The CryptoInvestor EnterpriseCIREIntroducing the next generation of professional cryptocurrency investing.About the CryptoInvestor EnterpriseThe CryptoInvestor Enterprise introduces a new way of investing into crypto currencies: risk free. This may sound too good to be true, but already, virtual currencies alone provide a viable but risky investment choice, but we here at CIRE want to change that for everyone. Our investment process consists of a multitude of trade transactions, using your money to quickly buy on the high, and sell on the low. This process never involves the riskier investment method of bagholding, and we prefer and perform a very short-term approach towards investing in coins that retain a high level of liquidity.
What is the risk?Based on the technique, the risks are still evident and losses may occur on unexpected occasions. This is why we provide the customer a 100% coverage service: if the losses drop below the value of the investment share you purchased (eg; 0.01 BTC), we will cover it with our reserves. Investors will sleep well at night knowing that their investment is in good hands: and also is not going to dip in value below their invested amount. However, our investment service takes a 50% commission on any gains made from the day. For example, the invested amount is 0.01 BTC, and at the end of the day, the amount increased to 0.011 BTC. The investment increased in value by 0.001 BTC, and of that amount, we will be taking 50%, which is 0.0005 BTC. That will leave you with 0.0105 BTC. Of course, the BTC figures here were just an example, and end-of-the-day profits will vary. Overall, there is no risk associated with your investment.
How does CIRE work?First, you purchase investment share(s). The current price of an investment share is 0.01 BTC. From there and immediately, we will add your 0.01 BTC to our trading portfolio along with any other investors’ shares. After, trading will continue using your investment. At the end of the day, all gains will be noted and 50% of them will be withdrawn as commission by our service. Trading will continue using your funds, unless you request a withdrawal, in which we immediately cancel your share ownership status and transfer the original investment amount and all gains to you. This can be done at any time! A very small transaction fee will be deducted from your withdrawal amount by the exchange we use.
Following these simple steps, investing has never been so risk free and simple!
ConclusionThis may seem really too good to be true. At CIRE, we are bringing you the most effective, safe, and profitable way of investing your BitCoin. Potential daily gains may be over a quarter of your investment amount at times! The employee handling all trades is highly experienced in the field of crypto currency day-trading. After putting him through an intense screening test, he managed to turn 0.15 BTC into over 2.55 BTC in a matter of 3 weeks. With this, we guarantee the safe and profitable handling of your investment with the confidence of the entire CIRE team and skill of our trader, as well as our 100% coverage promise for any unexpected loss.
So how do I invest?CIRE is currently in the post-BETA stage. During our previous stage, we formed the team, set the base for our business idea, and hired a professional trader. Unfortunately, in this part of the BETA stage, the total value of all shares purchased are limited to 0.1 BTC. This stage contains the actual development of the website and deployment strategies, as well as allowing any interested investors a shot at this new service.
Current price of 1 (one) investment share: 0.01 BTC10/10 investment shares are currently available for purchase.We will be trading using your share for several days before returning your investment and all gains to you. If you wish to withdraw on an earlier date, we allow that any time. If no shares are in stock, you can make a request and we will put you on the waiting list. No need to purchase the shares until we have them ready for you. We want to allow the most investors to experience CIRE’s unique and risk-free investment option.
Order format:Name: (eg: Adam)
Email address: (eg:
[email protected])
Number of shares requested: (3)
Please send the email to
[email protected]We will return to you with additional details.
Website:Coming soonIn the meantime, as this is in the BETA phase, we would like to receive some suggestions that could enhance our service! Please, post away below.May the highest of profitability and the juiciest of margins enlight your day (kindest regards),
The CryptoInvestor Enterprise Team