Thank you for getting back to us.
My account was blocked before I completed the KYC process. You couldn’t have known that I had been limited on BC unless I disclosed it, which I did here in this thread. I find it hard to believe that BC informed BetBy of my limitations, and I am equally certain that BetBy could not have communicated this information to you.
The Sportsbook as a service is provided by Betby, so they would have knowledge of the players to the degree that they are able to identify them.
And yes, we wouldn’t have known this information, but it is also not relevant as the account was flagged by Betby before this information came to light, leading to the account closure.
2) Specific violations:
Regarding the alleged violations, I would like to respond to each point:
We did not suggest that you engaged in any of these activities, as we mentioned in our reply:
Now, we are not suggesting the user was utilising any of the above necessarily
These were merely examples of why betting history alone is not relevant in proving the facts of the matter one way or another.
4) Betting history transparency:
You argue that providing my betting history is irrelevant, yet it would allow me to verify and demonstrate my innocence. If you are confident in your case, I see no reason why this information cannot be shared. Transparency is crucial in cases like this, and withholding this data raises concerns.
For the reasons mentioned in the previous post, the betting history alone without supporting evidence, would not allow you to prove your innocence, or allow us to prove that you have breached the terms. This decision is made by Betby as they have far more data available to make these decisions.
If you wish, you can elaborate on why this would allow you prove your innocence, as simply betting on large markets is not a sign that the bets are necessary legitimate or illegitimate.
3) Deposit confiscation:
While I understand your policy on deposits not being refundable after bets are placed, confiscating my deposit is unjustifiable. If you consider my winnings illegitimate, you may choose to void them (though I disagree), but my $1,000 deposit is my own money and should be refunded.
5) Clarification on the term "scam":
When I use the term "scam" in the title of this thread, I am referring specifically to the illegal confiscation of my deposit, as also highlighted by other users in this thread.
The Terms on the matter are very clear and clearly refer to deposits being non-refundable under these circumstances.
Furthermore, we do feel the need to specify however some of the terminology used here.
Confiscating” would refer to the deposit existing in the account and the operator then taking the deposit that is sitting on the account due to breach of Terms and Conditions.
Since the deposit have been used already, it would need to be
Refunded to the account by the operator or sent to the user from another internal source and
refunded via a transfer.
Hence using the term “
confiscating” is vastly misleading, as there is no deposit on the account to confiscate, due to the deposit having already being used to place bets, making it
non-refundable as per our Terms and Conditions.
If you require further clarification, we are happy to do so.