This is a brilliant (and quick) implementation of a recommendation posted on Reddit yesterday. It is a great way to leave additional tips to get people interested in bitcoin out in the real world. I literally can't wait to start trying it out.
I don't understand why you wouldn't just print a QR code of the private key on the tip card? Can someone please explain the reason that the QR code points to the bctip site at all?
Because non-used tips will be refunded - printing out the private key would mean lot's of lost bitcoins (or if you hold a copy lot's of re-transfering-work).
Oh, cool, that makes sense. So then the funds are held at bctip? What happens if bctip disappears off the face of the planet one day, do people just lose their coins? Obviously not a big deal since most people will be tipping small amounts, but I'm just curious.