In otherwords, yet another fucking scam...
If it is, it's not a very good one.
A good scam doesn't give anyone their money back, unless it's so they can scam even more money.
Unless you got lucky when you put all the BTC deposits in one wallet and the price risen 20% and take your chances on the CC payments over 90 days old. Minus Dave's wages, there's enough left over to feed a family for a while without having to eat leftovers.
Then why refund 200k of CC orders?
As I understand things, the credit card companies are not stupid...they keep a hold of enough money to protect themselves against charge-backs. But I've never (and never wanted) to be on the receiving end of credit cards or pay-pal so I don't know the exact details.
Eventually the credit card companies have to fork over the dough to the vendor. That's why one needs to request a charge-back within a certain period of time of making a purchase. Those who missed this window will be shit-outa-luck in being made whole via this mechanism.
I guess if one is scamming via credit-card, one needs to have a way to string people along for long enough for the charge-back window to close. Like maybe you lose your place in the pre-order queue and miss out on the opportunity of a lifetime mining Bitcoin or something along those lines...
Some of the very early BTCFPGA orders are now outside chargeback window - personally I've got about another ten days to do so on mine, but I have one CC order and one BTC order.
Going to see if Dave replies to me tomorrow, so far this is the correspondance:
[13/01/2013 23:39:25] Me: Hello
Just heard the news about BTCFPGA folding - what's the refund situation as of now?
[14/01/2013 00:06:55] David Carlson: trying not to fold it - dealmaking in progress
[14/01/2013 00:07:08] David Carlson: you can submit a refund if you want, or wait to hear the details this week
[14/01/2013 00:09:24] Me: I think I'd rather just pull the plug and get the refund if I'm honest at this point
[14/01/2013 00:10:07] Me: My order numbers were 785 and 1896
Should be an order for one of the low-end units, an upgrade to one of the high end units and an upgrade to DHL shipping
[14/01/2013 00:10:31] David Carlson: please email it all to me - I need it all in one searchable place
[14/01/2013 00:11:17] Me: Cool, I passed a bunch of it to you on the dave@bitcoinasic email earlier
[14/01/2013 00:12:44] David Carlson: ok great
[14/01/2013 00:14:20] Me: It should be
#785 (Credit Card order) - $599.99 for the base unit + $30 shipping.
Shipping upgrade (BTC) - $60 worth of BTC at that time
#1896 (Bitpay Order using BTC) - $470 worth of BTC at that time
[14/01/2013 12:32:31] Me: So, did that get sorted?
Nothing since then... Have emailed too. Will probably have to process a chargeback for the CC part but that still leaves me $530 out of pocket.