Sorry, I couldn't help myself!
Is that Waldo or BFL clown Josh they are very similiar but at least Waldo kept his mouth shut and didnt call customers scumbag, trailer trash, peices of shit.
I only do that when the person is a scumbag, trailer trash or piece of shit. Take Frizz for example... the ultimate piece of shit, but yet maintains an order with BFL.
Vote with your dollars! If you don't like BFL, cancel your order! But the biggest loudmouths are the ones who bitch and moan, lie and cheat and then complain when they aren't treated like royalty. We don't want customers like that, how hard is that to understand? We want customers who are profitable, sane and able to make rational statements, not the crazy kind like Frankie and Frizz.
I mean shit, at least PuertoTrolltard has enough self respect and common sense to NOT have an order with BFL and then goes about lying and trolling. I gotta give him some credit for that, at least.
/points at the 490,000 Avalon chips ordered.
Your customers are going to be so happy they didn't have their BFLs for the last 7 months (and probably the next 2).
5GH/s isn't going to seem so special when 300THash/s comes online.
They will probably make their money back at least.
Grats on finally shipping something.