I want to have my wallet on the full node. It wouldn't be a node that runs 24/7, just 20 minutes a day to keep it synced, in case I need to transact quickly so I don't need to have it opened for hours until it syncs for several days.
Any i5 or i7 laptop (gen 3-4 or higher) with an SSD. The major bottleneck in a laptop is going to be IOPS, thus storage. I highly recommend not using a HDD if you want it to be quick at syncing as described.
I think 20 minutes a day connected to the internet in an a laptop that's made all of spyware free software and hardware isn't a realistic surface attack, and I would be ready for any forks instead of having to move your stuff from some cold storage device into the wallet (i dont consider anything but paper wallet or air gapped machine as realistic cold storage)
Either you don't have enough funds in that machine to make it worth attacking it by Intel, NSA & co. or you're using Bitcoin wrong (i.e. high amount on a online machine). If you're going to use this for most day-to-day transactions, then investing in "anti-spyware hardware" is a waste of money IMO.
But I don't see the downfall in using hardware that isn't prone to getting spied through ME or proprietary BIOS or other surface attacks. Sure, it is slower since it's older, but it's safer, a core2duo with 8MB ram should do the job.
At the end of the day you are going to need to run your own full node to broadcast your transactions if you really want to use bitcoin as bitcoin and not as something else in between paypal and bitcoin, and if this full node is in a machine that is blinded against all that crap then it's positive.
Sure, ideally I should learn how to sign transactions in an airgapped computer, but I still didn't learn how to do that.
For now, I would use the node as a wallet, and again, 30 minutes-1 hour of daily online exposition in a laptop that would only be used to keep the node updated for that amount of time.. the surface attack is very low when you are using one of these laptops.
Eventually I would learn about the airgapped stuff. Putting all my bitcoins in a single paper wallet is dumb and i don't trust these ledgers and trezors.