So what's wrong? The man doesn't hold any official duty anymore so he shall be free to do whatever he wants. If he's been offered big money for a new job, he should take it. I would.
Nothing sleep well ;-).
Lot of Goldman guys going in and back out of government, central banks. Carney, Bank of England, ex Goldman, Turnbull, PM of Australia ex-Goldman too. They're all over the place.
Regulatory capture is something only possible in societies who have already collapsed internally. I believe that GS had hit the wall in Russia (Chineses are manipulating GS and they are a second tier bank in China now) and a little confrontation will ensue. It's one thing to betray the motherland another one to betray Putin... And there the compensation rate offered by Goldman Sachs will be exponential... Because the expected life span of the traitor is reducing fast...
It's crazy that a man like country free never heard the term pay back, or retroactive salary, or can imagine various scheme to remunerate insiders of gov for work... Disinformation agent.
American oligarchy or ruling class is at war against the American people and so of course the world. Ike the nazis you collaborate or you fight them there is no other path. GWB said it.
Barroso pushed for Ukrainian of ethnic Russian background to be killed, will their be retribution? Everyone who messed with Russians had everything they stranded for blasted away. Mr Rotschild was smart but he knew not to fight the French guy...
Goldman Sachs is fighting Russia. It's so easy for a country like Russia to use a proxy to pull down gs. Thinking even there are so many vectors of attack that it appears that GS has been setup to fail... A little bank of little shit unable to survive without bail out... Vs Russia. LoL...
Edit: little Chinese proverb be extra vigilant to remove kindly the little spider who comes in autumn in thy room otherwise in spring you will have to deal with her children...