D:\local\Bitcoin\cpuminer>mining_proxy.exe --help
usage: mining_proxy.exe [-h] [-o HOST] [-p PORT] [-sh STRATUM_HOST]
[-gp GETWORK_PORT] [-nm] [-rt] [-cl CUSTOM_LP]
[--socks PROXY] [--tor] [-t] [-v] [-q] [-i PID_FILE]
[-pa POW_ALGO]
This proxy allows you to run getwork-based miners against Stratum mining pool.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o HOST, --host HOST Hostname of Stratum mining pool
-p PORT, --port PORT Port of Stratum mining pool
-sh STRATUM_HOST, --stratum-host STRATUM_HOST
On which network interface listen for stratum miners.
Use "localhost" for listening on internal IP only.
-sp STRATUM_PORT, --stratum-port STRATUM_PORT
Port on which port listen for stratum miners.
-oh GETWORK_HOST, --getwork-host GETWORK_HOST
On which network interface listen for getwork miners.
Use "localhost" for listening on internal IP only.
-gp GETWORK_PORT, --getwork-port GETWORK_PORT
Port on which port listen for getwork miners. Use
another port if you have bitcoind RPC running on this
machine already.
-nm, --no-midstate Don't compute midstate for getwork. This has
outstanding performance boost, but some old miners
like Diablo don't work without midstate.
-rt, --real-target Propagate >diff1 target to getwork miners. Some miners
work incorrectly with higher difficulty.
-cl CUSTOM_LP, --custom-lp CUSTOM_LP
Override URL provided in X-Long-Polling header
Override URL provided in X-Stratum header
-cu CUSTOM_USER, --custom-user CUSTOM_USER
Use this username for submitting shares
Use this password for submitting shares
--blocknotify BLOCKNOTIFY_CMD
Execute command when the best block changes (%s in
BLOCKNOTIFY_CMD is replaced by block hash)
--socks PROXY Use socks5 proxy for upstream Stratum connection,
specify as host:port
--tor Configure proxy to mine over Tor (requires Tor running
on local machine)
-t, --test Run performance test on startup
-v, --verbose Enable low-level debugging messages
-q, --quiet Make output more quiet
-i PID_FILE, --pid-file PID_FILE
Store process pid to the file
-pa POW_ALGO, --pow-algo POW_ALGO
Proof of work function