Hi guys as the title says, I'm looking for suggestions on how to properly clean the dusts on my system unit.
I've watched different videos about using air can, shopvac, datavac(not available) but I want to know your techniques. Would you mind to tell on how you clean your system units if its dusty? I've cleaned mine before but its very minimal with cotton buds and cloth.
Once or twice a year I open my desktop up and one key thing I keep in mind is to have plenty of light so that I can see all the dust and cat hairs that have built up over time, even though most of it is usually sitting at the fan grilles. I don't disassemble every single bit but I remove the obvious power cables and detach all of the USB cables, and the tool I use mostly are the compressed air spray cans and with all the light I'll blow the heck out of the insides until all the crud/hairs/dust is gone, and if need be, I'll take a dry cloth and gently wipe parts down if need be, like hard drives. I'm careful about applying the compressed air each time because I don't want to freeze/ruin parts, and that stuff tends to work really well for me even if there's dust attached to the graphics card or other stuff I just apply it centimeters away and it usually blows the dust right off.
I've never tried using any kind of vacuum and I probably never will. That just sounds too risky, like that'd be awful to lose parts or to cause parts to rip off because vacuums tend to be rather strong. With a compressed air can at least you can alter the power of the pressure applied. Cotton balls also sound too risky and I would never use those because the little strings on those come off very easily and it's annoying how they get stuck to things because of that.
A damp cloth should be fine for use on the interior/exterior of the case but careful not to use it around the memory sticks, mobo, graphics unit... anything that could be damaged from liquids.
This is very informative. Just like those videos that I've watched, most of the comments below tells that using a vacuum is risky so I think I'll remove that to my list because I'm already planning to buy one but thank goodness that you have shared it here. I've used cotton ball stick before but luckily there's no indication that it has been damaged but I guess I'll stop using it now since you've mentioned it's too risky.
As for the cloth, I don't use wet one, I use the dry ones.
That’s what I’m trying to say mate,about using paint brush but if you can do it oftentimes maybe vacuuming won’t be necessary
I guess I'll stick to brushing it and blowing dusts through my mouth.