So the recap to this is..
OP decided to post 9 DAYS after he attempted to use the refund option on the BFL site that it did not work. Then instead of doing anything different, repeated the exact same process 2 days before he posted this thread and states he could not find an email address or any other way to contact them. Then doesn't post back into his own thread until 5 days later (which I assume he finally got their email address? ...or he just waited for the website refund option to be responded to). He then responds back to them either on the 28th or the 29th and gets his money back on the 29th.
If I wanted my money back "that" bad (who wouldn't) I wouldn't have gone through the process of creating a new thread to complain about it, I would have explored alternative contact options (email, telephone). That only took less than 10 seconds for me when I just checked their site. I would not have just repeated the refund process over again on their website if I suspected as being broken..
I DEFINITELY wouldn't have waited 9 days to find their email or call their number.
didn't Ben Franklin say something about insanity being when you do the same thing and expect different results?
Not that I am saying it should take 2 weeks to get a refund back, but if I did not receive a response back from someone with 100's or 1000's of my money, I would not sit there and basically do nothing. The telephone number is on their front page and their email contact is plainly available on their FAQ and all over their support forum. If you searched bitcointalk OR their forums you would easily find out that most people are having troubles getting a response back when cancelling through the website, but are getting back responses pretty quickly via email. is just lame when someone decides to actually waste more time creating a thread and kind of "misleading" people with the synopsis than it would to search for 1 minute longer. Then the thread devolves into the typical BFL trolls saying it's a Ponzi scheme, and the BFL fanboys (who somehow can't acknowledge that there are some seriously messed up things going on with that company), arguing back and forth. Your typical thread derailment.
When I look at the synopsis in the last post, I would have taken it as "BFL didn't respond to this guy for 15 FREAKIN DAYS!!! WATCH OUT PEOPLE!! BFL IS TAKING 2 WEEKS OR LONGER TO REFUND MONEY"
..when it should reflect "It took 15 days for BFL to refund my money because I assumed the original request went through fine, and instead of calling them or emailing them after a couple of days, I waited 7 days and only tried to submit the same form ONCE AGAIN, and wait another 2 to complain about it on a forum instead of calling or emailing. Then didn't respond to my thread for 5 days.. only to say they contacted me back and within that day they refunded the money."