference:

Williams next to Sharapova: find a crucial difference in their look
Sharapova was favorite for London Olympics gold. The international disappointment and underground discontent against the ‘steroid sister’ Serena Williams’ gold in London ran deep; doubts and protests took place – all squashed.
Activity: 3178
Merit: 1363
Slava Ukraini!
These stats that only 0.91% russian doping tests was positive is bullshit. Mostly tests was made in russian laboratories and in Sochi olympics and investigation proved, that mostly tests was falsificated by workers of laboaratories and russian FSB. Original tests was changed to clean tests. So, this chart don't give us real view.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
its the usual anti russian bs, as if any top level athletes are not on some sort of proscribed drugs/hormones

Ironically, the situation is almost the opposite for the clean athletes. I watched a Russian documentary on the drug use in sports recently. One of the interviewed athletes said that they have a real problem with selecting clean medicines - if they, for example, catch a common cold, almost all of the medicines that you can get at the apothecary contain substances, that are on the banned drug list, and it's getting worse with every year.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
Will Russian Paralympians be banned from #Rio2016? (Plot to Remove Russia from #Olympics 2)


IPC (International Paralympic Committee) considers whether they should ban Russian Paralympic team from #Rio2016 Paralympic Summer Games. In other words, they waited for the very last moment to deliver this new blow.

This video by RT (Russian) says the investigation against Russian Paralympic team began ONLY after July 28, 2016 ‘independent’ WADA commission’s recommendation to ban the Russian Olympic team from Rio. The Olympics are to begin on August 5, 2016 and many athletes are already there. The whole thing has been timed so that there is no time for handicapped athletes to appeal or demand justice.

If ban against handicapped and disadvantaged athletes comes to pass, Russia threatens to sue in the International Human Rights Court.


Exactly as originally predicted in

LADA RAY REPORT: End of Olympics? Plot to Remove Russia from #RioOlympics!

250 Russian star athletes from the Olympic team (sports other than track-and-field) that still made it to Rio are now being sabotaged, while attempting to concentrate on their last preparations for the upcoming competition.

There is an ongoing plot to make #RioOlympics participation for clean Russian athletes as difficult as possible by crushing their spirit through relentless psychological pressure, suspicion and treating them like guinea pigs through incessant new doping tests.

Breaking news 8/1/16: #IOC flip-flops last moment on its earlier decision that each individual sport should determine whether Russian athletes are allowed to compete. IOC suddenly rules that each Russian athlete in Rio will have to be considered for participation by a panel of three judges: that’s 250+ athletes and 4 days before the start of competition.

Blatant discrimination and double standards: Russian athletes tested nearly 5400 times more than Americans (especially striking gap due to the fact that US team is more numerous than Russian)

The new info coming in: Russian athletes in Rio have been tested and retested so relentlessly that they don’t have time to train or sleep. This is part of the sabotage I’ve predicted in my original report!

And we are talking perfectly clean Russian athletes, who never failed a test in their life, or whose sport – such as gymnastics (artistic and rhythmic), synchronized swimming, diving, horse riding, etc. – doesn’t benefit from doping. Let’s also emphasize that Russians are favorites in most of these sports that don’t benefit from doping, having won ALL or the majority of gold medals in rhythmic gymnastics and synchronized swimming.

Also to be noted that China is the other singled-out country...

That part I highlighted in read makes the Olympics farce more like a place of Inquisition and execution, than the one of free sports.

An alternative above-politics international, open to all, sports competition is sorely needed!!
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
The olympics doesn't mean anything anymore, just corruption and now cheaters maybe we hear about scams from russia, hackers from russia, and it goes on. One thing that is troubling to me is that we never hear of terrorist attacks on russia.

Besides, do they crown the winners, anymore, with laurel wreaths like the ancient Greeks used to do? It just isn't the same any longer.

hero member
Activity: 560
Merit: 500
The olympics doesn't mean anything anymore, just corruption and now cheaters maybe we hear about scams from russia, hackers from russia, and it goes on. One thing that is troubling to me is that we never hear of terrorist attacks on russia.
hero member
Activity: 672
Merit: 508
its the usual anti russian bs, as if any top level athletes are not on some sort of proscribed drugs/hormones
Spoiler: it's a strategy to win the Rio Olympics, ban every country  Grin
Activity: 1078
Merit: 1014
its the usual anti russian bs, as if any top level athletes are not on some sort of proscribed drugs/hormones
sr. member
Activity: 462
Merit: 250
hey you, yeah you, fuck you!!!
The truth of the matter is the olympics wont be a real success as they thought so it will be more of a negative if the the Russians were not there because obvious that Russia has an issue
Activity: 3178
Merit: 1363
Slava Ukraini!
I think to banning russian athletes from Olympics is good desicion. Many russian athletes used doping, they doping tests was changed to clean by FSB officers, so it was controled by their government. But clean athletes will have chance to participate in Olympics, this is good decision by IOC. But fact that bigger part of world is against Russia, it's only fault of Putin. Firstly, they occupied part of Georgia, then Crimea and cused war in eastern Ukraine. They deserved sanctions. And what about sports, doping scandals started from Sochi winter Oympics, they maked sports unfair, they not deserved many medals that they win. Imagine, if you are athlete, who works hard everyday, and then in competitions, you don't have chance to win, because opponent is using doping. So, mostly hates Russia, and now they got what deserved.
hero member
Activity: 588
Merit: 500
Gloire à la Victoire !
I'm very glad of that change. It can be written in everything, from Uzbek to Chinese, but as long as it is not in English (and in Arab), that's fine.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
And the last fragment from that outstanding report that I wish to share:

In conclusion, a word about the evolution of the Russian Olympic uniform

Here is the previous Russian Olympic uniform:

And this is Russian 2016 Rio Olympic uniform. As you’ll notice, this is the first time in modern history (after the USSR collapse) that the word ‘Russia’ is written on the uniforms in Russian: Poccия.

This is important because Russia has begun asserting herself again and this is an announcement for all to see. Do you remember how during Sochi Olympics the teams were coming out for the Opening Ceremony in the order of the Russian, not Latin, alphabet – and that generated a storm of indignation in the West. How dare they use their own alphabet at their own Games! Now, these damn Russians decided to write their country’s name on their uniforms in their own language?!! That’s just not done.

And this, ladies and gentlemen, served as a proverbial red to any Russophobic Western bull. It became an aggravating factor in the attack on the Russian team.

Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
As the opening of the highly-politicised Olympics is drawing closer, it is interesting to take a look at the previous Olympics, when stabs at Russia were taken.

Here is a short historical anthology from the same report (

I wrote about this issue several times in 2014 and 2015. Don’t make a mistake of thinking that sports is just that: athletics cum entertainment. Sport is one of the biggest and most powerful geopolitical leverages there is. Sport has been always used in big global politics and it always worked. Recall the boycott of the Moscow 1980 Olympics and USSR’s return boycott of Los Angeles 1984 Olympics. Mao’s China, once banned from Olympics, was urgently invited by the US to participate for the first time, in order to boost the numbers and to put a rift between Russia and China.

The most disgusting and disgraceful Olympics were the 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Games, which were full of corruption scandals. During Salt Lake City Games US and Anglo-American ‘consortium’ discredited itself utterly by mistreating other countries’ athletes, while flaunting their own. Multiple scandals revolved around medals being taken away from non-English-speaking countries and given to Americans, Canadians and Australians.

I boycotted the Olympics after that and only began watching again starting with Beijing 2008. Of course everyone knows how US and EU tried very hard to sabotage Beijing Olympics by various fake protesters jumping in front of the Olympics torch in France and UK and calls to boycott China.

That didn’t work. So, a new plot to sour the Olympics and put a rift between Russia and China was developed. It was the infamous Georgia – S. Ossetia war. Georgia attacked S. Ossetia and killed 8 Russian peacekeepers exactly during the opening ceremony in Beijing, thus forcing Russia to respond.

Incidentally, notice the number of the killed Russians: 8. According to Chinese numerology and feng shui, the number 8, resembling infinity, is considered the luckiest number. China went to great pains to secure the Olympics that began on 08/08/2008. Triple 8 is especially lucky, according to Chinese numerology. Therefore, 8 Russian peacekeepers killed on 08/08/2008 was an especially sadistically perverted message to China.

Russia was forced to start the so-called 4 day war against Georgia, aka, a ‘peace-keeping operation.’ During the Olympics all wars are supposed to cease, therefore, it was an additional deliberate affront. Both China and Russia were wise enough to see where the wind was blowing from; therefore, the ultimate plan of putting a wedge between them failed.

Fast forward to 2014 and Sochi Winter Olympics. Behold the disgusting lies that were told about Sochi, its construction process and its future! One could fill books with that dirt and calls to boycott the Sochi Olympics. In 1980 the pretext of the Afghanistan war was used to boycott the Moscow Olympics. Let’s recall that the Sochi Olympics began BEFORE Ukraine, Crimea and Donbass events took place. There was absolutely nothing for them to go on. They did try the gay angle, but that didn’t go very far. The calls to boycott the Sochi Olympics flooded from practically all Western countries not based on any facts, but JUST IN CASE.

There was a problem though. After the 1980 and 1984 fiascoes, IOC developed the new law, according to which, any country boycotting the Games is automatically banned from future participation. Neither US nor EU could afford that. Therefore, they announced that the leaders of Western countries would boycott the Sochi Opening Ceremony, to which they all were invited as a courtesy.

The only two exceptions were the king and queen of the Netherlands and President of Czechia, who attended, despite the pressure to snub Sochi. In this regard it makes one wonder how much the Royal Dutch MH17 plane tragedy in Ukraine several months later was retaliation for the Dutch king’s disobedience. It certainly is a hell of a coincidence.

Those who boycotted the Sochi Opening Ceremony missed a lot. It was gorgeous, and so was the Closing Ceremony. Probably the most beautiful such ceremonies ever made. The Creative Director of the Sochi Games Konstantin Ernst was honored with the TV ‘Oscar’ equivalent for the 2014’s best show.

Since nothing else worked, the ultimate stunt was performed to spoil the Sochi Olympics: ukro-nazi Maidan and Kiev coup were executed during the Games, plunging Ukraine into chaos and turning it into a violent anti-Russian abyss on Russian borders.

Now it’s the turn of the Rio Olympics. Brazil is part of the BRICS. First, they needed to oust Dilma Rousseff, who would have never allowed such disaster to happen. The next step is to make everything associated with Brazil Olympics as unpleasant as possible, therefore souring the taste for Brazilians and guests alike.

Make no mistake: one of the goals for the whole Rio fiasco and Russian ban scandal is to taint the Rio Olympics as part of retaliation against Dilma Rousseff and Lula da Silva for defying US and siding with Russia! Dilma’s ousting and humiliation wasn’t enough – this is a swipe directly against Lula, because Rio Games was his baby project!

Ousting the Russian team is the next step. Overall, this is part of a major, multi-prong and multi-move game to create a rift within the BRICS, with the ultimate purpose of its disintegration. The real targets here are Russia and China, but mostly Russia.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014

Lada’s translation of NTV piece (see Russian text below or in this link, along with Vovan and Lexus photo).

Vovan (Vladimir Kuznetsov) and Lexus (Alexei Stolyarov) called the director of WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency), Sir Craig Reedie, and the head of USADA (US Anti-Doping Agency) Travis Tygart back on May 28, 2016. It was USADA that initiated and spearheaded the anti-doping investigation of Russia. NTV decided to postpone airing the revelations obtained during these calls to spare the international sports bureaucrats a major embarrassment and so not to influence their previous decisions.

However, in the run-up to the fateful decision on July 24, when IOC may punish the entire Russian team, banning it from Rio Olympics, the entire secret dirty underworld will be revealed. Our viewers will hear how the Director of WADA, Sir Craig Reedie will admit that they had no proof other than the interview of Rodchenkov to New York Times. The Head of USADA Travis Tygart will confess to Vovan parading as ‘Minister of Sport of Ukraine Igor Zhdanov,’ that the ultimate objective is to remove Russia from all international competitions because ‘this is politics, my friend.’

(LR: Rodchenkov is the ousted scandalous RUSADA (Russian Anti-Doping Agency) director, who defected to the US.)

These and other details of the scandal will be revealed on July 22 at 22:30 on NTV.


Spies among us: What is show ‘The Call’ and who are Vovan and Lexus?

‘The Call’ consists of a high-profile telephone prank performed in front of live audience by two famous Russian pranksters and investigative journalists Vovan and Lexus. They usually pretend to be someone important, someone to whom the person on the other side can’t refuse to speak.

You may recall my mentioning Vovan and Lexus in conjunction with massive revelations and international scandals they revealed. I have translated one of their revelations of a secret collusion between Moldova and Ukraine relative to crashing the Moldova protests in ESR8. They call-pranked Belarus’s Lukashenko; multiple top bras of Ukraine; they revealed various collusions between EU, Turkey, Ukraine and Islamist terrorists. Then there was Vovan and Lexus prank call to Erdogan, where he agreed to plot against Russia with the fake Poroshenko and Yatsenyuk.

Just for kicks they pranked Elton John, pretending to be Vladimir Putin. After Putin learned that the elderly Englishman was upset, he called him personally in his usual gracious manner.

sr. member
Activity: 560
Merit: 252
A PS on topic (ignoring Masha Sha's trolling)...


It also has to be noted, as correctly pointed out by that poor little UK rag Independent, that IOC Head Thomas Bach (a German) is, as they call him, ‘pro-Russian.’ This simply means that the man spent his entire lifetime encouraging sport and supporting those countries that spend a lot of resources to support the development sport, both nationally and internationally. Russia happens to be such a country. Thomas Bach and IOC have been doing some very fancy footwork for years, trying to keep the filthy paws of Anglo-Americans out of the Olympics. Only with some limited success, I might add. He is a very skilled politician – and he needs every ounce of this skill now. If he defies the US/UK aggression into his domain again, he is in grave danger.

Recall the very influential Zepp Blatter (a Swiss), who ruled FIFA for years and who was simply smeared on the wall last year after he refused to succumb to US/EU pressure and frame Russia for bribery to get World Cup 2018 hosting rights. Blatter was also accused(!) of being ‘pro-Russian’ – and that, in the eyes of the Western globalist elites is an indictment! Read the whole story in Hybrid War: The Whole Truth About Doping and Demands to Ban Russia from 2016 Summer Olympics.

As we see, it’s very dangerous to stand up to Anglo-Americans when they are going for the kill. I hope Bach’s famous political skill is sufficient to wiggle his and IOC’s way out of this tight spot.


There are other examples as well. Remember how Dominique Strauss-Kahn was set up by the US and snubbed a chance at a French presidency and thrown out of the IMF?

Please this guy is a rapist and wanted to impose the sdr to the world... Had to be eliminated.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
A PS on topic (ignoring Masha Sha's trolling)...


It also has to be noted, as correctly pointed out by that poor little UK rag Independent, that IOC Head Thomas Bach (a German) is, as they call him, ‘pro-Russian.’ This simply means that the man spent his entire lifetime encouraging sport and supporting those countries that spend a lot of resources to support the development sport, both nationally and internationally. Russia happens to be such a country. Thomas Bach and IOC have been doing some very fancy footwork for years, trying to keep the filthy paws of Anglo-Americans out of the Olympics. Only with some limited success, I might add. He is a very skilled politician – and he needs every ounce of this skill now. If he defies the US/UK aggression into his domain again, he is in grave danger.

Recall the very influential Zepp Blatter (a Swiss), who ruled FIFA for years and who was simply smeared on the wall last year after he refused to succumb to US/EU pressure and frame Russia for bribery to get World Cup 2018 hosting rights. Blatter was also accused(!) of being ‘pro-Russian’ – and that, in the eyes of the Western globalist elites is an indictment! Read the whole story in Hybrid War: The Whole Truth About Doping and Demands to Ban Russia from 2016 Summer Olympics.

As we see, it’s very dangerous to stand up to Anglo-Americans when they are going for the kill. I hope Bach’s famous political skill is sufficient to wiggle his and IOC’s way out of this tight spot.


There are other examples as well. Remember how Dominique Strauss-Kahn was set up by the US and snubbed a chance at a French presidency and thrown out of the IMF?
hero member
Activity: 588
Merit: 500
Gloire à la Victoire !
That's true. Telephone listens proved that it was a pure plot organised by Ukraine and the USA a against Russia.
sr. member
Activity: 560
Merit: 252
Frankly it's not that bad... It's the price to pay for Russia survival. When reframed under the survival of Russia as an independent nation free from foreign interferences aimed at genocidying the Russia people, identity, culture, food supply at what ever they can destroy or raid... It's nothing.

Putin and all the Russian security apparatus are doing an excellent job, world class in securing The Russian federation... And this is the only real thing worth doing... Of course there are no gold medals or fame to be gained. It's a dirty, nasty often badly understood endeavor... But each day, a day free of Russian blood in the russian street is worth more than all the fake and ephemeral recognition of a so called Olympic medal...

Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
Banning Russia from Rio Olympics as another battle in the hybrid war on Russia, as well as against Brazil and the BRICS...

LADA RAY REPORT: End of Olympics? Plot to Remove Russia from International Sports Revealed

Bad things happen when good people are silent – or indifferent!

Why should you pay close attention to what is happening in global sports and Olympics, even if you are indifferent to them? Because just like anywhere else, if you look the other way, they’ll sneak in NWO before you know it!

The modern Olympics movement was started in the end of 19th century by the French Pierre de Coubertin. Russia is presently rebalancing the severely tilted to the West world, which has become utterly imbalanced, with an unfair advantage assigned to the West, at the expense of the rest of the globe. It is fitting that an era of the West will end in the disbanding or slow dying of the Western initiative of the modern Olympics.

Anti-Russia Hybrid War in Sports! Fact summary: Russian athletes’ Rio ban + Meldonium scandal

I wrote about this issue in 2015 and I warned of this outcome in:

    Hybrid War: The Whole Truth About Doping and Demands to Ban Russia from 2016 Summer Olympics
    Brazil Color Revolution: Corruption, Dilma, Lula, Zika, Rio Olympics and BRICS. Lada Ray Report & Predictions

I won’t repeat the facts and analytics from the previous two reports. Please read them for the completeness of your understanding. There are many new facts and revelations taking place since 2015. Let’s discuss newest developments.

Russian team ban from Rio Olympics

Russia lost it’s Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) appeal on Thursday, 7/21, against an Olympic ban on its track-and-field athletes. Russians were holding their breath for the decision, still hoping for some justice from the ‘democratic’ European court. The court located in Switzerland, had some wishy-washy closing words to say: on one hand the appeal cannot be granted because the IAAF (Intl Athletic Federation) ruling is within its rules; on the other hand – how strange that IAAF and WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) waited till June to come out with allegations and issue the ban, thus leaving no time for ‘clean’ athletes to appeal before the start of Rio Olympics on August 5, 2016. The ban was upheld, nevertheless.

But it gets worse: Russia faces a potential blanket Rio 2016 ban after losing appeal against IAAF ruling on track-and-field athletes. The total number of the Russian athletes who were supposed to participate in Rio was 400 before the ban.

The entire Russian track-and-field team, except 1 – about 68 athletes in total – were banned from Rio Olympics participation, including many who never failed a drug test in their life. Why did they single out one random athlete to allow her participation in Rio? Because this one single person is chosen to put a rift within the team and underscore further just ‘how corrupt the entire team is.’

WADA/IAAF/US also tried to seduce some of the athletes to participate in Rio not under the Russian flag, but under a neutral IOC banner, basically denouncing their country. This was a clear provocation designed to create suspicion and rift within Russian society and sports community. There were no takers among track-and-field team. I guarantee if there were any takers, such athletes would have been immediately allowed to compete in Rio.

It has to be mentioned that for most athletes being at the games is a once in a lifetime opportunity and the psychological trauma of being denied that chance can break one’s life. Therefore, giving them a choice to participate at the expense of betraying their country constitutes an especially exquisite torture.

This ban includes 2-time Olympic and 7-time world champion, multiple-time world-record holder Yelena Isinbayeva. Isinbayeva, named more than once World Athlete of the Year and widely known to never take any drugs, recently came back from maternity leave in order to train hard for participation in her last Olympics. Isinbayeva is one of the best known names in the contemporary sport and she was the spokesperson for the Russian team during the CAS appeal.

Yelena Isinbayeva has been very outspoken about the injustice of the IAAF/WADA decision, and the attack on Russian athletes based on political motives. It is interesting that most world’s national athletic federations have been silent about the decision, while the retired athletes and sports bureaucrats internationally spoke out against it.

Meanwhile, it has been announced that ten countries demanded Russian blanket ban, among these: USA, Canada, UK, Switzerland and Germany. A British competitor of Yelena Isinbayeva said that she (Isinbayeva) ‘doesn’t deserve justice because she is a heterosexual (aka, not gay!), and Putin supporter(!).’  Just imagine how much her competitors have hated her coming back after childbirth and how much they are afraid of her!



Meldoniy (Meldonium) scandal

The Meldonium scandal began developing earlier this year after late last year WADA suddenly declared Meldonium to be a super-doping agent and banned it. It quickly turned out that Meldonium stayed in one’s bloodstream for months, and so, even those athletes who ended Meldonium usage immediately after the ban, tested positive months later and were promptly banned from all international competitions. WADA faced criticism for its ‘poorly researched and tested’ decision on Meldonium, but it simply shrugged off any such criticism and kept plowing on.

Here is an article on CBS about that: Meldonium producers say the drug can take months to leave body

The most famous athlete they got on Meldonium scandal was tennis star Maria Sharapova, who, as a result, is under a 2-year playing ban, and of course, she is missing the Rio Olympics. Why it was important to get Sharapova? Along with Yelena Isinbayeva, she is the face of the Russian sport. She was the Russian flag bearer at the London Olympics, and just like Isinbayeva, she is universally loved and admired.


The kicker is this: what is really Meldonium, aka, Meldoniy or Meldonat? The Western MSM presstitutes will have you believe it’s some sort of new secret drug, used as mega-conspiracy by Sharapova and other Russians to gain an unfair advantage.

In reality, it is an innocent over-the-counter medicine anyone in Russia can buy by simply walking into a neighborhood pharmacy. What’s more, it’s a very old restorative, widely used and well-known to WADA, IOC and world sports federations since Soviet times. The issue of it being considered doping was NEVER raised before.

It was developed during USSR in Latvia, when it was still called the Latvian Soviet Socialist Republic, by a Latvian scientist. I believe it was in 1970s or early ’80s. Up till last year, when the market collapsed due to sudden ban, Meldoniy (Meldonat) was a very substantial part of Latvian export, constituting 1% of Latvian annual GDP! The reason is this: Melodoniy is taken liberally by lay users and professional athletes alike throughout the entire post-Soviet space. It is a mild and safe preparation based on herbs and natural substances, which acts as heart restorative after strenuous exercise. Meldoniy was always considered super-innocuous, therefore, world-class athletes have taken it for years, as a safe bet and in the absence of any other drugs they could use due to ever expanding WADA bans.

Since the all-out war against Russia by the West began before 2014 Sochi Olympics, it was necessary to keep finding new avenues for the ongoing attacks. Most of the previous attacks were deflected or successful counter-attacks by Russia were launched. After Ukraine, attacks on Russian economy and Russian ruble, sanctions, vilifying of Putin and various Russian officials, NATO provocations, post-Soviet space color revolutions and various ongoing lies, what remained? Russian sport. Meldoniy, which wasn’t even considered a drug by global standards, was what they decided to go after – in my view, primarily because it was used by Sharapova.


There you have it! Meldonium was banned because: 1. it was invented in the USSR – an indictment in itself in the West; 2. it was primarily taken by Russian athletes, many of whom would be caught in the ban; 3. it caught Sharapova in the crossfire – and she was the big prize.

When the Meldonium attack by WADA began in late 2015 – early 2016, it was hoped that it would be sufficient to push through the ban of the entire Russian Olympic team. Turned out that didn’t stick, but it created enough momentum and generated enough public opinion to produce the next rabbit out of a hat: the interview with ousted ex-Head of RUSADA (Russian Anti-Doping Agency, part of WADA) Rodchenkov, who defected to the US, where he received a fat fee and a lucrative job for his troubles, and from where he started bashing Russian authorities.


Read the full report at
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