This thread is my pursuit to summarize how does the current monetary system work (in USA) and explain some terms such as fractional reserve lending. The system is purposely difficult to understand, so I'll try to break it down as much as I can.
Everything begins when the government starts creating bonds. These bonds are essentially meant to be sold with an interest. It's like saying “Hey, give me some trillions of dollars and I'll pay you back in a decade plus an interest”. These bonds are our national debt, because we're the ones who're going to pay them in the future.
The bond is then auctioned and the world's largest banks buy it to receive the sweet interests. The banks then swap those IOUs with the Federal Reserve's checks which brings money into existence. It looks like this:
Treasury's bonds → Banks → Federal Reserve's checks & money minting → Banks ($) → Treasury ($).
So what's actually happening is that the FED and the treasury swap IOUs (checks & bonds) with banks as middlemen. This process continues repeatedly enriching the banks and indebting the public by increasing the national debt.
Fractional Reserve LendingWhen you're depositing money in a bank, you shouldn't imagine that they're keeping those money in a safe closet. Instead, they loan it to other people, so you should consider that you're actually loaning them your money.
Now what's fractional reserve lending... It's exactly what it says. The banks are allowed to reserve only a fraction of your deposit and do whatever they want with the rest of it. According to Modern Money Mechanics the reserve ratio is 10%, so let's use this simple percentage in our example.
Let's assume you deposit $1000. The bank can now take $900 of those and lend them to someone. It is reasonable to think that these $900 come out from your $1000. However, that's not the case. What really happens is that these $900 are created out of thin air on top of the $1000. This is how the money supply is extended. Bare with me.
The bank creates a check (a liability) saying that you own $1000 even though, they have only kept $100 of your deposited dollars. The other $900 have been lent. Once the borrower deposits their $900 hard cash in their bank, the bank will give them a liability of $900, but will also keep only 10% of it. The bank can also lend those $810 and keep only the $90.
NOTE: The liability is an IOU. It's nothing more than that, but it is considered currency since it's used as medium of exchange instead of cash.
If we continue this further we can notice that there's always some liability which is 10 times greater the assets you deposited and your bank is keeping.
Seriously, the cash remains the same. It's $1000. But, they liability constantly rises; it's $1000 + $900 + $810 +
+ + ... = $10000.
As a conclusion, the currency supply expands. Specifically, around 92-96% of all the currency supply is created from this very procedure and not from the government.
So, in this fractional reserve system there're two folks who decide about the nation's faith. The government and the banks (AKA - Fed). The interests of each bond increase the debt you and your descendants are doomed to repay. In this monetary system as long as there's demand for loans and reserve for them, the currency will be inflated.
Outside this system, only currency minting is considered the cause of inflation. You may have seen Bitcoin been brought as a solution to this fraudulent and built-to-be-corrupted system; the reason is simple: If there isn't a FED which controls the economy and increases the nation's debt, which is what pulls you to poverty and enriches the banks, this exploitation will cease to exist.
“It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.” — Henry Ford