So, I've put together a couple of rigs at work for our company's owner, and decided to put together one for myself using a mix of R9 380's and RX 480's. Of course, i would've preferred to go all 380 or all 480, but with the way its worked out, I've ended up with 3 of each. For reference, here's the setup:
- 3 x R9 380
- 3 x RX 480
- Celeron CPU
- 4GB DDR4 memory (single dimm)
- Pagefile (located on a secondary sata SSD) configured for 26GB-30GB virtual memory
- GA-720X-UD3 motherboard
- Windows 10 Pro (would prefer ethOS, but you can't mix those cards in that OS)
- AMD Blockchain Beta drivers
To cut to the chase, I've figured out how to get the blockchain drivers installed, however, I'm running into severe issues with stability, with the rig usually crashing within an hour. At the moment, things are pretty well cooled (running in the high 70's), so I'm pretty sure it's not a thermal issue. My main method for installing the drivers is as follows: Use DDU in safe mode to clean out the existing drivers; reboot; install the blockchain drivers (skipping ReLive); patch the drivers before rebooting (480's have modded BIOS'); reboot again & start mining.
Initially, after the drivers have been installed, things seem to run ok. Then, after 20-30 minutes or so, I'm finding that I'm seeing warnings saying that "Windows has recovered from a driver error" or something along those lines, which is directly related to the GPU. The moment I turn off the claymore miner they stop.
What drivers are frequently being used when mixing R9 and RX cards (I'm guessing this isn't super common)? I read somewhere that the 16.9.2 drivers seem to be stable for mixing the cards, however, I find that when i use those drivers, my hashrate on the RX's drops to 18-19mh/s while my 380's are still solid @ 20. When I use the blockchain drivers, the hashrate on the RX's rockets up to 28mh/s, but then I seem to run into stability issues. All that being said, I'm not sure where to go from here. Building 2 separate rigs, one for each set of cards, is out of the question as it's not cost effective in the least, however, I've read over and over that running R9's and RX's on the same MB is entirely doable in Windows.
Any advice on where to start with the drivers? I'm seriously considering flattening the box, and reinstalling the OS being that I've installed/uninstalled the GPU drivers so many times by this point, but I'm starting to wonder if perhaps the blockchain drivers for Windows 10 just don't like the mix of cards. The only other thing I can think of is that the OS wasn't fully updated (still had the 1709 patch to install) when I was doing my testing, but I'm not sure how much impact that will have on mining.
Anyway, sorry for the long post, and if anyone could chime in to help me from wasting much more of my time, that would be greatly appreciated.