Buradan cüzdani indirip kurun ve calistirin
- Cüzdan'da "Bot Store" sekmesinden "Transition bot" linkine tiklayin
Hello and welcome to Byteball! I will guide you through the process of claiming your bytes. First, please let me know your Byteball address (just click "..." button and select "Insert my address")
- Bu mesaji göreceksiniz, asagidaki ... butonuna tiklayarak bytes-adresinizi gönderin
Got it, your Byteball address is SIZIN_BYTES_ADRESINIZ. Now please pay GÖNDERMENIZ_GEREKEN_BTC_MIKTARI BTC to BTC_GÖNDERECEGINIZ_BTC_ADRESI from a wallet where you control the private keys (no exchange wallets, no Coinbase, no Xapo, etc). By paying you will prove ownership of your Bitcoin address we receive the payment from. Don't worry if your Bitcoin wallet doesn't allow you to select the address to pay from, I'll let you know your Bitcoin address as soon as we receive the payment. Now waiting for your payment.
- Bu mesajda belirtilen adrese, belirtilen miktarda BTC gönderin. BTC'yi cüzdaninizdan gönderin (private key sizde olmali)
- Transfer onaylandiktan sonra, islem tamam... Size simdi bir bilgi mesaji yayinlanacak
Simdi, ne kadar BTC'niz varsa bu gönderim yaptiginiz cüzdaninizda toplayin.
9.6.2017 tarihinde, bu cüzdaninizda ne kadar BTC varsa, ona orantili bytes ve blackbytes alacaksiniz.
Cüzdaninizda bulunan her BTC icin size ayin 9unda 64,5 MB (megabytes) ve 131,943,750 blackbytes alacaksiniz.
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