I was wondering which current or soon to be created crypto has the best network for the creation of multiple assets/tokens that can be easily tradeable? Preferably with a decentralised exchange or an easy to establish exchange with api for a external program to layer onto?
Waves is perfect for token creation and trading. You can create a token in about 30 seconds, choosing the name of your token, total supply in circulation, if it is reissuable or not, and how many decimal places after the '.' it will have. All within one minute for the cost of 1 Wave, inside the Wave's Liteclient Wallet.
Your new blockchain token is instantly tradeable within the wallet in the Wave's DEX (exchange) vs every other token on Wave's blockchain, including BTC, ETH, WAVES, USD, EURO, MGO, RBX, and on and on. There are already over 3,000 tokens there in the first months... I think everyone in crypto will start to trade on the DEX soon, because fees are tiny, almost free