It is unlikely going to be a good "business" . For you to actually get a profit from gambling site affiliate comission then you will need to snap in someone who can wager quite a volume. Considering most gambling site offer 10 % of the standard 1 % edge that means for each 100 BTC wagered , your comission will be 0.1 BTC.
The main problem of advertising in a network ads is that mainly the site in the networks are faucet sites and for someone that could wager alot , the chances are tiny that the person is lurking around a faucet site. For exposure/impression, network ads is a YES but if you are advertising to hope that you could get a return or profit then the chances are close to zero .
Obviously to lure in a gambler ( a real gambler not just a dust bettor ) chances are higher if you own a gambling review site or some sort of site comparison which seems to be not a feasible idea for your right now it seems