I was not sure if this is the correct section for this thread but it seems to fit since this is more of a technical discussion.
We have the need to keep a record of data attributes as proof of an event that something had a specific value at a certain period in time. Its not a monetary transaction but more a proof. We think blockchain is the perfect way to make this proof immutable but we have some trouble deciding on which blockchain to use.
Some additional info and requirements:
- Needs to be able to keep a record of data attributes that can not be modified after a specific date in time.
- The chain needs to have explorer where we can link to record as proof.
- Needs to be cheap
- It can be a private chain but as long as we are not the only node in control of it.
- The frequency of updates does not matter since its only a proof for future reference.
- Estimated record size from my current contract is 128 bytes.
We have considered the following but would like to get expert opinions before we make a final decision:
1) Ethereum
- At the moment this has everything we need but the GAS is too expensive.
2) Ethereum Classic
- The GAS price is more affordable but I can't find any public blockchain explorers for making these records transparent.
3) Private chain
- We feel that going this route would defeat the purpose of surety since it won't be decentralized and not really immutable.
4) Raiden Network
- Affordable and support for high volumes but the network still seems to be a work in progress.
5) Loom Network
- Looks promising but can't find any reference to transaction fees anywhere.
6) Ethereum - Rinkeby Testnet
- This consideration might sound like it was made without a few marbles but first hear me out. We only need a public record that something happened and this supports all the required goodies from the Mainnet like Etherscan record transparency, smart contracts and on top it would be completely free. I'm just not sure if this network would ever be reset or will eventually be discontinued.
We have considered some other blockchains but they either turned out to be a work in progress or too expensive.
Any advice would be appreciated.