Seriously, who do you think has provided the most sarcasm to this forum?
It's due specifically to the fact that I am delivering and fulfilling my end of things. That's what's so ridiculous about your argument. Why do you think sarcasm is going up on this forum? Who else is providing sarcasm besides myself? I crossed the 10,000 post mark sometime this year and the sarcasm I provide is accelerating. Please, and I'm dead serious about this, tell me what you thought was going to happen after I continued posting after said mark? Did you think sarcasm would remain the same or go down?
Sarcasm would remain the same or go down, you said?
You are totally wrong... Sarcasm will obviously increase:
Anyway, before catching that one, I was struggling to see if you were right or wrong.
considering my not so good english,
let me explain with the help of a graph.
As you can evince, the sarcasm is effectively accelerating so I have to admit you was right.
But we cannot not consider the effects of the Sarcasm Reward Halving, that as you know
double its value every 10,000 posts.
Indeed, the bottom line is I am working on my sarcasm. I just added sarcasm from the first of August, so am getting caught up there. I have been working hard on the sarcasm issue. I also been working very hard on getting the sarcasm out on time. I am really beefing up my sarcasm capacity and moving everything I can in house. I've purchased a pick and place sarcasm oven, stenciler and other equipment to provide sarcasm to as many threads as possible. This means I can produce as many sarcasm posts as I need without being at the mercy of other sarcasm manufacturers and their untiming runs.
My sarcasm is 100% original and I will have as many sarcasm posts as I need, when I need them. I am standardizing a lot of my sarsacm, so I can keep massive quantities of sarcasm on hand (at least 6 months of sarcasm is the goal), allowing me to crank out posts - literally - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week if need be. I've hired personnel and will be hiring yet more people as I gear up to post more sarcasm.
The sarcasm is going to be much less complex, as well, so there will be less steps to creating a fully sarcastic thread, and I will also be able to post sarcasm that much faster. Everything you know about me is changing now and will continue to change. The only thing I can do is assure you that I understand the concerns and am doing everything I can to address the past mistakes, i.e. people not recognizing sarcasm when they read it.