Account Darkwin, which you claim it was stolen from you, created this topic [ANN]CROBYTE | ⭐SOLVING REAL PROBLEMS | 🚀 JOIN THE MOVEMENT! archived here
Both announcement and bounty topics have been edited later to:
But what exactly happened to crobyte project?
I couldn't find croatian translation, well, for croatian project so I had to search this site on local boards and I've finally found it in russian local archived here
I was shocked to see site is gone - well, not really shocked. Lets go back to announcement topic. So i was reading it to see what is this all about and I have found one interesting comment:
sreću s ovim projektom
Mr. Jimmychanga. Ok, I am shocked.
What doesn't make sense is, OP posted that announcement thread and after this post:
And what is more interesting, CroByte, another account behind ICO replied this:
sreću s ovim projektom
Thank you for the kind words.
Uskoro cemo postati announcement thread u Hrvatskom subforumu te cemo imati razne natjecaje i dropove coinova za Hrvate!
So I believe this account was previously hacked and resold many times.
Moral of this story - well known "Account sales encourage scams, spam, and account farming. "
Typical old-fag trying to throw their weight around by negging a user without even reading,
As you have seen on the post related to other Sr. members who have been helping me with the recovery process.
I've already stated the facts, I never sold the account as for CroByte i was paid to make the post by the dev whos on HF since i had an aged account; If you look at the account no further content related the crypto occurred. Overall it seemed liked a failed project as they never even got to the ICO stage and dev may have gotten arrested.
Read over the actual facts next time before reaching conclusions, Account was never sold. I found out it was compromised months later as i'm not active on this forum, Upon reaching out to the creator of 'TEDChain' they informed me this was all an misunderstanding and claimed it was sold to them, we reached an agreement that i would sell them the account in exchange for not proceeding with the recovery of it.
Since you like to defend scammers, How we all know this wasn't a 'stolen identity' is because when the original thread was made:
After GameTiny & David Cheung being exposed they quickly deleted many of the social media accounts that link to them, I have also spoken personally with several of Cheung's colleagues and friends and they've confirmed.