
Topic: BERLIN IS WASHINGTON’S VASSAL UNTIL 2099? (Read 4940 times)

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February 04, 2016, 09:22:20 PM
Business with Obstacles 2016/02/03
BERLIN/MOSCOW/KIEV (Own report) - Berlin is taking steps to possibly end sanctions against Russia. Today, almost one year after the signing of the Minsk II Agreement - whose full implementation is still considered as a prerequisite for ending the sanctions - the Bavarian Prime Minster, Horst Seehofer is expected to arrive in Moscow for talks on promoting the renewal of German-Russian business relations. Seehofer can build on decades of Bavarian-Russian cooperation. His visit to Moscow is closely coordinated with Germany's federal government. The EU and NATO are also involved in Berlin's cooperation efforts. Monday, Chancellor Angela Merkel also increased pressure on Ukraine's President, Petro Poroshenko to finally obtain approval from Kiev's parliament for the constitutional amendment providing Eastern Ukraine's special status, as agreed upon in the Minsk II Agreement. Until now, nationalists and fascists have prevented this measure. more

The Internal and External Ring 2016/02/01
BERLIN (Own report) - Within the EU, the mounting pressure to ward off refugees, is intensifying the debate about a possible dismantling of the Schengen system. It is yet unclear, whether Berlin can reach its objective of stopping refugees at the external borders of Greece to be immediately deported to Turkey. Alternately, attempts are being made to turn Macedonia into a buffer state against refugees, while threatening Greece's exclusion from the Schengen system. The establishment of a "Mini-Schengen" is being considered as an emergency solution. Even while officially continuing to reject such a "Mini-Schengen," the German government is already involved in its planning, which the Netherlands is officially directing. Any option beyond effectively sealing off Greece's external borders, i.e. abandoning part of the Schengen-system, would be a first retreat - with unforeseeable consequences. According to observers, this could seriously weaken the EU. more

European Values (II) 2016/01/12
BERLIN/WARSAW (Own report) - Whereas Berlin is attacking the Polish government because of its media law; massive criticism is being raised against the German public broadcasting. While German politicians are calling for sanctions to be imposed on Poland, because it is placing its public media under government supervision, a right-wing conservative former CDU minister has become Chair of an influential panel of Germany's ARD public television channel. Observers note that, even after the Federal Constitutional Court's intervention, state officials or individuals with close government ties exercise significant influence on the public broadcasting steering committees. Due to their structural relationship to the state, on the one hand, and the programs' political orientation toward government policy, on the other, one could speak of "embedded journalism" in Germany, a former correspondent of the ZDF public television concluded a few years ago. The journalist went to work for the Swiss Television, because it does not have "a NATO state's obligatory alignment." The German public television's foreign news reporting is even increasingly being accused of using falsifications. more

European Values (I) 2016/01/11
BERLIN/WARSAW (Own report) - High-ranking German politicians are calling for punitive measures against Poland. The Polish government's measures neutralizing the country's constitutional court as well as its new media laws are "in violation of European values," according to Volker Kauder, Chair of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group. The EU member states must now "have the courage to impose sanctions." Earlier, EU Commissioner Günther Oettinger called for Poland to be placed "under supervision." Even though the new media law, formally placing public service media under direct government control, are in fact more drastic, the forms taken by this official media control are already widespread throughout the EU. Hungary is not the only country to have enacted a media law, a few years ago, showing striking similarities to the new Polish law. Former President Sarkozy had also adopted similar measures in France. The French rulers still exercise considerable influence over public service media. However, particularly in Germany, with its hubris in seeking to discipline Poland, sharp criticism is frequently raised against the state and state parties' control of the public service media. more

NATO's Nuclear Debate 2016/01/08
BERLIN (Own report) - In view of the NATO Summit scheduled this year in Warsaw, the deployment of nuclear arms against Russia is being discussed within the German military and think-tanks. The Federal College for Security Studies (BAKS), for example, accuses Moscow of "neo-imperial aggression" against Eastern Europe and calls for a revival of the "nuclear deterrence" strategy. According to BAKS, the idea of a nuclear weapons-free world should be considered as "unrealistic" - after all, "disarmament is not the primary raison d'être of a nuclear weapon." The government-affiliated German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP) sees it similarly, and opposes particularly a general ban on nuclear weapons, proposed by a United Nations working group. Such a "nuclear arms ban treaty" would be in contradiction to NATO's role as a "nuclear alliance," SWP claims. It would, however, be "conceivable" to strengthen the" linkage between conventional and nuclear capacities" and the "inclusion" of nuclear arms "in exercise scenarios." more

Bloody Alliance (II) 2016/01/06
RIYADH/BERLIN (Own report) - With its own anti-Iranian policy, the West had prepared the basis for the aggressive stance Saudi Arabia is currently taking in relationship to Teheran. This becomes clear, when looking at the Middle East policy pursued by the West over the past 13 years. During that period, western countries, including Germany, have been systematically strengthening Saudi Arabia to make it a countervailing power in confrontation with an emerging Iran, a function previously held by Iraq. The West has not only been supporting Riyadh economically but also militarily, including with supplies of repression technology - also from the Federal Republic of Germany - to put down possible domestic unrest. In the meantime, however, Germany's interests have shifted and Berlin has assisted in reaching the nuclear agreement with Teheran. This will permit German enterprises to have close cooperation with Iran, promising high profits. This is why the German government now seeks to promote a settlement between Iran and Saudi Arabia and to induce Riyadh's acceptance of a "dialogue." Determined to continue its anti-Iranian course, Riyadh still rejects talking to Teheran. more

Bloody Alliance (I) 2016/01/05
BERLIN/RIYADH (Own report) - Saudi Arabia can use German technology of repression and skills provided by the German police for the suppression of its opposition, which last weekend culminated in a mass execution. In recent years, the German government has authorized the supply of telecommunication surveillance products to Riyadh, worth more than 18 million Euros. The German Federal Office of Criminal Investigation organized, among other things, training courses in counter-terrorism for Saudi Arabia's GID intelligence service. Saudi Arabia even treats non-violent protests by its heavily discriminated Shia minority as "terrorism." The German Federal Police is training Saudi border police officers within the framework of an official project, formally approved in 2009 by Germany's Interior Minister at the time, Wolfgang Schäuble. According to reports, the training includes exercising the use of assault rifles and crackdowns on demonstrators. It has also been provided, at least temporarily, to members of the religious police force. This cooperation in repression is an element of a comprehensive economic cooperation guaranteeing German enterprises large sales and billions in contracts. Above all, it serves Berlin's strategic Middle East policy objectives. more

Leadership for Syria 2015/12/18
BERLIN/DAMASCUS (Own report) - With impressive scholarship programs, the German government seeks to establish firm ties to the future elite of post-war Syria. Already last year the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs began to bring more than 200 selected Syrian students to Germany, within the "Leadership for Syria" program, to be instructed - alongside their academic studies - in advanced training in "governance," organizational setup and similar courses. The program run by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) - the largest foreign program the organization has ever undertaken - has the declared objective of preparing "a select elite among Syria's future leadership" for "active participation in organizing" post-war Syria. This assures Germany a wide range of channels for influence in Damascus over the next few decades. Berlin is also making efforts to sift out students from among the refugees arriving in Germany to be included in its efforts to gain influence. This would crystallize into Germany's becoming the Syrian elite's top European point of reference. more

A European CIA (II) 2015/12/14
BERLIN/BRUSSELS (Own report) - A German intelligence officer has assumed the management of the EU's IntCen espionage agency and has the responsibility of enhancing its effectiveness. Last week, the BND's Gerhard Conrad was appointed the new director of the Intelligence Analysis Center (IntCent), which is under the authority of the European External Action Service and lays the groundwork for an intelligence agency in the service of the EU's foreign and military policy. The core of the agency has existed since 1999, with the objective of reducing the EU's dependence on US intelligence services, to become militarily autonomous - even, if necessary, without the USA. Because of rivalry between the national intelligence agencies, particularly those of the larger EU countries, IntCen's development had not progressed as rapidly as was hoped. As its new director, Conrad is expected to correct the situation. However, the German government continues to reject the substitution of its national intelligence services by an EU agency, because Berlin would have to give up its special advantages, for example, through the BND's cooperation with the US agencies, and give up its methods that are incompatible with the interests of other EU member countries. more

Policy-Shaping Power in the Middle East (II) 2015/12/10
DAMASCUS/BERLIN (Own report) - Today, Thursday, the first group of Bundeswehr soldiers will be leaving to go to war against the "Islamic State" (IS or Daesh). Participation in this war, which, according to government advisors will promote Germany to a "policy-shaping power in the Middle East," will assure Berlin reinforced integration into the most important command headquarters of the western war coalition against the IS/Daesh. It will also provide the German government more influence in the international power struggle over the reorganization of the Middle East. The establishment of an international protectorate is one of the issues. The first negotiations between the government of President Bashar al Assad, the Syrian opposition, and insurgent militias are due to begin at the beginning of January. Currently, opponents of the Syrian government and insurgent militias are in Riyadh to prepare for these negotiations, with the German government's approbation. Even though jihadist holy warriors are taking part in the Riyadh talks of the opposition, the northern Syrian Kurdish forces, which play a central role in the war against the IS/Daesh were among those not invited by the Saudi leadership. more
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February 04, 2016, 09:04:30 PM
Merkel’s coalition rival urges dismantling of anti-Russia sanctions after visiting Putin

Published time: 4 Feb, 2016 23:26

Horst Seehofer, the premier of the state of Bavaria, a nominal partner in Angela Merkel’s coalition, and a persistent thorn in her side, has called for a sea change in diplomatic dealings with Russia, following his trip to Moscow.
“Extending anti-Russia sanctions was a mistake,” said Seehofer, referring to the EU’s decision to prolong travel restrictions and economic embargoes against Russian individuals and companies over Ukraine late last year. “We need to consider the reality – they cannot be removed straight away. But we can deploy political means to repeal them… I think that they can be revoked in the foreseeable future.”

Journalists returned to the subject of sanctions repeatedly as Seehofer spent an hour answering questions at the final press conference, following the two-day visit during which he met Russian President Vladimir Putin, and signed bilateral trade deals on behalf of his home state.

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© kremlin.ruGermany & West need Russia to settle Syria and refugee crises - Bavarian leader
Seehofer tried to steer clear of incendiary soundbites that could annoy his partners in Berlin, insisting that he “wouldn’t remove sanctions this month,” and insisting any rapprochement was “conditional on Ukraine and Russia following the terms of the Minsk agreements.”

But for all his careful phrases, the trip, unapproved by Merkel, had already conjured up a storm in Germany, with its Russia policy chief Gernot Erler, accusing him of “breaking the EU consensus” and “letting himself be exploited for publicity.” Newspaper editorials accused him of “disloyalty” to Merkel, and “meddling” with his unsanctioned overtures.

Yet for Seehofer, whose CSU party is in theory merely the regional arm of the ruling Christian Democrats, stirring up confrontation and sticking to his guns are not a weakness, but a strategy. The maverick at the head of Germany’s second most-populous state, whose public persona has drawn comparisons with Donald Trump, has made his name opposing the policies of the federal government. He is the most senior politician to vocally oppose the “open-door” refugee policy Merkel adopted last year.

Relations with the Kremlin have been another fissure between Munich and Berlin, even before the latest trip. In his final conference, Seehofer insisted that Moscow has an “irreplaceable” role to play in mediating the Syrian conflict.

“When I met him, President Putin demonstrated deep knowledge of the Syrian issues. I don’t want to reveal details of our talks, but it became clear to me that no solution can be found without Russia,” said the 66-year-old politician.

The Russian President was equally complimentary in an earlier statement, noting a “special relationship” between Bavaria and Russia, and expressing gratitude to Seehofer for his diplomatic efforts.

Seehofer promised to persist with his maverick diplomacy, vowing to speak with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev during the Munich security conference later this month.

The Bavarian leader also promised to return to Russia in the latter part of 2016, as part of a more sizable state delegation.
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February 02, 2016, 06:43:01 AM
True Friends? Israel Advising Germany to Cooperate With Russia


17:09 21.01.2016

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February 02, 2016, 06:41:11 AM
Russia to the Rescue: Berlin Could Shed US Subordination With Moscow's Help

13:22 02.02.2016

Russia remains the only country that could hypothetically give Germany the chance to escape Washington's control, according to political analyst Andranik Migranyan.

True Friends? Israel Advising Germany to Cooperate With Russia

In an interview with Sputnik, Andranik Migranyan, a political analyst and professor at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, touted Russia as the only country capable of giving Germany the opportunity to unencumber itself from the tight control of the White House in the foreseeable future.
Migranyan commented on recent remarks made by George Friedman, founder of the global intelligence company Stratfor, who said that Washington is closely monitoring the relations between Russia and Germany and will do anything to prevent a strategic partnership between the two countries.

Right now, Germany doesn't have even the theoretical ability to avoid being controlled by the United States, according to Migranyan.

"Of course, Germany would like to have more space for maneuvering, but its subordinate status is still in place and the country remains covered by the US umbrella," Migranyan said.

At the same time, he did not rule out that some EU countries, including Germany, may gain more sovereignty in the future due to a spate of factors, including the ongoing migration crisis.

"If Germany wanted to have more freedom for maneuvering in the future, how it could oppose the United States? The only country that could give Germany this opportunity is Russia," he pointed out.

Even though speaking of such a prospect is irrelevant at the moment, nothing lasts forever, Migranyan said, referring to the US's current dominance in Europe.

"The influence Washington, Brussels and NATO have on the security policies of the European states will not last forever," he concluded.

Merkel ‘Follows US Orders' by Stepping Up Germany's Defense Budget

In an interview with the German newspaper Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten, George Friedman said that the potential formation of a partnership between Russia and Germany could give an impetus to the strengthening of both countries, a scenario that he said would pose a threat to US interests.
According to him, Germany is currently under enormous pressure and is very vulnerable politically and economically.  The country, he claimed, is highly dependent on its export markets and therefore needs to cooperate with other countries. However, the choice of partners for the German government is quite limited and rapprochement with Russia would be particularly favorable for Germany in all respects.

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December 05, 2015, 05:54:43 PM
Xavier Kurt Naidoo, 44 year old singer, was selected to represent Germany in next year´s Eurovision Song Contest.

Born and raised in Mannheim. Naidoo's father Rausammy is from India, who has half Indian and half German origins and his mother is of Dutch and Irish descent.

Xavier is pretty controversial and has been accused of anti-semitism and homophobia. Apparently that has to do with lyrics from a few years ago, I´m sure that the Eurovision song will be in full compliance with politically correct regulations or guidelines whichever they use.

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Activity: 518
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December 05, 2015, 05:34:06 PM
German police search for woman after discovery of dead babies

Detectives believe woman identified as Andrea G is mother of ‘about seven’ newborns so badly decomposed experts cannot be sure of their number

German police are searching for a 45-year-old woman after discovering the decomposing corpses of about seven newborn babies in a house in Bavaria.

The bodies were in such a bad state of decay that forensic experts said it was impossible to be precise about how many had been found.

The alarm was raised by a neighbour in the town of Wallenfels on Thursday. After finding one corpse, the neighbour called an ambulance. A doctor subsequently discovered further corpses.

It is believed that the sought woman – identified only as Andrea G – is the mother of the babies, although police said they had no confirmation of this. “We’re at least searching for her as if she were the mother of the children,” a police spokeswoman said.

The spokeswoman said postmortems were being carried out on the remains, and the results – including how the babies died, their ages and sexes – would probably be known early next week.

The bodies were discovered locked in a disused sauna-turned-store cupboard, wrapped in towels and airtight plastic bags, the spokeswoman said.

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I don't understand how you can hide dead babies in a house where other people live.
It would have to be huge or a total trash dump, and the smell?
Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
December 05, 2015, 09:50:34 AM
It occurred to me the other day that the males of many higher vertebrates are characterized by being especially aggressive in protection of a social group.  This makes biological sense.  Consider lions who form teams of two males.  If they are run off by a different team, the new leader set kills the cubs sired by the old ones and mate with the lionesses.  The best strategy for the female is to 'go along to get along' whereas the vanquished males are quite possibly at a dead end.

Were I engineering a new (world order) I might be wary of this particular difference between male and female behavior and as a precursor seek to 'feminize' the males so they created less resistance when the time came to let the hammer drop.  And disarm them as much as possible of course.

When I said (somewhat, at but not totally, as a joke) 'the end is near' when the males have become 'sitzpinklers', I didn't mean that Germany itself would be devoid of people...just devoid of what was historically considered to be 'German' people.  The population will be proud 'global citizens' as will be the case in many other geographic areas which have been similarly molded socially, culturally, and biologically.

I foresee the Eastern part of the country breaking again from Germany, if the situation worsens. After Germany surrendered in 1945, the Americans used various means to destroy the aggressiveness of the German population. As a result we have a timid and pacifist population in the Western part of the country. However, the Eastern part is entirely different.
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Activity: 616
Merit: 500
December 04, 2015, 04:57:07 AM
Germany scolds BND spy agency over Saudi criticism

3 December 2015

The German government has publicly rebuked its own foreign intelligence agency after the BND suggested that Saudi Arabia's foreign policy was becoming more "impulsive".
The agency was particularly critical of the Saudi defence minister.
Officials in Berlin reacted after the Saudi government reportedly complained about the BND's frank assessment.
"The published assessment does not reflect the position of the German government," a spokesman said.
Saudi Arabia was an important partner "in a crisis-ridden world" and had great significance "especially on the way to peace in Syria", the spokesman insisted.
Anyone seeking a regional solution needed constructive relations with the Saudis, who were supporting rebel groups in the fight against the militant Islamist State (IS) group, he added.
The BND briefing, which emerged in German media, assessed changes in Saudi foreign policy since King Salman took power in January, including its military intervention in neighbouring Yemen and its decision to ramp up support for rebels in Syria. Saudi policies in Lebanon, Bahrain, Iraq were also cited.

A Saudi-led coalition began a military campaign to restore Yemen's government in March this year
"What was previously a cautious diplomatic stance of the elder leaders in the royal family is being replaced by an impulsive policy of intervention," the briefing said, adding that the Saudis were losing faith in the United States as a guarantor of regional peace.
It also singled out the king's son and defence minister, Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, whom it suspected of holding ambitions of securing the royal succession.
Relations between Germany and the Saudis have become tense in recent years, analysts say, because of Berlin's decision to tighten restrictions on arms contracts and to speak out on human rights.
The German coalition government agreed this week to take part in a supporting role in the fight against IS militants in Syria.
A vote in the Bundestag on Friday is expected to back the mission, which involves Tornado reconnaissance aircraft, a naval frigate and a 1,200-strong force.
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November 13, 2015, 05:57:58 PM
German police search for woman after discovery of dead babies

Detectives believe woman identified as Andrea G is mother of ‘about seven’ newborns so badly decomposed experts cannot be sure of their number

German police are searching for a 45-year-old woman after discovering the decomposing corpses of about seven newborn babies in a house in Bavaria.

The bodies were in such a bad state of decay that forensic experts said it was impossible to be precise about how many had been found.

The alarm was raised by a neighbour in the town of Wallenfels on Thursday. After finding one corpse, the neighbour called an ambulance. A doctor subsequently discovered further corpses.

It is believed that the sought woman – identified only as Andrea G – is the mother of the babies, although police said they had no confirmation of this. “We’re at least searching for her as if she were the mother of the children,” a police spokeswoman said.

The spokeswoman said postmortems were being carried out on the remains, and the results – including how the babies died, their ages and sexes – would probably be known early next week.

The bodies were discovered locked in a disused sauna-turned-store cupboard, wrapped in towels and airtight plastic bags, the spokeswoman said.

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November 13, 2015, 12:40:49 PM
Sitzplinkers flocked to Bambi Awards in Berlin Yesterday.

The Bambi, often simply called Bambi Awards and stylised as BAMBI, are presented annually by Hubert Burda Media to recognise excellence in international media and television "with vision and creativity who affected and inspired the German public that year".

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Activity: 518
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November 11, 2015, 11:35:55 AM
After all these "sanctions", "refugees" and other incompetence Merkel is on the way to become another political corpse.

Nothing will happen. Germans are too brainwashed to act against their own genocide. Germany in 2020 will be the same as today's Sweden, where the native males have been emasculated and dominated by the Muslim immigrants. News articles such as this one are common in today's Sweden (and considered perfectly normal). Within 2-3 years, this will be the norm in Germany as well.
It's understandable that the young should rebel and take risks, but they should take risks only with their own lives and wealth,
and not put our civilisation under threat.
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
November 10, 2015, 08:48:49 PM
When a nation's men are sitting to pee (or 'Sitzpinkler') one can know that the end is near.

I don't know. The Sitzpinklers are gradually getting replaced by the Muslim immigrants. By 2016, a total of 4 million Muslim immigrants and their family members will be residing legally within the German borders. If things go on like this, by 2020 the Sitzpinklers will become a minority in their own country. Don't ask me how much effect this is going to have on the politics and the society in general.

It occurred to me the other day that the males of many higher vertebrates are characterized by being especially aggressive in protection of a social group.  This makes biological sense.  Consider lions who form teams of two males.  If they are run off by a different team, the new leader set kills the cubs sired by the old ones and mate with the lionesses.  The best strategy for the female is to 'go along to get along' whereas the vanquished males are quite possibly at a dead end.

Were I engineering a new (world order) I might be wary of this particular difference between male and female behavior and as a precursor seek to 'feminize' the males so they created less resistance when the time came to let the hammer drop.  And disarm them as much as possible of course.

When I said (somewhat, at but not totally, as a joke) 'the end is near' when the males have become 'sitzpinklers', I didn't mean that Germany itself would be devoid of people...just devoid of what was historically considered to be 'German' people.  The population will be proud 'global citizens' as will be the case in many other geographic areas which have been similarly molded socially, culturally, and biologically.

Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
November 10, 2015, 04:09:38 PM
When a nation's men are sitting to pee (or 'Sitzpinkler') one can know that the end is near.

I don't know. The Sitzpinklers are gradually getting replaced by the Muslim immigrants. By 2016, a total of 4 million Muslim immigrants and their family members will be residing legally within the German borders. If things go on like this, by 2020 the Sitzpinklers will become a minority in their own country. Don't ask me how much effect this is going to have on the politics and the society in general.
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
November 04, 2015, 05:43:36 PM
After all these "sanctions", "refugees" and other incompetence Merkel is on the way to become another political corpse.

Nothing will happen. Germans are too brainwashed to act against their own genocide. Germany in 2020 will be the same as today's Sweden, where the native males have been emasculated and dominated by the Muslim immigrants. News articles such as this one are common in today's Sweden (and considered perfectly normal). Within 2-3 years, this will be the norm in Germany as well.

When a nation's men are sitting to pee (or 'Sitzpinkler') one can know that the end is near.

Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
November 04, 2015, 12:44:20 PM
After all these "sanctions", "refugees" and other incompetence Merkel is on the way to become another political corpse.

Nothing will happen. Germans are too brainwashed to act against their own genocide. Germany in 2020 will be the same as today's Sweden, where the native males have been emasculated and dominated by the Muslim immigrants. News articles such as this one are common in today's Sweden (and considered perfectly normal). Within 2-3 years, this will be the norm in Germany as well.
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Activity: 616
Merit: 500
November 01, 2015, 02:19:27 PM

Almost every second German believes the establishment controlled media is lying to them, according to a poll by the mainstream media.

An opinion poll conducted by Forsa for Stern magazine showed that 44% of Germans believe that media is controlled from above and consists of spin and propaganda.

I would not be surprised if the figures are not much higher than the 44%.

State TV channel ARD was forced to admit it used archive video footage from an anti Iraq war protest in 2003 to hide the spectacularly low turnout for a pro migrant rally. Only about 8000 people attended a highly publicised pro migrant rally in Berlin on October 17th in fruther evidence that the German public does not support the open doors policy of Chancellor Angela Merkel. To suggest non existent support, the ARD transmitted archive footage showing a rally attended by 100,000 in 2003. Goebbels would be proud.

The collapse in confidence in the established media is mirrored in an epidemic of physical assaults against mainstream media journalists by angry members of the German public.

Mainstream presstitutes have appealed to politicians for protection while covering demonstrations after they have found themselves becoming the target of angry taunts of “lying press.”

Well, dear readers, this is a turn up for the books!

If a journalist tells the truth on a blog as I do, the public praise you, but the elite inflict violence on you.

However, if a journalist now pumps propaganda through the mainstream media, the public inflict violence on them while the elite pat them on the head.

Personally, I’d rather have the truth and the people on my side than be a lapdog of a criminal elite.

This entry was posted on Thursday, October 29th, 2015 at 2:09 pm and is filed under Uncategorized.

See also:

Lying press: Germany's misleading media
Activity: 3108
Merit: 1359
November 01, 2015, 02:02:42 PM
After all these "sanctions", "refugees" and other incompetence Merkel is on the way to become another political corpse.
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Activity: 616
Merit: 500
November 01, 2015, 01:06:21 PM
Strategic Shifts 2015/10/29
BEIJING/BERLIN (Own report) - Disputes over US military provocations are accompanying the German chancellor's current visit to China. After a US Navy destroyer transited through the maritime waters claimed by Beijing near the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea, the Chinese government summoned the US ambassador. German government sources have confirmed that this conflict will play a role in the talks, Angela Merkel will hold today in Beijing, and expect discord. Berlin is already in a difficult position. The transformation of China's economy from an investment-driven to a consumer- and service-driven growth model will be of disadvantage to the German industry. "German capital goods and automobiles" will most likely "no longer enjoy the same levels of demand growth in China as previously," according to Sebastian Heilmann, Director of the Mercator Institute for China Studies (MERICS) in Berlin. Because of the structural transformation of China's economy, the "country’s demand for access to finance and currency markets, as well as general demand for service-related know-how" has increased massively. In this respect, Great Britain "is much better positioned than Germany." A "strategic shift is taking place in European-Chinese relations" - away from Berlin and towards London. more

Like in the Cold War 2015/10/27
MOSCOW/BERLIN (Own report) - Berlin has announced a "German-Russian Youth Year" for 2016/2017. As former Head of the Federal Chancellery Ronald Pofalla (CDU) declared last week at the conclusion of a German-Russian Cooperation Meeting ("Petersburg Dialogue"), cooperation between German and Russian civil societies are "more important than ever." Therefore, the German government's efforts to intensify the German-Russian student exchange program must be supported. Already at the beginning of the Petersburg Dialogue, which has restarted, following a year's interruption, Chancellor Merkel explained that Germany is "interested in a reliable partnership with Russia." Business functionaries are concluding that willingness to cooperate, which had waned due to the Ukraine conflict, is again growing "on both sides." Wolfgang Ischinger, Chairman of the Munich Security Conference, foresees a "diplomatic process" under Berlin's leadership that will lead to a further rapprochement during Germany's OSCE chair - beginning January 1, 2016. Ischinger explicitly points to similarities to the cold war's so-called détente policy, from which the West emerged the winner. more

Toxic Free Trade 2015/10/22
BERLIN/YAOUNDÉ (Own report) - The EU's Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) with Cameroon, soon to be implemented, will drive this African country deeper into poverty, Yvonne Takang, Executive Secretary of the Cameroonian civic organization ACDIC explained in an interview with The Economic Partnership Agreement, ratified under pressure from Brussels last year in a hush-hush operation, will endanger Cameroon's "agriculture and regional integration," warned Takang, and hamper the country's industrialization. She also signaled resistance to the agreement's implementation. Since 2002, the EU has been seeking to conclude EPAs with former European colonies in Africa, the Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) regions to open markets for European businesses, create attractive investment opportunities, and secure imports of cheap raw materials. The planned deregulation will leave the weaker national economies in Africa unprotected. A well known example of the negative consequences is the local chicken production in Ghana, which virtually collapsed after this West African country opened its markets to European - including German - poultry exports. German slaughterhouses, on the other hand, benefitted, significantly increasing their chicken exports and profits. more

Unique in the World 2015/10/19
BERLIN/NIENBURG (WESER) (Own report) - The German Bundeswehr is holding another exercise oriented on "Civil-Military Cooperation" (CIMIC) in the context of military interventions. The "Joint Cooperation" exercise will take place in Nienburg County (Lower Saxony) at the end of the month primarily with the participation of soldiers from NATO member countries, and with troops from countries, officially claiming neutrality, such as Austria and Sweden. According to the scenario of the exercise, which has been drawn up in all details, so-called CIMIC forces will operate in a fictitious country at the Horn of Africa that has become the scene of a bloody civil war provoked by a neighboring nation. The unit specialized in "civil-military cooperation" must "assess" the war zone population's situation, to provide the military command the "necessary information" for its "operational planning." The scenario shows a number of parallels to NATO's current large-scale "Trident Juncture" exercise, which also focuses on combating an "aggressor nation," covertly supporting one party to the civil war in the neighboring country. Reference to the situation in Ukraine is explicitly desired. more
Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
Perhaps Germany should learn something from Japan. Japan is also a vassal state of the United States, just like Germany. The Americans have tried to reduce the military capabilities of the Japanese males, through various tactics ever since 1945. But these tactics have achieved only limited success. The Japanese Armed Forces still rank among the top five of its kind in the world.
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Activity: 616
Merit: 500

A German soldier of NATO's International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) stands guard at a checkpoint in Kabul, Afghanistan. Photograph: Syed Jan Sabawoon/EPA

Scary guy, huh?  Grin

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Activity: 616
Merit: 500

A mannequin of Defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen tops a Bundeswehr-themed carnival float in Cologne. Photo: DPA

Troops tote broomsticks at Nato war games

Published: 17 Feb 2015 17:11 GMT+01:00

Germany's defence ministry scrambled on Tuesday to counter media reports that its forces were so under-equipped they had to use broomsticks instead of machine-guns at Nato manoeuvres in Norway.

It's one way of sweeping your adversaries from the battlefield, a ministry spokesman in Berlin acknowledged while fielding the umpteenth media inquiry about the incident.

And it was true that a black-painted broomstick was observed on a vehicle of a German convoy in Nato's new rapid response force, he told The Local.

But the armoured car was a mobile HQ and was not required to carry a real mounted weapon during the September exercises.

It was also true that much of the German force that participated did not have adequate weaponry: according to media reports, 41 percent of the soldiers lacked pistols they would carry in a genuine rapid deployment situation; and 31 percent of the MG3 general-purpose machine-guns were absent.

But this reflected the general short supply of equipment in Germany's armed forces, which was no secret and was addressed by rotation of certain hardware among units in a "very dynamic way" when required, according to the ministry.

Like other contributors to Nato's Response Force, German troops would have 30 days to amply arm and equip themselves for any deployment, it stressed.

The troops sent to Norway were part of a test phase for a new faster reaction 'spearhead' the 28-member military alliance decided to form last autumn. It will comprise at least 4,000 Nato troops and will be able to deploy in 48 hours.

The German command had fully equipped its segment of the new force two weeks ago, the spokesman added.

Regarding the now famed black-painted broomstick, "Why the soldiers still simulated a weapons system is professionally incomprehensible", he said.

SEE ALSO:  German troops to tip new Nato 'spearhead'
Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
Same is valid for ex-Ottoman, Turkey. It is sovereign state which is somekinda dependent to USA in all forms.

I wouldn't compare Turkey with Germany. Turkey is a 100% sovereign state, which is capable of conducting large-scale military campaigns outside its national borders. For sure, there are American troops based out in Turkey, but Turkey sort of tolerates the American presence. On the other hand, the 70+ years of occupation has completely destroyed the German Armed Forces. They are not even capable of defending their territory.
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Activity: 616
Merit: 500
World-Changing Book

By Robert David STEELE Vivas HALL OF FAME TOP 1000 REVIEWER on September 18, 2015
Format: Hardcover

Needs to be translated into English, Russian, and French as soon as possible. He details a 1949 agreement that subordinates Germany as a vassal state to the USA and blindly loyal to any NATO initiative however insane. The agreement supposedly runs for another 90 years. The book needs to be translated into English, Russian, and French as soon as possible. It could and should lead to the fall of the German government, the cancellation of the agrement, the expulsion of all US forces and headquarters from Germany, and the de-Americanicanization if not the complete eradication of NATO. Even if the agreement does not exist -- I am inclined to belief the author, that some such agreement does exist -- Germany has been acting as an extension of the USA, and the book is a foundation for a national conversation in Germany that could end that state of abject subordination and contributory financial, political, and social crimes against the German people as well as other publics.

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Activity: 616
Merit: 500
»Der Geheime Staatsvertrag vom 21. Mai 1949 wurde vom Bundesnachrichtendienst unter „Strengste Vertraulichkeit“ eingestuft. In ihm wurden die grundlegenden Vorbehalte der Sieger für die Souveränität der Bundesrepublik bis zum Jahre 2099 festgeschrieben, was heute wohl kaum jemandem bewußt sein dürfte. Danach wurde einmal „der Medienvorbehalt der alliierten Mächte über deutsche Zeitungs- und Rundfunkmedien“ bis zum Jahr 2099 fixiert. Zum anderen wurde geregelt, daß jeder Bundeskanzler Deutschlands auf Anordnung der Alliierten vor Ablegung des Amtseides die sogenannte „Kanzlerakte“ zu unterzeichnen hatte. Darüber hinaus blieben die Goldreserven der Bundesrepublik durch die Alliierten gepfändet.«

zitiert aus Gerd-H. Komossa, Die deutsche Karte, Graz 2007, ISBN 978-3-902475-34-3, Seite 21 f.
Activity: 2310
Merit: 1028
There are couple of misinformation in this post but it does not change status of germany.
Germany lost the war, ever since it can be called as occupied or vassal even as sovereign state. Germans cannot be even nationalists anymore. It is not even allowed to follow German nationalism (I don't mean it is illegal, I mean people are scared to say they are nationalists because then europe would point at like "Look hitler fan!" etc.)
Same is valid for ex-Ottoman, Turkey. It is sovereign state which is somekinda dependent to USA in all forms.
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Activity: 616
Merit: 500
Germany probes new case of US spying

Published: 24 Oct 2015 17:44 GMT+02:00

German authorities have launched a probe into allegations of a new case of suspected spying linked to the US National Security Agency, a media report said Saturday.

The report by the newsweekly Der Spiegel comes after an investigation into alleged US snooping on Chancellor Angela Merkel's mobile phone was dropped in June due to lack of proof.

German-US relations were badly strained after fugitive US intelligence contractor Edward Snowden revealed mass US surveillance around the world in 2013.

The latest probe by Germany's federal prosecutors targets persons unknown for "espionage activities", Der Spiegel said.

It centres on the personal laptop of a department chief in the chancellery onto which a spying virus known as "Regin" was allegedly installed, the magazine said.

The "Trojan horse" type virus, which was discovered on the laptop last year, enables surveillance of all data entered onto a computer and transfers it to whoever had the software installed, Der Spiegel added.

"We can confirm that there is an inquiry" relating to "malicious software" called Regin, a spokeswoman for the federal prosecution service told AFP, declining to confirm other details from the Spiegel report.

The magazine, citing specialists, said there "is no doubt" that Regin can be linked to the NSA or Britain's GCHQ eavesdropping agency, which was revealed in Snowden's documents to have worked closely with its US equivalent, including in the interception of German phone calls and emails.

While Snowden alleged US spying on many European governments, his disclosures triggered particular anger in Germany where bitterness lingers over mass state spying on citizens by the Stasi secret police in former communist East Germany where Merkel grew up.
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Activity: 616
Merit: 500
Uh, oh I wonder if something will blow up in Germany soon...

EU turn: 'European policies must not be dictated by Washington'

Published on Oct 9, 2015
Europe must treat Russia with more decency, improve the relationship, and not let EU policies be dictated by Washington, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said in a surprise speech in Germany.
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Activity: 616
Merit: 500
September 22, 2015, 08:42:13 AM
US to bring in new advanced nuclear bombs to Germany – report

Published time: 22 Sep, 2015 12:01

Starting third quarter 2015, the US Air Force is starting preparations to bring in new B61 nuclear bombs to Luftwaffe’s Büchel Air Base, according to ZDF TV channel. German parliament previously called for American nukes to be removed.
The base in Rhineland-Palatinate in western Germany hosts German Panavia Tornado multipurpose aircraft that are capable to deploy the USAF nuclear bombs stored there under a nuclear sharing deal. The base is the only location in Germany that has nuclear weapons since 2007 and has 20 of them, according to the Royal United Services Institute.

The US is currently working on a new variant of the B61, Mod 12, which would be more accurate and have smaller yield than modifications 3 and 4 currently deployed in Europe.

READ MORE: US B61-12 nuclear bomb test may be drilling use in Europe - Moscow

ZDF cites budget documents indicating that in third quarter this year the base would receive funding for the future storage and deployment of the new B61-12s. That includes the upgrade of the Tornado aircraft.

The report notes that nuclear disarmament was part of the 2009 coalition parliament between Chancellor Angela Merkel’s CDU party and Free Democrats. In 2010, the German parliament called on the government to have the American nuclear weapons removed from its soil, citing public support for such a decision.

Berlin also intended to retire its fleet of Tornados by 2015, with no plans to have a replacement capable of deploying the American nuclear bombs. The F-35 is capable of dropping B61, but Germany doesn’t intend to buy the expensive aircraft and chose Eurofighter Typhoon to be Tornado’s successor.

In 2012, Berliner Zeitung reported thay Berlin had quietly decided to keep at least some of the Tornados operational until as far as 2024.

The B61-12 would be more precise and less destructive than its predecessor, which proponents say would be a major benefit. Critics say the weapon would be on the borderline between strategic and tactical and decision makers would be more tempted to use them, which could have unforeseen and grave consequence for the global security.

Former parliamentary state secretary in Germany’s Defense Ministry, Willy Wimmer, told ZDF that the move to upgrade Büchel Air Base nuclear arsenal gave NATO “new attack options against Russia” a constituted “a conscious provocation of our Russian neighbors.”

Moscow keeps the presence of American nukes in Europe in mind when shaping its own military policies as reflected in Russia’s newest military doctrine published last year, spokesperson for the Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova told German television.

“The comprehensive analysis of the situation points to the threat posed by the increasing military capability of NATO and its endowment with global functions, which it performs in violation of the international law, as well as the encroachment of the military infrastructure of NATO members on the borders of the Russian Federation,” she commented.

Moscow has been critical of the entire nuclear sharing program between the US and European countries, saying it breached the spirit of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, which forbids the transfer of nuclear weapons to non-nuclear states. Washington insists the NPT does not forbid it to keep nuclear weapons in Europe as long as they remain under control of the US troops.

Russia’s concern about the nukes partially comes from the fact that the US trains troops of European nations, including those not hosting American nuclear weapons at all, to deploy them, which, Moscow says, harms the regional stability and threatens Russia’s national security.

The German defense ministry would not immediately comment on the ZDF report.
full member
Activity: 161
Merit: 100
This is just a bunch of misinformation.
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Activity: 616
Merit: 500
Every nation us Washington's vassal until the end of capitalism. If you're not a vassal of america, you end up like Afghanistan/Iraq.

Germany has been occupied territory for the last 70 years and is therefore a vassal by definition. And by contract of course, see the OP.
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Activity: 784
Merit: 1000
Every nation us Washington's vassal until the end of capitalism. If you're not a vassal of america, you end up like Afghanistan/Iraq.
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Activity: 616
Merit: 500
Not Only Against Russia


BERLIN (Own report) - Bundeswehr circles are calling for German military activities to be extended in the Indian Ocean. According to an analysis by three political scientists at the Bundeswehr University in Munich, the ocean linking Eastern Africa, Southeast Asia and Australia is the most important sea for global trade. It will replace the Atlantic, to become the most important "Ocean of the 21st Century." Germany, therefore, must become more active - militarily as well, beginning, for example, with joint maneuvers with the bordering countries. Until now, Germany only has a permanent presence in Djibouti, in the western Indian Ocean, which is seen as insufficient. This plea for opening a parallel theater of conflict alongside the power struggle with Russia, dovetails with existing German activities, for example, the reinforced arms buildup of the East and Southeast Asian rivals of the People's Republic of China. As has now been confirmed in the new Arms Exports Report, published in the middle of this week, Germany's arms export policies have already begun to focus on East and Southeast Asia. Four countries from these regions are among the top ten customers of German military hardware, but only two NATO member countries.

Fluctuations in the Arab World
The Arms Exports Report 2014, published this week by the German government, indicates a regional reorientation of several priorities. Most notably, for example, arms exports to the Arab world have decreased. Algeria, which last year topped the customer list, importing more than 825 million Euros, is, with imports this year of nearly 164 million Euros, seventh. Qatar, with purchases of more than 673 million Euros, was second last year, and is this year, with purchases of only 15.5 million, far down the list. On the other hand, Iraq, due to the war against the Islamic State (IS), has bought military hardware valued at 86 million Euros, bringing it from one of the lower ranks (with nearly 21.5 million Euros) to 14th on the scale. The decline of sales to some of the Arab countries has been due to customary business fluctuations of the industry, rather than to a more restrictive policy of sales permits, as the German government is claiming. In 2014, Saudi Arabia, one of Germany's most controversial customers, has been granted permits for 209 million Euros worth of purchases - bringing it down from fourth to sixth place on the scale. A serious restrictive policy would look different.

Growth in East Europe
At the same time, it is already becoming apparent that - thanks to the new cold war against Russia - the German arms industry is opening new export markets in several East European countries. Poland, for example, whose arms purchases in Germany in 2013 were at 42.8 million Euros, has now risen to number 20 on the scale, with a 30 percent increase - to more than 55.7 million Euros worth of purchases. Already in the first quarter of 2015, the German government has accorded permits for the sales of 23 million Euros worth of military hardware to Poland (including missile warheads and munitions). Poland would also like to buy German Leopard 2 battle tanks and is considering the purchase of up to 50 Caracal H225M helicopters produced by Airbus, at a total cost of around 3.1 billion Euros. Finally, Poland is contemplating, together with Norway, and the Netherlands, ordering a number of A330 MRTT (Multi-Role tanker transporter) aircrafts.[1] These sales will be supplemented by the Baltic countries' new arms-buildup plans and supplying military hardware to Ukraine. Whereas Berlin is still refusing to sell combat weapons to Kiev, other NATO member countries are at least partially filling this gap. Nevertheless, German companies have earned 8.4 million Euros on the delivery of 40,000 helmets and 15.5 million on the sale of 40,000 protective vests, with accessories, to the Ukrainian Army.[2]

Four Out of Ten in Asia
Currently however, four of the top ten German war material customers, are East and Southeast Asian countries, alongside only two NATO members (the USA and Great Britain). Singapore - a minute, but strategically, a very important city-state ( reported [3]) - is third in the list with 329 million Euros worth of combat hardware purchases, followed by Korea (254 million Euros) in fourth place. Indonesia has fallen from fifth to ninth (108 million Euros), while the tiny sultanate Brunei has advanced to tenth place (105 million Euros). Brunei is of particular interest because of its controversy with the People's Republic of China over the sovereignty of islands, which has granted importance to Brunei's purchase of German warships. The EU and NATO have cooperation treaties with South Korea. The "Framework Participation Agreement," signed in 2014 by Seoul and Brussels, permits the EU to call on South Korean military for help in EU military missions.[4]

China's Periphery
This strong accent on exporting war material to East and Southeast Asia, is but one more confirmation that Germany is paying a growing amount of attention - not just economically but also in terms of its arms and military policy - to the Asian periphery of the People's Republic of China. ( reported.[5]) Circles within the Bundeswehr are calling on Germany to intensify further its military policy in the region - particularly in the Indian Ocean - in spite of the escalation of the power struggle with Russia. This is currently a demand raised by Carlo Masala, Professor for International politics at the Bundeswehr University in Munich, in a paper he wrote with two of his assistants - Konstantinos Tsetos and Tim Tepel - for the CDU-affiliated Konrad Adenauer Foundation. From 2004 - 2007, Masala had worked at the NATO Defense College in Rome and, since 2009, has been a member of the Academic Advisory Council of the German Ministry of Education and Research, for the social science related aspects of security research.

Arms Race
As Masasla and his co-authors write, the Indian Ocean is currently becoming immensely important. An enormous portion of global trade - including for example, a large portion of China's trade with Europe and Africa, the raw materials from Africa and the Middle East imported to the nations of East and Southeast Asia, and nearly all of India's foreign trade - crosses this ocean. Several of the world's most sensitive maritime trade routes border on the Indian Ocean, such as the straits near Djibouti (Bab el Mandab), permitting access to the Red Sea, the Suez Canal and the Mediterranean, or the Straits of Malacca, at which, alongside Malaysia, two of the bordering countries - Singapore and Indonesia - are among Germany's top ten arms customers. As the authors note, an arms race - parallel to that now taking place between the West and Russia - is threatening throughout the Indian Ocean. In fact, rivalries over military bases - or at least ports that could take on military significance - are already evident. As the paper points out, the USA maintains bases not only in the west of the Indian Ocean - on the Arabian Peninsular (Bahrain, Oman, Saudi Arabia) and in Djibouti - but also in the south (Diego Garcia) as well as in the east of the ocean (Thailand and the Philippines).[6] China has also built ports in Sri Lanka (Hambantota) and in Pakistan (Gwadar), which primarily serve for trade, but can allegedly also be used for military purposes - to secure Chinese maritime trade. The authors also take note of Russia's presence - for example in joint maneuvers with India's Navy. Great Britain and France have a few smaller bases.

Permanent Presence
It is "in Germany's interest," continues Masala and his co-authors, "to contribute to securing the maritime routes, to minimize its own dependence on and vulnerability of open maritime communication, as well as its access to resources and markets."[7] The Bundeswehr's prevalent activities are insufficient. Since 2002, it has had a permanent presence, at least, in the western region of the Indian Ocean, with the "German Liaison and Support Group Djibouti," to support incoming German battle ships. In addition, the EU is building up maritime capacities in East African countries with its operation Atalanta and EUCAP Nestor. But these are not enough. Germany has to "increase significantly" its activities in the Indian Ocean, the authors insist. It has to have a "permanent presence in the region," "close bilateral partnerships with key countries" as well as "joint maneuvers," which could also "help standardize operational cooperation" - to prepare future joint military interventions.

Interventions not Ruled Out
Currently, military activities would "be understood rather as complementary within the framework of a holistic German foreign policy approach," the authors conclude, however, they "should not be ruled out."[8] The authors, therefore, open the perspective of additional Bundeswehr interventions in Asia, on the periphery of China - at a time, when Germany, together with other western powers, has entered an increasingly threatening arms race with Russia.

[1] Hauke Friederichs: Goldene Zeiten für deutsche Waffenbauer. 24.06.2015.
[2] Antwort der Bundesregierung auf eine Kleine Anfrage der Abgeordneten Jan van Aken, Christine Buchholz, Sevim Dagdelen und der Fraktion Die Linke; Berlin 09.06.2015.
[3] See Auf dem Weg zu neuen Konflikten.
[4], [5] See Asiens Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz.
[6], [7], [8] Carlo Masala, Konstantinos Tsetos, Tim Tepel: Maritime Sicherheit im Indischen Ozean. Mehr deutsches Engagement im Ozean des 21. Jahrhunderts. Analysen und Argumente, Ausgabe 172, Juni 2015.
Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
One third of mankind is east and south of Russia so there´s ample market in that direction I´m sure.

There is a lot of truth in that. The gas consumption in Europe is stable, and it is not growing. On the other hand, the gas consumption in countries such China and India are increasing on a year-to-year basis. So in my opinion, Gazprom should concentrate more on growing markets in Asia, rather than trying to sell additional gas to Europe. 
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Activity: 602
Merit: 500
hyperboria - next internet
I would say all europe is a washington's vassal. And that is not bad. There is always be a leader. So you may say that america is like a capital for all the world. Finacial leader, military leader, etc.
hero member
Activity: 616
Merit: 500
Well, presumably the idea of this pipeline it that there´s a market for the gas. If the buyers can get it along other channels well good for them. One third of mankind is east and south of Russia so there´s ample market in that direction I´m sure.
Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
The Austrian oil company OMW has signed a memorandum of understanding that it wants to participate in the construction of two further legs of the existing Nord Stream pipeline Viborg-Greifswald. Additional partners: Royal-Dutch Shell, E-ON and Gazprom (51%).

Signing memorandums mean nothing. Unless the European Union grants the permission to build the pipeline, the construction can't get started. And one of the proposed pipelines are supposed to go straight to the United Kingdom, which casts even more doubts about the pipeline. The UK is one of the most loyal vassals of the US, and with the current political situation, I really doubt whether they'll go ahead with these plans.
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Activity: 616
Merit: 500
Nord Stream Pipeline to be Doubled

The Austrian oil company OMW has signed a memorandum of understanding that it wants to participate in the construction of two further legs of the existing Nord Stream pipeline Viborg-Greifswald. Additional partners: Royal-Dutch Shell, E-ON and Gazprom (51%).

Extra capacity: 55 billion m3/year.

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Activity: 616
Merit: 500
Putin: US-Politik hat zu Ausbreitung des Terrors in der Welt geführt

Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten  |  Veröffentlicht: 27.05.15 01:43 Uhr  | 

Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin findet ungewöhnlich harsche Worte gegen die US-Außenpolitik. Er will eine Allianz mit China und den BRICS-Staaten, um die Sicherheitslücken zu schließen, die sich durch die US-Außenpolitik ergeben: Die illegale Intervention des Westens im Nahen Osten habe den Islamischen Staat erst stark gemacht. Die BRICS sollen sich gegen solche Entwicklungen gemeinsam schützen.

Russlands Präsident Putin schlägt eine härtere Gangart gegen die Außenpolitik des Westens ein: Putin wirft dem Westen ziemlich unverblümt vor, für die Ausbreitung des „Islamischen Staats“ (IS) verantwortlich zu sein, Bei einem Treffen mit den Sicherheitschefs der BRICS-Staaten sagte Putin am Montag laut TASS: „Wir wissen, was jetzt im Nahen Osten und in Nordafrika vor sich geht. Wir sehen Probleme, die von einer terroristischen Organisation kommen, die sich ,Islamischer Staat‘ nennt. Es gab jedoch keinen Terrorismus in diesen Staaten, in denen der Terror heute aktiv ist, bevor nicht eine absolute unakzeptable Einmischung von außen stattgefunden hat. Diese Einmischung geschah ohne die Zustimmung des Sicherheitsrats der Vereinten Nationen. Es ist klar, dass die Folgen hart sind. Alles, was in den vergangenen Jahren in der internationalen Arena stattgefunden hat, muss nachjustiert werden.“

Putin sieht die Gefahren für die anderen Staaten der Welt in einer aggressiven Politik des Westens: „Es ist klar, dass unsere Staaten sich ernsthaften Bedrohungen gegenübersehen, die damit zusammenhängen, dass das internationale Recht gebrochen wird im Zusammenhang mit der Verletzung der Souveränität in verschiedenen Staaten und deren Einflusssphären.“

Bei seinem Treffen mit den Vertreter Chinas unterhielten sich Putin und seine Gäste auch über die aus ihrer Sicht bestehende Gefahr einer „bunten Revolution“: Eine solche hat etwa in der Ukraine stattgefunden, und Moskau geht davon aus, dass die Amerikaner hinter dem Sturz des Präsidenten Janukowitsch und den folgenden Unruhen auf dem Maidan stecken. Dass die Amerikaner im Hintergrund mitgemischt haben, ist auch unter westlichen Beobachtern unstrittig.

Erst dieser Tage hat ein Pentagon-Geheimbericht enthüllt, dass die US-Regierung schon seit längerem Anzeichen hatte, dass sich ein Islamischer Staat gründen könnte. Doch die Regierung in Washington hatte nichts gegen den IS unternommen, weil ein Streit zwischen den Muslimen gut in die geostrategische Ausrichtung der US-Regierung passt.

Die Tatsache, dass Putin nun einen Zusammenhang zwischen der territorialen Ausbreitung des islamischen Terrors und der US-Außenpolitik im Nahen Osten herstellt, ist bemerkenswert. In dieser Schärfe hat sich Putin noch nie geäußert, wenn es um die möglichen Kausalitäten gegen im Nahen Osten ging.

Putin versucht offenbar, den Druck auf den Westen zu erhöhen: Denn die Allianz kommt gegen die zersplitterten Kämpfer in Syrien nicht voran. Zuletzt hat David Cameron Putin ersucht, mit ihm gemeinsam einen Ausweg für das Syrien-Dilemma zu finden. Putin, der Assad unterstützt, dürfte sich seine Mitwirkung teuer erkaufen lassen. Die harten Worte gegen den Westen im Zusammenhang mit dem Aufstieg des IS geben schon einmal einen Vorgeschmack, in welche Richtung Putin beim nächsten Nahost-Poker gehen wird. Es wird gewiss keine Position der Schwäche sein.
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Activity: 616
Merit: 500
All right Nemo, here goes


Neocon’s Blatant Speak of the US “Exceptional” Right of Aggression

Georgi Stankov:

Friedman’s Realpolitik outlines the professed American national and geopolitical interests in decades to come from a naked neocon position, as if humanity had all the linear time to see this heinous plans fully realized. In this sense, this man stands paradigmatically for the profound blindness of all agnostic, dark human beings that need to experience their Armageddon in the End Time as to learn their soul lessons. Please, observe that dark entities like Friedman can be very astute and impress other people. This makes them even more dangerous than amoral idiots like Obama. This is the type of cabal that has something to say and dare to say, more like the Cheney-type.

And here are the Friedman’s key points in this speech:

The primordial interest of the United States for centuries (WWI, WWII and the Cold War) has been to stop a coalition between Germany and Russia.
US is the only ally Ukraine (the Kiev regime) has.
General Ben Hodges, Chief of US army in Europe, not only officially announced that the US would train Ukrainian troops, but also awarded medals to foreign, in this case, Ukrainian soldiers which is against the US army protocol. He’s showing that the Ukrainian Army is “our” army.
US is positioning troops, armaments, artillery and other equipment in the Baltic, Poland, Romania and Bulgaria.
The US will deliver weapons to Ukraine.
In all of this the US acted in the context outside NATO because any NATO members state can veto any action.
US is preparing a “Cordon Sanitaire” around Russia. Russia knows it and believes the US wants to break the Russian Federation.

We are back to the “old game” (Cold War).
The United States controls all the oceans of the world and because of that we get to invade people and they don’t get to invade us. Maintaining control of the sea and space is the foundation of American power.
The best US policy is “divide et impera”, what Reagan did with Iran and Iraq – fund both sides so they will fight each other and not fight us. It is cynical and not moral, but it works.
The US cannot occupy Eurasia. We can support various contending powers so they concentrate on themselves with political, economic, and military support.
In extreme cases we can do what we have done in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan –“spoiling attacks”. A spoiling attack is not intended to defeat the enemy, it is to throw them off balance like we did with al Qaeda in Afghanistan.
The US can not constantly intervene in Eurasia; it must selectively intervene.
The US has staged a series of colored revolutions throughout the Russian periphery. It was the US statement of intent to destroy Russia.
The purpose of “the invasion of Georgia” was to show how much an American guarantee is worth and it is message to the Ukrainians: Do you want to be American ally? So did the Georgians… Enjoy…
The question for the Russians will be whether they’ll be able to retain a buffer zone that is at least neutral in Ukraine or will the West penetrate so far in Ukraine as to be 500 kilometers from Moscow.
For Russia the status of the Ukraine is an existential threat.
It is not an accident that the US “final solution” is to create an  “Intermarium”  (“Between-seas”) area from the Black Sea to the Baltic Sea.
Germany is in very peculiar position and they have a very complex relationship with Russians.
The Germans themselves don’t know what to do and haven’t made up their mind.
For the US, the primordial fear is German capital and technology and Russian natural resources and manpower. This combination for centuries has scared the United States.
Whoever can tell me what the Germans will do, will tell me the next 20 years of the history.
The main problem of Germany is that it is enormously economically powerful and geopolitically very fragile and doesn’t know how to reconcile two.
“The German Question” is coming up again. That’s the next question we need to address, and we don’t know how to address it, we don’t know what they’re going to do.

George Friedman (Stratfor): "Europe - Destined for Conflict?" (Feb 3rd, 2015)
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
Galdur, you should actually re-post your post from the Donetsk thread here:

Regarding this:

And if You really want to know how wonderfull East Germany was speak to Germans that actually lived there, that where trying to escape to the West.

I have checked the election results from the East German states. Very few of the people there support Angela Merkel's pro-American Party. On the other hand, the pro-Russian Die Linke usually gets 25% to 30% of the votes there. Now you will be very surprised to learn that the Die Linke is simply a refurbished version of the Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands (the East German Communist Party).

A very good artcle from 2014 with infographics on a wide range of social and economical issues (in English):

A Nation Divided

What does Germany’s reunification nearly a quarter of century later look like? Can you touch it? See it?

Germans worked hard to make their decades of division disappear. Only a few meters of the Berlin Wall remain standing. Much of what was once communist East German has been torn down, rebuilt or paved over. It’s as if the former border with West Germany simply vanished. Even the memories of 1989 are fading with the years. Or is there something still there?

We sought images, graphics and statistics to tell the story of German unity – or its continued division. We found data that speaks more precisely than many direct witnesses to these historic events. For example, our statistical maps. Some show East Germany’s borders so clearly, they look as if they were created before the Wall fell in 1989.
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Activity: 616
Merit: 500
German "Foxtrot Oscar" to U.S. war criminals?


German Federal Prosecutor ‘investigating’ US actions on drones base

LONDON - The German Federal Prosecutor is reported to have begun investigating a US base in Germany that is used as a ‘hub’ for drone strikes, days after a Yemeni man testified in a Cologne court about the 2012 strike that killed his relatives.

According to a report in Der Spiegel, the Federal Prosecutor’s Office – Germany’s highest prosecuting authority – has launched a ‘monitoring process’ to ascertain whether activities at Ramstein, a US base in Germany, violate international law. The officials have reportedly requested documents from German authorities, including the Ministry of Defence, relating to the base – which was recently revealed to be a ‘hub’ for the facilitation of drone strikes in Yemen and elsewhere. US drone strikes in countries such as Yemen, where the US has not declared war, have killed hundreds of civilians, and are widely regarded as a violation of international law.

The news comes days after a court in Cologne heard testimony from a Yemeni man who lost his relatives in a strike – the first time any court has heard from drone victims. Faisal bin Ali Jaber lost his brother-in-law Salim, an anti-Al Qaeda preacher, and his nephew Waleed, a police officer, to a 2012 US strike on his village of Khashamir. The German case sees Mr bin Ali Jaber – represented by international human rights organization Reprieve and the European Center for Human Rights (ECCHR) – seeking to challenge Germany’s failure to stop the use of Ramstein for US drone strikes. Although the court last week ruled against Mr bin Ali Jaber, judges agreed with his assertion that it is ‘plausible’ the base is central to the launching of the strikes, and gave him immediate permission to appeal their decision.

Commenting, Kat Craig, Mr bin Ali Jaber’s Reprieve lawyer, said: "The civilian impact of the US’ drone wars in Yemen and elsewhere is well-documented – as is the crucial role played by Ramstein in facilitating these illegal strikes. The prosecutor’s move to investigate the use of German soil in violating international law is a crucial first step in lifting the veil of secrecy over the drone programme. For Faisal – and the scores of other people whose relatives were unlawfully killed in drone strikes – this decision is long overdue. Nothing will bring back their loved ones, but a full and proper investigation into the role of Ramstein will finally shed some light on the role of the German government in the drone programme. Our clients hope that, in doing so, Germany will do the right thing and withdraw support for the US’ drone war, once and for all."
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276

I (an American) never got to go to Germany when I was in the military.  They had just ceased the REFORGER exercises when I got stationed in the states.  A friend of mine had been stationed there and told me a couple of interesting things though.

One was that the German farmers practically begged the US/Brits to park their tanks in the farmer's field.  This because they got paid for damages.

Another was a funny story.  He and some Brits were sitting on a fence killing time when a German dude came peddling down the road on a bike.  One of the Brits hopped off the fence and stopped the bike cold.  The German guy just said over and over in broken English "No problems, no problems."  The Brit slugged him in the face knocking him to the ground then he took the bike and started ridding it around saying "Aye mates!  Look at me new bike!"

That's a pretty good illustration of being subjugated I always felt.  I don't know if Brits still go around Europe terrorizing people at soccer games or not.  I've not heard of it for some time, but it seems pretty in-line with what my friend told me about how the Brits behaved toward the continental folks.

Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
If Germany is rally a puppet in the hands of US then why they allowed for North Stream?

Nord Stream was approved by Gerhard Schröder, despite severe opposition from the Americans. If Angela Merkel was the chancellor at that time, she would have never allowed it to happen. Gerhard Schröder was a bit more rebellious, and that was the reason why the CIA funded various organizations against him and his party.
Activity: 2464
Merit: 1145

germany is a souvereign nation for sure, everything else is just misinformation.

And if You really want to know how wonderfull East Germany was speak to Germans that actually lived there, that where trying to escape to the West.

And what that supposed to prove economy wise? almost in every democratic country you have a change of political attitudes, yesterday it was Merkel's party, today Die Linke party, tomorrow right sector. But fact is: East side of Germany is behind West side because of bad management in GDR.

this is only party true.
with the unification of germany all state property of the DDR went to the BRD.
depending on day and type of assesment method the DDR had around 600 billion to 1.100 billion DM worth of state property (alot of private owned industry - it was communism) which have been privatized by an escrow agency of the BRD.
in the end 2,5 million people lost their jobs and the escrow agency created a deficit of around 200 billion DM.

german article from *"Die Zeit":

*another from "Die Süddeutsche Zeitung":

Activity: 1288
Merit: 1000
And if You really want to know how wonderfull East Germany was speak to Germans that actually lived there, that where trying to escape to the West.

I have checked the election results from the East German states. Very few of the people there support Angela Merkel's pro-American Party. On the other hand, the pro-Russian Die Linke usually gets 25% to 30% of the votes there. Now you will be very surprised to learn that the Die Linke is simply a refurbished version of the Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands (the East German Communist Party).

And what that supposed to prove economy wise? almost in every democratic country you have a change of political attitudes, yesterday it was Merkel's party, today Die Linke party, tomorrow right sector. But fact is: East side of Germany is behind West side because of bad management in GDR.

At any rate; Germany is an occupied country and has been for 70 years. As such it obviously has limited independence and certainly no independent foreign policy to speak of. And of course a military that is for appearances only if that.

If Germany is rally a puppet in the hands of Us then why they allowed for North Stream?
hero member
Activity: 616
Merit: 500
At any rate; Germany is an occupied country and has been for 70 years. As such it obviously has limited independence and certainly no independent foreign policy to speak of. And of course a military that is for appearances only if that.
Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
And if You really want to know how wonderfull East Germany was speak to Germans that actually lived there, that where trying to escape to the West.

I have checked the election results from the East German states. Very few of the people there support Angela Merkel's pro-American Party. On the other hand, the pro-Russian Die Linke usually gets 25% to 30% of the votes there. Now you will be very surprised to learn that the Die Linke is simply a refurbished version of the Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands (the East German Communist Party).

Activity: 1288
Merit: 1000
But jokes aside, lets compare motor companies that are influential and important in today's German economy:
Audi - West
Volkswagen - West
BMW - West
Mercedes - West
Noticed a trend here?

Both the GDR and the FRG had their own strong points. Automobile industry was one of the strong points of the FRG, while healthcare, manufacturing, military, mining, agriculture, and heavy machinery were the specializations of the GDR.

Almost every communist/paranoid government is going for military and heavy machinery but that doesn't proof that it had strong economic.
And if You really want to know how wonderfull East Germany was speak to Germans that actually lived there, that where trying to escape to the West.
Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
But jokes aside, lets compare motor companies that are influential and important in today's German economy:
Audi - West
Volkswagen - West
BMW - West
Mercedes - West
Noticed a trend here?

Both the GDR and the FRG had their own strong points. Automobile industry was one of the strong points of the FRG, while healthcare, manufacturing, military, mining, agriculture, and heavy machinery were the specializations of the GDR.
Activity: 1288
Merit: 1000
The former East Germany (Deutsche Demokratische Republik or DDR) was a powerful, sovereign state with a sizable army and lots of influence over the world. The CIA operations destroyed East Germany, ultimately re-uniting it with West Germany. The DDR lost its sovereignty and influence, when it merged with the FRG to form the unified German vassal state.

Oh wow, You really made my day Cheesy
Surly every one remembers influential politics from East Germany for example... a... and there was this guy... e... and then that other one who made that...

But jokes aside, lets compare motor companies that are influential and important in today's German economy:
Audi - West
Volkswagen - West
BMW - West
Mercedes - West
Noticed a trend here?
Activity: 1246
Merit: 1000
The CIA operations destroyed East Germany

Of course it is all the CIA's fault, not the lack of a consumer economy, overspending on defense nor the Stasi keeping extensive files on most citizens and throwing them in political prison naturally.

We also can't forget all those West Berliners building makeshift balloons to escape INTO East Berlin  Cheesy
Activity: 3108
Merit: 1359
with a sizable army and lots of influence over the world.

The Nationale Volksarmee (NVA) was the largest military organisation in East Germany. It was formed in 1956 from the Kasernierte Volkspolizei (Barracked People's Police), the military units of the regular police (Volkspolizei), when East Germany joined the Warsaw Pact. From its creation, it was controlled by the Ministry of National Defence (East Germany). It was an all volunteer force until an eighteen-month conscription period was introduced in 1962. It was considered one of the most professional and best prepared military forces in the world.

(c) wikipedia
Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
The former East Germany (Deutsche Demokratische Republik or DDR) was a powerful, sovereign state with a sizable army and lots of influence over the world. The CIA operations destroyed East Germany, ultimately re-uniting it with West Germany. The DDR lost its sovereignty and influence, when it merged with the FRG to form the unified German vassal state.
Activity: 1246
Merit: 1000
“German Politicians are US Puppets”.
Some politicians in DDR were puppets. Politicians of BND aren't puppets, they're NGO employees. There is a difference, because NGO is owned by some physical person or legal entity while state is owned by the people. As the result, puppet is able to get rid of the external control eventually, while members of NGO staff have no such opportunity. Even in the theory. Wink

So why wasn't the US able to force Germany in joining the coalition in Iraq in 2003 if it is owned by America as a corporation?
Activity: 3108
Merit: 1359
“German Politicians are US Puppets”.
Some politicians in DDR were puppets. Politicians of BND aren't puppets, they're NGO employees. There is a difference, because NGO is owned by some physical person or legal entity while state is owned by the people. As the result, puppet is able to get rid of the external control eventually, while members of NGO staff have no such opportunity. Even in the theory. Wink
hero member
Activity: 616
Merit: 500
Yeah Balthazar, they can easily translate the German text there at the original link for that post. Which is a great read BTW, especially regarding German lapdog media. Good luck, g
Activity: 3108
Merit: 1359
Kann die „Kanzlerakte“ ignoriert werden? – Ja, sie kann und sie muss!

FEBRUAR 12, 2015

Von Peter Haisenko

„Kanzlerakte“ – was ist das? Kurz gefasst: Einen Knebelvertrag, der deutsche Regierungschefs nach obligatorischer Unterschrift unter die Befehlsgewalt der US-Regierung stellt. In der breiten Öffentlichkeit war und ist davon nie die Rede. Egon Bahr indes hat unzweideutig bestätigt, dass es sie gibt, die Kanzlerakte. Nehmen wir den SPD-Politiker als vertrauenswürdigen Zeugen und gehen davon aus, dass dieses perfide Papier tatsächlich existiert. Ist ein „Vertrag“, der den Bundeskanzler/die Bundeskanzlerin quasi zeitgleich mit dem Amtseid unter amerikanisches Kuratell stellt, nicht sittenwidrig? Und kann ein derartig sittenwidriger „Vertrag“ nicht einfach ignoriert werden?

Die „Transatlantiker“ beherrschen unsere Medien und man muss sich immer wieder wundern, dass auch unsere Regierung Entscheidungen trifft, die nur den Interessen der USA dienen und Deutschland/Europa beschädigen. Sind es nun die Transatlantiker, die unsere Regierung falsch, einseitig – also im Sinn der USA – beraten und so die zuweilen nicht nachvollziehbaren Züge deutscher Politik herstellen? Oder liegt es an der Kanzlerakte, die Frau Merkel zum Handeln gegen deutsche Interessen zwingt? Im Ergebnis macht das keinen Unterschied, moralisch gesehen schon. .....
There is not so much people who are able to understand deutsche sprache.

hero member
Activity: 616
Merit: 500
With Merkel and other German politicians being BLACKMAILED by the NSA of the United States,
it is no wonder their personal political survival overrides the interests of the German
people and the German economy.

BLACKMAIL. inter alia, is one of the US tools to coerce US allies and foes to submit
to US Global Tyranny.

“German Politicians are US Puppets”. German Journalists are Urged to Bias their Writings in Favor of the US
hero member
Activity: 616
Merit: 500
Kann die „Kanzlerakte“ ignoriert werden? – Ja, sie kann und sie muss!

FEBRUAR 12, 2015

Von Peter Haisenko

„Kanzlerakte“ – was ist das? Kurz gefasst: Einen Knebelvertrag, der deutsche Regierungschefs nach obligatorischer Unterschrift unter die Befehlsgewalt der US-Regierung stellt. In der breiten Öffentlichkeit war und ist davon nie die Rede. Egon Bahr indes hat unzweideutig bestätigt, dass es sie gibt, die Kanzlerakte. Nehmen wir den SPD-Politiker als vertrauenswürdigen Zeugen und gehen davon aus, dass dieses perfide Papier tatsächlich existiert. Ist ein „Vertrag“, der den Bundeskanzler/die Bundeskanzlerin quasi zeitgleich mit dem Amtseid unter amerikanisches Kuratell stellt, nicht sittenwidrig? Und kann ein derartig sittenwidriger „Vertrag“ nicht einfach ignoriert werden?

Die „Transatlantiker“ beherrschen unsere Medien und man muss sich immer wieder wundern, dass auch unsere Regierung Entscheidungen trifft, die nur den Interessen der USA dienen und Deutschland/Europa beschädigen. Sind es nun die Transatlantiker, die unsere Regierung falsch, einseitig – also im Sinn der USA – beraten und so die zuweilen nicht nachvollziehbaren Züge deutscher Politik herstellen? Oder liegt es an der Kanzlerakte, die Frau Merkel zum Handeln gegen deutsche Interessen zwingt? Im Ergebnis macht das keinen Unterschied, moralisch gesehen schon. .....
Activity: 3108
Merit: 1359
but East Germany was just as much a puppet state for the Russians as the West was for America.
At least it was a state, not NGO with unapproved grundgesetz instead of constitution.

Also the fall of the Berlin Wall indicates most East Germans didn't have much love for their supposedly sovereign government as it is.
Maybe, but I'd suggest you to talk with some people who have lost the work when the most of industries in former eastern germany were closed. In reality, some things are a bit different from the newspapers narrative.
Activity: 1246
Merit: 1000
It would be interesting if this is true.
DDR was a real state with all attributes of sovereignty i.e. powerful army (second european army after USSR in terms of combat capability), real constitution, functioning parliament and government. Unlike DDR, BND is not even a state, it has no neither army nor government. It even has no constitution and uses so-called grundgesetz since 1945, which isn't approved by the people.

And even worse, it's officially registered as NGO, Merkel is CEO while citizens are employees. There is no secret, you can check this in any catalogue.

I won't deny that America exercised EXTRAORDINARY influence over West Germany after WW2 but East Germany was just as much a puppet state for the Russians as the West was for America. Most of its leaders from Wilhelm Pieck to Walter Ulbricht and Erich Honecker were actively involved with Soviet intelligence, even living in Russia for several years. Also the fall of the Berlin Wall indicates most East Germans didn't have much love for their supposedly sovereign government as it is.
Activity: 3108
Merit: 1359
It would be interesting if this is true.
DDR was a real state with all attributes of sovereignty i.e. powerful army (second european army after USSR in terms of combat capability), real constitution, functioning parliament and government. Unlike DDR, the BND is not even a state, it has neither army nor government. It even has no constitution and uses so-called "grundgesetz" since 1949, which isn't approved by the people.

And even worse, it's officially registered as NGO, Merkel is CEO while citizens are employees. There is no secret, you can check this in any catalogue.
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
hero member
Activity: 616
Merit: 500

By gluba  |  Posted January 16, 2009  |  New York, New York 106

Ex-head of MAD reveals shocking details
of the 1949 US-German secret treaty

Top intelligence officers rarely reveal secret strings, pulling the nation's political mechanism. Publication of a book like The German card. The obscure game of secret services, authored by Gerd-Helmut Komossa (Gerd-Helmut Komossa. DIE DEUTSCHE KARTE. Das verdeckte Spiel der geheimen Dienste. Ares-Verlag, Graz 2007. - 230 S.), is an exceptional occurrence. Raising very sensitive issues, the author appeals to the core of German identity that had been deliberately suppressed for decades by the United States and its allies.

The book is focused on contradictions between the United States and Germany, sometimes very strong but not supposed to be discussed in public. It was published in Austria, and its distribution in Germany may encounter certain difficulties today. Still, the very fact of its appearance indicates that the German intelligence community is increasingly dissatisfied with the role of a vassal of the United States (the definition applied to Europe by Zbigniew Brzezinski), imposed on Western Germany after World War II. Gerd-Helmut Komossa reveals the uncomfortable truth about the post-war conditions, dictated by the US and its allies. The state treaty, dated May 21, 1949 and classified by BND as top secret, suggests restrictions of state sovereignty of the Federal Republic of Germany, introduced for a period until 2099. These restrictions include the provision that the winning coalition exercise complete control over Germany's mass media and communications; that every Federal Chancellor is to sign the so-called Chancellor Act; that the gold reserve of Germany is kept under arrest.

In fact, all the German Chancellors, including the incumbent Chancellor Angela Merkel, pay their first foreign visit necessarily to the United States. The whole spectrum of German political parties is supervised by a special Washington-based controlling body, while local US-licensed media serve as a more sophisticated means of brainwashing than the Nazi propagandist machine. Meanwhile, Germany's territory is still occupied by US troops. This astonishing picture is not a fancy concoction of a political leftist. It is drawn by a military man whose mind has accumulated the experience of several crucial stages of development of the European civilization and Germany in particular. Gen. (Ret.) Gerd-Helmut Komossa took part in World War II and later in the Cold War. Possessing huge amounts of information, he analyzes the existing mechanisms of global policy with strong criticism. Joining the Wehrmacht in 1943 as a volunteer, Komossa served at the Eastern front. Between May 1945 and April 1949, he was a prisoner of war. In the USSR, he got acquainted with many Russians who appeared to be quite different from the image imposed by the official Nazi propaganda. Since 1956, he served in the German Bundeswehr, re-established under certain conditions.

The abovementioned secret treaty admitted that the German sovereignty is sufficient for the right to build up military forces. According to the Constitution, the troops of the Federal Republic of Germany are carrying put exceptionally defensive functions. However, the Western coalition was pursuing different goals. It needed an army in new uniforms but with the same skills as the Nazi soldiers, perfectly fighting on land, on sea and in the air, and irrecusably abiding orders. Such a type of soldier was essential not only for the occasion of possible military collision with the Soviet bloc but also for fulfilling global missions. The coalition required at least 500,000 German soldiers. In addition, the newly-built army was supposed to purchase weapons and materiel solely from the United States. During the last two decades, Washington has been trying to force Germany into military partnership in globalistic control. However, the massive effort to get Germany involved in US operations in Somali and Bosnia, as well as in campaigns in Serbia, Iraq and Afghanistan, has brought about a reverse result, sparking a shift in approach in German strategic circles. The implicit discontent with American policy and essential difference in views on the role of the German people in current history eventually reached a critical dimension.

Since mid-1990s, the attitude of many German military to the United States, and significantly also towards NATO, has essentially changed. Though most of the German officers were not originally inclined against America, a lot of them being educated in the United States, they are now experiencing disappointment and even disgust with Washington's policies. These officers realize that the hegemonistic policy is destined for destruction of socioeconomic systems of particular nations and whole regions, while the so-called order Washington is trying to impose is just a synonym for chaos. Gerd-Helmut Komossa, in his former capacity of MAD (Military Counterintelligence) Director, was frequently called "a soldier with political thinking". Today, he openly denounces the Bundeswehr's involvement in foreign interventions, referring to the army's constitutional duties. Meanwhile, Washington urges Germans to go fighting. Conceding to the pressure, Berlin deployed a contingent of troops to Afghanistan. But even this was not sufficient for NATO bosses. Recently, NATO General Secretary Jaap de Hoop Scheffer accused the Bundeswehr of idleness in military operations in the region, and insisted that Germany "increase flexibility" and expand its military mission to the southern regions of Afghanistan. In his book, Komossa inquires whether the state of affairs when young Germans are recruited in the national army for fulfilling overseas goals for other nations, could be acceptable.

The map of operations, supposed to involve German troops, far exceeds the European continent, and has nothing to do with German national interests. "Do Germans expect this from the Bundeswehr? Would they like their soldiers to be called assassins again?" he asks. However, the United States and its allies don't care much for moral problems. As the secret treaty is valid until 2099, Germans are supposed to go and fight where they are told to. The German audience will require certain time to digest the shocking information disclosed by General Komossa. But eventually, the nation with a great cultural and historical tradition will hardly agree to continue tolerating the American loop on its throat for decades more. The publication of Komossa's "German Card" is one more proof of the world's transformation into a multipolar system. It indicates that Germany is likely to achieve complete sovereignty without waiting for eighty years.
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