Are you sure they don't eat the meat after? What do they do with the carcases? Just leave them to rot? Surely they don't just slaughter them and that's that. It must cost a lot of money to rear those animals only to just kill them. I wouldn't really be against it if they didn't just waste the meat and leather etc. Quite bizarre if so.
It takes a person skilled at butchering several hours of hard work to cut up an animal that size, so even if some were eaten, most would be going to waste. Also, if the intention was to eat them they would drain the blood first probably.
There are a lot of Asian buffalo and cattle in that area. In one part people will eat the meat. A distance away it will be forbidden. In some areas if a driver hits a cow a mob will gather and beat the shit out of him.
Some places it is 'illegal' to eat any animal products, including eggs, except for dairy. Also interesting, in Nepal some people will eat only male animals.
Hmm... good points, but surely they can't just let the meat rot? Can't be very good for hygiene and it will stink.
Lol i dint know that, so this stupid pagan ritual seems to have worked just as opposite of what they wanted... and the God will keep punish those men who keep doing this stupid pagan rituals from the Ancient Age sacrificing innocent forms of life for nothing.
ib4 stupid Christians claim it was this rit- FUCK! They beat me to it already! What's next you guys? You're going to pick out some homosexual couples over there and claim it was them that caused the earthquakes by angering god while having zero understanding of basic Geology and Geography? Mind you people did that in the UK when we had floods awhile back so I wouldn't put it past them, by the way I agree that these kind of rituals are stupid with the other sane people, it's not only barbaric but a waste of food that people in those areas would have needed.
I don't believe in coincidences, thats all i can say.. the luck doesnt exist. Every action has a reaction. And is pointless to debate with pseudo scientists like you, rock Head.
You don't believe in coincidences? The entire universe is one.
OMG this is too much immoral
They wasted too much meal, they wasted too much milk. They wasted too many cows. They wasted too much of their economy.
But what is its benefit? What is its purpose.
Just waste of above things?
Well the "point" is that it is meant to be a sacrifice, and that's what they're doing but obviously it is a backwards and silly belief but it's not like the rest of the world doesn't have silly beliefs either (I'm sure you can find plenty of passages in the bible and quran on sacrificing animals also).