Given the recent strings of cold/hot wallets not being implemented correctly resulting in massive losses for all sorts of websites, is there a best-practices guide or something for exchange / website operators? Something maybe with a formal analysis behind it demonstrating some degree of correctness? It seems like if some group put something like this together, and people actually followed it, the overall bitcoin community could raise the bar significantly for the attackers.
I mean something like: statistical methods for determining when to halt upon suspicious transactions, architecture for crypto systems and placement of the cold / hot wallets, Linux / BSD lock-down techniques for the cold wallet server, to keep away from VPS / non-dedicated servers for the cold wallet, protocol description for cold wallet interactions, etc. It really doesn't seem like these should be trade secrets!
I haven't done a literature search to see what's out there, so I'd love to hear if such an article exists
If not, I think it would be good for people who really know their stuff to put something like this together.