Thanks for the info. A quick google gives precious little info about the company though.
The CEO is from New Hampshire USA, the hardware (or some of it) is made in Portugal, and their website has a TLD of .is which I believe is Icelandic.
Their ATM itself reminds me of one that was unveiled at Bitcoin Decentral in Toronto on New Year's Day. They displayed 2 ATMs, 1 floor model made in Ottawa Ontario, called BTM, and a countertop model which I recall as looking much like the Lamassu.
Further inquiry continues.
Edit: I just saw a video with the countertop ATM at Bitcoin Decentral and it's definitely not a Lamassu. I guess I was hung over on New Year's Day.
Pretty dumb to have an Icelandic domain name as it's one of only 2 countries in the world to completely ban bitcoin.