Big-tech has made it impossible to market your crypto business. Facebook, Google and even Mailchimp ban all businesses even related to crypto from using their marketing platforms.
We've created a product that solves this problem. With our platform, you can reach audiences of millions of crypto consumers, circumventing big-tech's crypto ban.
Get more customers and an unprecedented return of investment from your ad budget. Our platform is a peer-to-peer marketplace you can use to buy direct ads on any of our 20 cryptocurrency publishers.
Direct ads are different from ad-exchanges like coinzilla or cointraffic. With direct peer-to-peer ads, you advertise on specific websites. Think of it as an amazon or an ebay, but instead of buying stuff your buying ad spaces on websites you choose from the marketplace.
All the pricing is transparent and you have a 100% control of where your ads go. You can run some seriously high ROI campaigns. You can get started with a test campaign for as little as $10. We'd love to hear any feedback from the community and want to improve what we've got as much as we can.
So thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy what we've worked hard to build!
Here's a link to our website