Here is an idea, that could help us spread the meassage about #basicincome topic. We would hire a developer to make us a simple facebook app called basicincome4coins that simply asks for your permission to send messages to your friends on your behalf and broadcasts the following message to all of your friends saying: "Hi Friendname! I am broadcasting this message with basicincome4coins app. Everytime I broadcast this message with this app I get shares to receive dividends from the funds of its crowdfunding address. The idea is to spread the message about #basicincome and get some crowdfunded bitcoins as reward. Thanks, Sendername!".
Every time you did a broadcast - and you could do only one per calendar month - you would get as much shares as the number of friends you had. The bitcoins received every month with that app's crowdfunding bitcoin address would then be sent to you, to your designated bitcoin address, according to how much shares you did collect in that calendar month with your broadcast.
Let us know when u launch it. I'll create hundreds of new FB profile to earn some Satoshi