PalermoMoon certainly seems to have the Humbertin vibe. I'm generally less inclined to be convinced by a misspelling, but there is the writing style, apparently native use of the Spanish language, and this tidbit below, which he's posted several times:
I'm not not sure I see enough to link TheChin0s just yet, but his behavior is rather odd and the writing style fits. Other than him posting that address in the $50 give-away thread (then replacing it,) the only instance I could find of him posting that specific address is when he quoted MachineGam. It's worth noting that in the $50 give-away thread he was the first to post after the OP. Can't exactly claim he was quoting someone else, and forgot to edit the address.
As for MachineGam, his writing style seems the same, also posts in Spanish, and the address does link him to PalermoMoon. HIs behavior also seems odd; attempting to build trust by getting loans.
None of this is really surprising, Humbertin has been farming alts for years now.