Crypto Miners, things are operational. Need some folks to throw some hash power at
www.PHCoin.orgWhat is PHCoin? It's a Digital Currency that has been introducing the Philippines population to the Crypto Currency industry. Some have never heard of 'bitcoin' or know what it is. Some people in PH think its way too expensive and too late for them to get involved with BTC. PHCoin solves this by giving them an early adopter chance all over again, if they missed the bitcoin rise.
This coin will create jobs, and expand economies for the crypto space. It gives a chance for multiple income opportunities based on the distribution that is happening.
For Example: The PHC Vault was launched on Facebook.. Generated 1,000+ Likes: (1 million phc giveaway) over a 3 month period.
Coming soon: Jobs Platform will commence in just under 9 days, stay tuned as Crypto businesses will begin hiring soon.
Join us while we test the new mining on (NOMP) Style P2P Mining @ Mining section: connect your miners to: stratum+tcp://
Username: your phcoin wallet address
Password: enter anything as a password.
Algorithm: X11 (CPU/GPU Based only!)
The main url for pool stats is:
Your Mining Feedback is necessary. Please do comment below the progress as the blocks come in!
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Bounties available. Only send me a pm with proof to claim the bounty.
Do not post wallet address in this thread.
**Miners Bounty**Send me a screenshot of you mining with your address at, you'll receive a
200 PHC Bounty Reward.
** Designers needed** Can you help design the site?
Re-design the NOMP page, edit some content, and attach PHCoin images/coin logo.
Bounty Reward: 1,000 PHC. PM me.
*** Developers needed** Can you help create a block explorer for detailed transaction info?
Bounty Reward: 1,000 PHC PM me.
Home page:
http://www.phcoin.orgThank you,
Jerry ThomasPHCoin Foundation
[email protected]